Pyramids & Archaeology in Mexico

Guides and articles about Mexico’s ancient cities and civilizations

Guides and articles about Mexico’s ancient cities and civilizations

El Tajin, Veracruz, Mexico

Experience El Tajin

The ruins at El Tajin offer visitors the opportunity to witness unusual structures amidst one of the most enigmatic and fascinating archaeological ruins in Mexico

Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico

Experience Mitla

Mitla, which means 'place of rest' or 'place of dead' is an ancient center of religious ceremonies and sacrifice, situated less than an hour's drive from Oaxaca City

Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico

Experience Palenque

Surrounded by lush tropical jungle, Palenque offers a serene and mystical atmosphere that is apparent from the moment you enter the site

Templo Mayor, Mexico City

Experience Templo Mayor

The ruins of the ancient epicenter of Aztec power —Tenochtitlán— can be witnessed in this historic center of Mexico City, at Templo Mayor

Tenam Puente, Chiapas, Mexico

Experience Tenam Puente

Tenam Puente, considered to be an ancient Mayan fortress, offers interesting insights to ancient cultures and spectacular views of the surrounding jungle

Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico

Discover Pyramids in Mexico

Discover and explore ancient cities and civilizations at Mexico's impressive pyramids and archaeology sites

El Tajin, Veracruz, Mexico

Lasers Find More Ball Courts at El Tajin

North of the city of Veracruz, just outside of the town of Papantla, you’ll find the mysterious and fascinating archaeological ruins of El Tajin. This large ancient complex, which was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, is believed to have once...