UNAM https://www.mexperience.com Experience More of Mexico Thu, 02 May 2024 21:38:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 124046882 Cultural Insight: Woe is the Malinchista https://www.mexperience.com/woe-is-the-malinchista/ Thu, 02 May 2024 21:38:02 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/blogs/foreignnative/?p=101---d6149874-2f94-44c0-961f-9acc3dd82139 The expression 'malinchista' harks back five centuries to the native woman Malinche, who served as interpreter for Hernán Cortés

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Malinchista is a term some Mexicans use to describe other Mexicans who show a preference for foreign things, speak gushingly of the order and tidiness to be found abroad, or are critical of Mexico and Mexican ways vis-à-vis their foreign counterparts.

The expression malinchista (or the practice, malinchismo) harks back five centuries to the native woman Malinche —the Aztecs called her Malintzin, and the Spanish doña Marina— who served as interpreter for Hernán Cortés, became his mistress, and bore him a son.

Incidents in her early life meant that Malinche spoke both Maya and Náhuatl, and along with Gerónimo de Aguilar, who knew Spanish and Maya, allowed Cortés to communicate with the Aztecs in his conquest of Tenochtitlán.

For some, malinchista is tantamount to traitor, although this is much too strong for its real connotation.  To say “no seas malinchista” in reaction to some comment, purchase, or opinion, can be as inoffensive as heckling a friend over his or her choice of favorite sports team.

Some writers have used the figure of Malinche to spin yarns about the Mexican psyche and the perennial search for a national identity—along the lines of the idea that the mestizos (people of mixed Indian and Spanish blood) were born out of treachery.  This quasi-Freudian adaptation of the doctrine of original sin, which, by the way, assumes greater haste in profligacy in the captain of the conquistadores than among his men, was popularized last century, with its cubists and surrealists and the odd journalist dabbling in existentialism.

It contrasts with the practical view of malinchismo of writers in the 19th century, when exile in Europe was, as often as not, a matter of survival in turbulent political times.  In his short novel, The Man of the Situation, —El Hombre de la Situación— Manuel Payno describes how Fulgencio, returning from England where he had liberally spent his father’s money to become a “gentleman,” is embarrassed by the rustic ways and unrefined tastes in food and dress of his parents and sisters. In their efforts not to offend the new-found sensibilities of the family heir, they find themselves sneaking into the local fonda for some real food: tostadas, quesadillas, mole. There’s nothing judgmental here, just teasing about the vanity of youth.

Mexico’s hot-and-cold relationship with foreign things, somewhat diluted in these globalized days, has two special cases: the U.S. and Spain.  These are the two countries with which Mexico has the closest economic and cultural ties.  But even a hard-core malinchista will think twice before extolling the virtues of the great neighbor and rival to the north, or singing the praises of the Iberian peninsula.

You could search high and low (on internet and in the microfilmed files of a century of newsprint) and not find a Mexican journalist who has gleefully qualified a president or cabinet minister with the prefix “Harvard-educated.”  That is the habit of the foreign press, for foreign consumption.  It’s not to say that they don’t study or take post-graduate courses in the U.S. and Europe, they do, but top of the list will be their alma mater: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Politécnico, Tecnológico de Monterrey, or ITAM.

Finally, many a malinchista at home is a patriot abroad, perhaps drinking nothing but scotch in Mexico but when away demanding the one true blue agave tequila. This isn’t so much bad manners as bad economics.

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When Night Doesn’t Fall: Reflections on Clock Changes https://www.mexperience.com/when-night-doesnt-fall/ Thu, 04 Apr 2024 20:26:01 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/blogs/foreignnative/?p=32---7faf2c7b-5da0-457e-b237-752ef9ba41f7 The annual spring clock-change, that set clocks forward one hour, was never particularly popular in Mexico—a country with plenty of year-round sunlight

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Mexico abandons practice of clock changes after October 2022

In 2022, Mexico’s congressional representatives and Senate voted to eliminate the practice of changing the clocks in the spring and fall, with exceptions for municipalities bordering the US.

Daylight Savings Time in Mexico’s Central and Pacific time zones —which encompass most of the country including Mexico City— used to start on the first Sunday in April, several weeks later than in the U.S. where the clocks go forward one hour on the second Sunday in March.

Usually this creates a time difference for three weeks, although in some years the gap stretches to four weeks because of the calendar effect.

