Mexico Immigration Assistance

Mexican Visa inside a foreign passport

When you need assistance and practical support with a Mexico residency permit application, renewal, exchange, or troubleshooting—our associates can help

Our associate offers flexible assistance options with no hidden charges. Communicate by email, telephone/videophone, or text chat and get detailed advice and practical assistance with your Mexico residency application and other immigration procedures.

Tele-Assistance —vs— Accompanied Assistance

Our associates offer Tele-Assistance regardless of your location, and they offer Accompanied Assistance at immigration offices in selected locations across Mexico.

Tele-Assistance is ideal if you are comfortable going to the immigration office in Mexico to file by yourself. Our associates consult with you about your situation and plans and check that your  supporting documentation is in good order.  They complete the application forms and letters, and help you arrive fully prepared to file your application.

Accompanied Assistance provides in-person support at immigration offices in selected locations across Mexico. The associate consults with you, prepares and prints out all the application forms and letters—and meets you at the immigration office in Mexico to help file your procedure.  Accompanied assistance is not available at Mexican Consulates outside of Mexico.
Learn more about the Accompanied Assistance support service.

How the Tele-Assistance support service works

The tele-assistance support service saves you time and helps avoid common mistakes made by applicants.  This section describes the application stages and support offered at each stage.

Stage Tele-Assistance Support
Initial consultation The service begins with a personal consultation. Our associate will consult with you to understand your situation, describe the relevant application procedures, and plan your custom tele-support service.
Tele-support for Mexican Consulate procedures If your procedure involves an appointment at a Mexican Consulate, our associate will provide tele-support for this stage, including identifying a suitable consulate, help with appointment booking, and support to help you prepare for your interview at the Mexican Consulate, including review of your supporting documentation for accuracy and completeness.
Preparatory work To prepare for your procedure, our associate will send you a customized checklist of the documents you need to gather. They’ll ask for copies of some documents you’ll need to send to them in advance so they can pre-prepare your application.
Forms and letters The associate will correctly complete all the application forms and write the covering letters, in Spanish.
Scheduling Our associate will coordinate with you about dates for your intended procedure and filing that are mutually convenient, and which meet the stipulated deadlines for the procedure.
Preparing to file your application Visa exchange: If you have a residency visa to exchange for a residency card, our associate will work to prepare your visa exchange (Canje) application forms and covering letter, in Spanish.

Other procedures: If your procedure involves an existing residency card renewal, replacement, or exchange, or other matter, our associate will brief and assist you according to your individual situation.

Dates: Our associate will coordinate with you about your intended arrival date in Mexico, or the intended filing date if you’re already in Mexico, and provide you with details of the immigration office’s address and opening hours.

Files to print, and checklist: They’ll email the files of the forms and letter for you to print out and sign. They’ll also send you a customized checklist of required documents you need to carry with you to file.

Filing the application Our associate will send you a document with detailed guidance about what to do at the immigration office in Mexico on the day based on your intended procedure and location. Depending on the location, you will either attend the office in person to ask for an appointment date and return another day, or you’ll need to line up and wait for a service token.
Tele-contact and assistance Our associate will provide you with a contact number/email in case you have questions or concerns, or need to troubleshoot any issues as you work your own way through the procedures and file your application.
Leaving the immigration office When you have completed filing your procedure, you can advise our associate about the outcome. They may ask you to send them a copy of your card/papers for review and ensure everything is in good order.

This is not a line-hopping service

Our associate assists and guides you through the procedures in good time, but cannot obtain preferential treatment for any applicant, and they cannot guarantee appointment date availability or ‘fast-track’ appointments or processing time scales at the immigration office.

Tele-Assistance Service Plans and Fees

Our associate’s service fee options are designed to flex with your individual situation. Consulting and assistance fees exclude the government fees applicants must pay to apply for residency in Mexico.

All service plans include an initial consultation by phone/videocall/email/chat, confirmation of the required procedures, completion of the forms and letters, custom checklist of documents you’ll need to carry, and written instructions about where to go and what to do when you arrive at the immigration office.

