Comments on: Street Dogs and Dog Ownership Trends in Mexico Experience More of Mexico Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: wayne Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:56:09 +0000 In reply to Chad.

well chad i dont think its fair for you to say that cause he going off of what he saw probably

By: Chad Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:49:54 +0000 You sound like a horrible person Gary. No compassion whatsoever. It’s not the fault of the dogs that are living on the streets.

By: Janice Martinez Wed, 11 Oct 2023 04:28:14 +0000 In reply to JR.

I have lived in Mexico for 13 years and all that I see is suffering and mistreatment of dogs.

By: chris Thu, 27 Jul 2023 19:08:13 +0000 It’s too late for you to change, Gary. And far too late for Mexico to change to accommodate you. Best to pack up and go back to gringolandia, where you can complain about the taxes that support dog catchers and other “animal control” staff.

By: Christopher Thu, 27 Jul 2023 19:03:57 +0000 In reply to JR.

As a dog owner [five, including two street rescues] you could not be more wrong about the “well fed and well cared for” part. Yes, they are docile and sweet. They are also loaded with ticks, fleas, and intestinal parasites. Many of the ones I see, you can read a newspaper through with a strong backlight. One thing about them is when you do adopt them or care for them, even at vet spay/neuter clinics, they are so grateful for the attention. The adoptees NEVER forget who saved their sorry carcasses from the life on the streets.

An interesting exercise is to tally the number of males you see [easy because they are never fixed] vs. number of females. It is wildly skewed toward males, because the females are screwed and puppied to death at a very young age.

By: rudy Sat, 08 Apr 2023 07:39:37 +0000 hi, recently adopted a street dog from mexico and he looks exactly like this guy! does anyone happen to know what breed this dog is? we’ve been trying to determine what type of dog he is.

By: Shayra cree eddy Thu, 23 Mar 2023 08:22:20 +0000 In reply to Gary Augustus.

God I hope someone treats you this way, your trash Gary. And super abusive.

By: Jamie Lopez Mon, 20 Mar 2023 02:44:54 +0000 In reply to Gary Augustus.

This problem was created by human negligence.
The Dog, is not a wild animal, it is a domesticated animal.
Perhaps being a part of the solution would not only help you, but also help these dogs.

By: Jamie Lopez Mon, 20 Mar 2023 02:39:56 +0000 I recently moved to Mexico from the United States. And since have also been traveling through the country. I do not know what it was like “before” but what I have seen now, has kept me up at night. I have left certain towns with tears in my eyes. The most inhumane and cruel treatment I have seen is , is keeping the dog on a short tether starving to death. No food, water or shelter in sight. Skin and bones.
Because of this I am getting involved in ANY and ALL animal rescues across the country. I ask and encourage everyone to do the same. Also, if there are any suggestions on how to stop people from tying the dog up and starving it to death- please let me know.
Thank you all for having this conversation.

By: Theresa Ross Thu, 02 Mar 2023 19:59:57 +0000 In reply to Gary Augustus.

Sounds like there’s a reason the dogs don’t like you Gary. That’s cruel. Dogs can sense good and bad and you’re not a good person Gary.

By: JR Tue, 28 Feb 2023 15:56:16 +0000 This is not at all true in my experience. I have seen a lot of stray dogs in Mexico and they all seem very docile and sweet. They seem well fed and well cared for.

By: Gary Augustus Mon, 20 Feb 2023 05:56:27 +0000 In reply to Miriam.

I’m an expat American living in the State of Sonora, and I have zero sympathy for the dogs on the streets of Mexico. Any pet, cat, dog, bird, whatever, if they are under the concise control over their owners, are tolerable and welcome. But, if they are as I’ve experienced them in the Mexican city where I maintain an apartment, they are a menace and a nuisance to be harshly dealt with.
I am currently preparing to move out that city because of these dogs.
I have been attacked more than just a few times, seemingly once or twice a week, by dogs that charge and attack out of alleyways, unleashed and unsupervised from homes, or just by packs of strays roaming the streets. I’ve been forced to carry some type of blunt object weapon with me because of this, and I’m wary of leaving my apartment to run errands or keep appointments. I have to keep my head on a swivel when venturing away from my domain at all times.
I ride a bicycle, and have been at risk of careening into high-speed automobile traffic because I’m fighting off or avoiding being bitten by these dogs…at least one being rabid. In my neighborhood I am surrounded on all points by dogs, be it some neighbor’s penned up security dog, or those familiar enough to the street that I live on to just parade through it in search of food. More than once I’ve witnessed these animals inside of the trash cans located in front of every habitable building, knocking them over to spill garbage and trash into the sidewalks and street. Their incessant barking and yapping throughout the day and through the night has forced me to invest in ear plugs, and to keep earbuds inside my ears havingg to listen to music and other tranquil sounds just so that I can sleep and awake without the sound of dogs. They dictate how I live by their noise and dangerous presence.
I’ve lived in this particular city for 6 months, and I’ve seen ONE dog catcher.
It’s ironic that the dangers in this city doesn’t come from what we hear on the newscasts, from the human elements…my fears and concerns are these feral dogs.
I call it El Ciudad de Perros..