There were —and even after abandonment of the clock change regime— there remains an exception, that being most municipalities on Mexico’s northern border which move their clocks forward at the same time as the U.S. to make life easier for people who cross the border daily to study or work. (Sonora state, which borders Arizona, does not move its clocks.)

Daylight savings time has never been particularly popular in Mexico, a country with plenty of sunlight all year round, although after nearly a quarter of a century of it being applied —since 1996— complaints and efforts to overturn it had mostly died out until, in 2022, the Mexican Congress voted to abandon the clock-change and its Senate ratified the law.

The principal argument in favor of the measure is that it saves electricity by extending the hours of light in the evenings. This was always debatable and in Mexico as elsewhere in the world, many people are unconvinced that it is true. Mexican households saw no noticeable effect on their individual utility bills.

Mexico has dithered with different ways of applying daylight savings, including using it for just five months —May through September instead of April through October— in 2001. This Solomonic solution, aimed at addressing widespread dissatisfaction with the clock change, was short-lived.

The airline industry said it would cause havoc at Mexican airports—which it didn’t. The Mexico City mayor of the time —who became the Mexican president— took the case to the Supreme Court arguing that the executive branch didn’t have the authority to decree the change in the capital. The Supreme Court agreed and said only the Congress could authorize it—which it did. And thus, since 2002 Daylight Savings Time was observed in Mexico for seven months each year.

When the US extended daylight savings time to eight months a year in 2007, Mexico did not try to follow suit. But the Mexican stock markets —now there are two— open and close an hour earlier in local time until Mexico’s clocks catch up so that trading hours coincide with those in the US.

Horario de verano still has its fans in Mexico, particularly among office workers who get to go home while it’s still light. There are even people who say they wish daylight savings applied all year round.

Learn more about clocks and time zones in Mexico

Mexico has four time zones.  Most of the country does not move its clocks each year, although certain municipalities along the northern border move their clocks in synch with their sister cities in the US.

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Schools and Education in Mexico https://www.mexperience.com/lifestyle/living-in-mexico/schools-in-mexico/ Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:00:25 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/schools-in-mexico-2/ If you are living in Mexico with children of school-age, you will need to choose from the various institutions where they may gain a proper education during their stay here This guide gives you an overview of the private school system in Mexico as well as some of the avenues open for your consideration. Choice of Schools in Mexico People who move to Mexico with children will have to find adequate schools. There is no lack of private schools in Mexico, although the number of bilingual or bilcultural schools is limited. The choice of schools is greater in the larger cities, although the time it takes for traveling in traffic can be a limiting factor in choosing a school, reducing the options to those in reasonable proximity to home. Newcomers can choose an area to live that has convenient access to the school they want their children to attend, or conversely, pick a school among those in the area of the city where they live. The choice of good schools narrows with the more advanced …

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If you are living in Mexico with children of school-age, you will need to choose from the various institutions where they may gain a proper education during their stay here

This guide gives you an overview of the private school system in Mexico as well as some of the avenues open for your consideration.

Choice of Schools in Mexico

People who move to Mexico with children will have to find adequate schools. There is no lack of private schools in Mexico, although the number of bilingual or bilcultural schools is limited.

The choice of schools is greater in the larger cities, although the time it takes for traveling in traffic can be a limiting factor in choosing a school, reducing the options to those in reasonable proximity to home. Newcomers can choose an area to live that has convenient access to the school they want their children to attend, or conversely, pick a school among those in the area of the city where they live.

The choice of good schools narrows with the more advanced grades. Finding an adequate kindergarten or primary school is easier than finding a suitable secondary school or high school.

Most of the bicultural schools offer a combination of foreign systems (American, British, or others) with Mexican education. At higher school levels, several include the internationally recognized International Baccalaureate course. This is useful for foreign students who live temporarily in Mexico, or Mexican students who wish to pursue further education abroad.

Among the foreign schools in Mexico City offering bilingual (English/Spanish) education from pre-school through high school are:

School Fees in Mexico

Fees vary from school to school (some publish their fees online).

The foreign, bilingual, and bicultural schools tend to be expensive, certainly by Mexican standards.

Aside from monthly tuition, most schools will charge a fairly hefty first-time admission fee, as well as annual re-inscription fees for students returning for the next school year, plus additional charges for school transportation (which is mandatory in some cases) after-school, and other student activities.

