Comments on: ¿A Donde Hablo? —versus— ¿Quien Habla? Experience More of Mexico Fri, 31 May 2024 16:06:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: rob Wed, 25 Sep 2019 19:08:49 +0000 In reply to Teresa.

not sure why socialism precludes etiquette?

By: MA in MN Tue, 25 Jun 2019 13:12:03 +0000 If someone makes an unsolicited call to me, I expect them to identify themselves. My response to “Where did I call?” would be, “You made the call, you should know.” Obviously, I have little patience with this kind of thing.

By: Bob Broadfoot Sun, 30 Oct 2016 22:12:50 +0000 When I want to know who is calling I say. “?De parte de quien? Then they answer their name. I am just copying what Mexicans ask me if I call them.

By: Teresa Fri, 28 Oct 2016 16:55:54 +0000 In reply to B.Buckman.

I could relate to your telephone etiquette problem. I live in Venezuela and often a wrong number will say
very indignantly “Quien es?” after hearing my gringo “Hello”. I now just cut the interaccion, perhaps rudely,
to avoid versions of past conversations by saying, “numero equivocado”, ” wrong number”. I used to say, “Con quien deseas hablar?”, “With whom would you like to speak?” I was taught that the caller is to identify themselves first and then request the person they wish to speak to if they dont recognize your voice. But here it seems to have been, in with socialism and out with etiquette. Thats my home phone situation. I don´t have caller ID On my cellphone I no longer answer unidentified numbers due to extorcion calls. I suggest to people calling someone who will not have you identified in their phone, to pass them a text first stating your intentions of calling and the number to be aware of.

By: B.Buckman Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:29:35 +0000 In my part of Mexico the terse question from the caller is ‘Quien habla?’. I’ve never understood why the called party is expected to give his name, shouldn’t that be the caller’s responsibility? As an American I have learned to be careful about identifying oneself too quickly, lots of phone scams in both countries. My retort has always been ‘Quien busca?’, it hasn’t gone over very well and really confounds the caller which leads to even more dumb exchanges. I’m going to try to use “¿Con Quién Quería Hablar? as per the article, less confrontational and maybe less confusing, for the caller that is.