Tele-Assistance Service Plans Service Fee

First time residency applications

When you want to apply for residency, this service plan combines the initial consultation, tele-assistance for the Mexican Consulate appointment and interview preparation, and tele-assistance to help you exchange your visa(s) for a residency card(s) at an immigration office in Mexico.

Single applicant, or couple applying together.+US$99 for each additional applicant in the same family (3+).

Visa to residency card exchange

If you already have a residency visa issued by a Mexican Consulate, get tele-assistance to help you exchange your visa for a residency card at an immigration office in Mexico.

Principal applicant.+US$99 for each additional applicant.

Residency card renewal

When you have an existing Residency Card and want to renew your status, get tele-assistance to renew your residency card for further years at an immigration office in Mexico.

Principal applicant.+US$99 each additional applicant.

Change from Temporary to Permanent residency

After four consecutive years of holding temporary residency (2 years if married to a Mexican National) get tele-assistance to apply to change from temporary to permanent at an immigration office in Mexico.

Principal applicant.+US$99 each additional applicant.

Family Unit residency applications

If you’re married to a Mexican National or have certain other family connections in Mexico, get tele-assistance to apply for residency using the Family Unit rules.

Per applicant. (Application from within Mexico.)US$319
Per applicant. (Application starting at a Mexican Consulate abroad.)

Lost residency card – Inside Mexico

If you lost your residency card while inside Mexico, get tele-assistance apply for a replacement at an immigration office in Mexico.

Per applicant.

Lost residency card – Outside Mexico

If you lost your residency card while you are outside of Mexico get tele-assistance with the Mexican Consulate procedure and tele-assistance at the immigration office in Mexico to get the card replaced.

Per applicant.

Personal details update

When you move home, change marital status or nationality, or change jobs, get tele-assistance to file a change notification at an immigration office in Mexico.

Principal applicant.+US$99 each additional applicant.

Regularization procedure

If you allow your residency card to expire or need to do other ‘regularization’ procedures related to residency, get consultation and tele-assistance to address your situation.

Per Hour.One hour minimum. Time over one hour billed precisely as used.

Personal Consultation

If you want to talk to an English-speaking experienced immigration associate about your situation using telephone/email/chat you can hire our associate per hour.  Ideal for exploratory conversations and to talk through potential options for residency in Mexico.

Upgrade: If you buy the Personal Consultation, and subsequently decide to apply for residency, our associate will discount the consultation fee from the First Time Residency Application plan fee (see above).

Per Hour.One hour minimum. Time over one hour billed precisely as used.

RNE Special Program support

If you qualify and wish to apply for residency in Mexico using the Special ‘RNE’ Program, our associates offer a support package for this.  Learn more about the Special RNE Program.  The fee includes the consultation and tele-assistance with the forms and paperwork.

Principal applicant.+US$99 each additional applicant.

Questions before you request the service?

If you have a question or need guidance about how the immigration assistance service works before you make a service request, please contact us.

Make a service request for Tele-Assistance

To hire our associate to assist you, please complete the request form below.

What happens next?

  • After you complete the form, our immigration assistance associate will contact you to request payment for the Tele-Assistance service.
  • When you’ve paid, they’ll get in touch to schedule your initial consultation and begin the Tele-Assistance service.
  • Mexperience will send you an email to confirm these details.

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your Email Address (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required, please include area code)

    What is the Applicant's country of Citizenship* We can offer this service to Citizens of the countries appearing in this list (choose one):

    Tele-Assistance Service Plan and Applicants

    Choose Tele-Assistance Service Plan*

    Number of people applying together*

    Please use this space to share a summary of your current situation

    Request confirmation

    Please check the box below to proceed.
    Our associate will contact you directly about this service. They'll send you a payment request. When you've paid, they'll schedule your initial consultation.
    The information you provide on this form will be passed to our associate so that they can contact you and progress your request. Mexperience will send you an email to confirm these details.

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