Books policies also vary: Some schools loan students textbooks against a returnable deposit; others require students to purchase the books they’ll need each school year.

See also: Shopping in Mexico: Buying Books

Universities in Mexico

Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM) has a special school for foreign students who wish to improve their Spanish and knowledge of Mexican culture and history.  The Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros, located in the University’s main campus in the south of Mexico City, offers a series of intensive language and culture study courses. It also offers diploma courses – on-site and open learning – in art, literature, and other subjects. Admission and tuition fees are more expensive for foreigners than Mexican students, but are still very reasonable. The school also has a campus in Taxco, in Guerrero state.

Others universities in Mexico with international programs and admission for foreign students include:

Learning Spanish

If you are moving to Mexico and want to learn or improve your Spanish, you may choose from a large number of language schools in Mexico.

See also: Learning Spanish section on Mexperience

See also: Articles about Language in Mexico

Useful Mexico School Links

Here are a number of links you may find useful as you research the options to have your children schooled in Mexico:

Directory of Foreign Consulates in Mexico: Your country’s local consulate will keep a list of local provate schools. It may not be exhaustive and you may want to contact two or three consulates to compare lists.

US Embassy (Mexico) The U.S. Embassy has compiled a non-exhaustive list of schools frequently attended by children of U.S. citizens in Mexico City.

The Association of American Schools in Mexico: The Association of American Schools in Mexico, or Asomex, also has member schools in other cities around the country.

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Mexico’s Constitution Turns 100 https://www.mexperience.com/mexicos-constitution-turns-100/ Mon, 01 May 2017 17:47:51 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/?p=25806 2017 is the 100th anniversary of Mexico's 1917 Constitution, drawn up toward the end of the revolution

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2017 is the 100th anniversary of Mexico’s 1917 Constitution, drawn up in the colonial city of Querétaro toward the end of the 1910-1917 revolution. While the basic citizens’ rights and obligations set out in the document have been largely maintained intact, many of the articles have undergone changes over the years.

The 1917 Constitution was drafted quickly by a constituent assembly called by Venustiano Carranza, the head of the Constitutionalist faction during the revolution. It was promulgated on Feb. 5 of that year. Constitution Day is a national holiday, observed on the first Monday in February each year, although civic ceremonies marking the promulgation are still held on the 5th.

Among its better-known Articles, the Constitution extended restrictions on the Roman Catholic Church, stripping it of legal and property rights and denying ministers their political rights. It required that all schools be secular and banned any religious services outside of churches. Its anticlerical articles were among the most contentious, and later efforts by the government of Plutarco Elías Calles to enforce them led to the Cristero war of 1926-1929.

It provided for a major state role in the economy, including state ownership of oil and other resources, while establishing significant labor rights and land reform. It also included the restriction on foreigners from owning land along the coast or near the country’s land borders. (This followed a U.S. invasion of Veracruz during the period.)

The speed with which the constitution was drawn up and passed had to do partly with the hurry that Carranza faced to set up a legitimate government after years of civil war, and to keep down the factions that followed revolutionaries Francisco Villa and Emiliano Zapata.

The 1917 Constitution was Mexico’s third since the country gained independence from Spain in the early nineteenth century. The Constitution of 1824 declared the United Mexican States as a country free and independent of Spain. The 1857 Constitution implemented many liberal precepts, and contained some of the first restrictions on the church, but also included rights such as freedom of speech.

All three constitutions were written and promulgated during periods of unrest and political upheaval: the war of independence begun in 1810, the Reform War of 1857-1860 between liberals led by Benito Juárez and conservatives, and and the 1910-1817 revolution which followed the ouster of dictator Porfirio Díaz.

Times change, and so has the need to update the constitution.

Many of the restrictions on the church were eased in constitutional amendments made during the 1990s, which notably included amendments to enable foreign nationals to own property near coasts and borders, as well lifting some of the restraints on private investment in energy industries (the oil industry was expropriated in 1938, and electricity was nationalized in 1960). Further constitutional changes to allow foreign oil companies back into the country were made in 2013.

For 2017’s 100th anniversary of the 1917 Constitution, the Bank of Mexico issued new commemorative 100-peso bills and 20-peso coins. The government has published information related to Mexico’s constitutional history on a special section of its website.

Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM) maintains an original and current version of the Constitution and a recent translation into English, as well as updated versions of all other legislation on the legislative section of its website.

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Experience Mexico City(Capital City of Mexico) https://www.mexperience.com/travel/big-cities/mexico-city/ Thu, 04 Jun 2015 17:34:08 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/mexico-city-3/ Discover Mexico City —the center of government, culture, art, gastronomy, and business in Mexico—and explore the colossal range of choices it offers to visitors

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(Capital City of Mexico)
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Discover Mexico City

Mexico’s capital city is often referred to as just “Mexico” by people living in the country, traditionally termed El DF, referring to “Mexico, Distrito Federal“—Federal District—although since January 2016 the capital dropped its iconic “DF” status and is now officially referred to as La Ciudad de México.

The metropolitan area of Mexico’s capital is one of the world’s most populated urban expanses with an estimated 22 million inhabitants living inside an area of 750 square kilometers (290 square miles).

The Mexican capital is situated at an average altitude of 2,250 meters (7,400 feet) above sea level and is watched over by two mighty volcanoes. It is one of the oldest cities in the world. Originally a “floating city”, served by a large and complex network of canals when it was the epicenter of the Aztec empire, today, the nation’s capital is one of the world’s most populous mega-cities on our planet.

The Spanish conqueror, Hernán Cortés, was one of the first Europeans to have set eyes on the immense Aztec capital, then named Tenochtitlán, as he reached the heart of the Aztec empire’s political and administrative center. A restored ruin of the most important temple of that ancient city, Templo Mayor, can be seen today in the archaeology park next door to the cathedral in the heart of the historical center. The rest of the architecture in the old city downtown has a distinctly Spanish feel about it.

Mexico City is the center of government, business and culture in Mexico. Over one-fifth of Mexico’s population works, lives and plays here. The city never seems to sleep and the ever-present energy is one of the big attractions of this metropolis.

Flying into the city, it’s hard not to become overwhelmed by the sheer size and scale of the metropolis passing by underneath you. The city goes on for as far as the eye can see: if you fly in at night, it’s like gliding over an enormous ocean of lights.

Fortunately, a lot of the really attractive features of Mexico City are clustered together in easy-to-get-to areas. Three or four days here will ensure that you manage to experience all of the main attractions.

Mexico City has a feast of experiences waiting for you to enjoy and savor. From a world-famous archaeology park to a world-class zoo and everything in-between – you’ll find it in Mexico City.

The choice of restaurants here is immense: Whatever food you like or want to experience, you can in Mexico City.

For shoppers, Mexico City provides an enormous variety of shopping experiences, with an enormous variety of colors and flavors. From fruit and vegetable stalls at local markets, specialist markets and bazaars selling arts and crafts, chic boutiques, designer fashion houses and jewelry, right through to the multi-million dollar US-style shopping malls —it’s all here.

Aficionados of history, culture and archaeology will find a rich panoply of areas and places to feed their thirst for new insight and knowledge: World-class museums (including the Anthropology Museum, one of world’s most impressive and most important of its kind), arts and theater, sculpture, murals and plazas, and a history which extends back over 12,000 years, to the first animals and inhabitants around Lake Texcoco— the lake Mexico City was built on—and on which bed it still lies.

Mexico City also has several parks and natural areas where people go to relax, converse, meet and just watch the world go by. Like to play golf? Hiding behind the busy streets are tucked away no less than two great golf courses right in the pulse of capital.

For general entertainment, Mexico City will fulfill just about any activity you have in mind that can logistically be catered for in an urban area. The night life is energetic and varied; during the day you can play sports, go to a funfair, ice-skate, play tennis or attend a top quality spa, go horse racing, watch movies, experience a huge selection of festivals and events, and much more.

Not everyone who visits Mexico visits the nation’s capital city. Many fly into its airport, only to connect to a flight elsewhere, usually a colonial center or beach destination. However, Mexico City is a great place to experience because there is a certain magic here that most often leaves a dust on its visitors’ shoes: the kind of dust which in many cases keeps you coming back for even more next time, or keeps you away for evermore.

Mexico City is still one of the world’s most vibrant, charismatic and extraordinary cities. Take the time to wander around some of its attractions and enjoy the experience of one the most contrasting, exciting and inspiring capital cities in the world.

Key Attractions

The main areas of Mexico City with Key Attractions for visitors are:

Mexico City’s Historic Colonial Center

The Centro Historico (Historic Center) focuses around the Plaza de la Constitucion (Constitution Plaza) or more commonly known as the zocalo (main plaza), the second biggest in the world—only Moscow’s Red Square betters it for size. This is the heart of Mexico City and its government, main business and financial centers all operate in and around this area. There are over 1,400 colonial buildings in this area: the feel is distinctly Spanish— they built their new city on top of the destroyed Aztec City of Tenochtitlan. Off the plaza you can find the city’s Catedral Metropolitana and Palacio Nacional (National Palace)— both are examples of glorious colonial architecture. You can see some of the remains of the old city by visiting Templo Mayor—the archaeological site in the heart of Mexico City. You can discover Templo Mayor with Mexperience.

Zona Rosa

Translated, this literally means, “the Pink Zone”, referring to the pink colored tiles on the street, still there today. It was once the high-class residential area of Mexico City, before tourism, shops, restaurants, hotels and commercial office space took it over. Today, it is the center of commercial activity in Mexico City. This area, along with Polanco and San Angel (see below) is one of Mexico City’s main night spots.

Coyoacan and San Angel

These two colonial areas make up districts of today’s Mexico City, but it hasn’t always been this way. Not so many years ago, these areas were separate colonial towns in their own right. They both have a colonial atmosphere and charm all their own and are well worth a visit— especially at the weekend.

Coyoacan – The Central Plaza is a classic—with its street performers and ambulant vendors; a real family place on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The streets in this area are all cobbled; the area is home to some of Mexico City’s finest mansions and great museums. Many present-day celebrities live around here, as past celebrities have, including: Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Leon Trotsky.

San Angel – Once a quaint town on the outskirts, now a suburb for the rich and/or famous with cobblestone streets and leafy lanes. Some of the houses here are more modern, but there is also a great selection of colonial houses, mansions and haciendas. Some of these places have been turned into fine restaurants and fashionable night clubs. San Angel is also one of Mexico City’s prime night spots. See below When Night Falls.

Bosque de Chapultepec and Polanco

Mexico City’s large green area, Chapultepec (From the Aztec, meaning “Place of the Grasshopper”) is the largest area west of the city, and incorporates: Chapultepec Park itself, the Castle where Maximilian ruled from before he met his fate in Queretaro, Mexico City’s extensive zoo, the world-famous Anthropology Museum, Chapultepec Fun Fair with its famous “Russian Mountain” wooden roller-coaster, several top-class museums and cultural centers, and some of the city’s finest hotels and restaurants. Just north of Chapultepec is the district of Polanco, an ultra-high class residential area, which is also host to Mexico’s biggest and most elaborate US-Style shopping mall, Santa Fe.

Floating Gardens of Xochimilco

Xochimilco, pronounced “soh-chee-MIL-koh,” was considered ‘outside of Mexico City’ as late as the 1970s. Today, it has been engulfed into the massive reach of the capital’s city limits, but the floating gardens—so called because of the the brightly decorated boats that float on a network of canals which is 50 miles long—and dates back to the time of the Aztecs.

In years gone by, the boats would be decorated with real flowers, thus “floating gardens”, but today only paint is used, save for special occasions, often requiring pre-booking and payment by the sponsor.

Xochimilco itself is an old colonial town. Although run-down and in a seeming state of decay, the area has a great colonial center, and a couple of good markets. You’ll pass these on route to the canal ports (of which there are several)—so take time to stop and experience them if you have time.

You can hire a boat and oarsman to take you and up to 40 other people on a tour of the canal and environs. Boats come in three sizes; the small will seat up to around 10 people, the medium up to about 25 and the large up to about 40. Prices vary according to the size of boat (“Lancha“) you want, but prices are very reasonable.

A bucket with beers and soft drinks will be placed on the boat; you pay for what you consume, plus a small tip for the vendor when you get back to port.

While you’re on your canal tour, you’ll likely be approached by “floating merchants” selling anything from pottery and textiles to a full five course meal. Mexican Mariachis may float up beside you on their boat, and in exchange for a small fee, will serenade your cruise or party with a feast of traditional Mexican music. Don’t miss this opportunity. Remember to take cash with you; credit cards are no use on the canals.

Museums and Art in Mexico City

Mexico City is packed full with great museums—including the Anthropology Museum that is, unquestionably, one of the world’s best (see below). There are so many, that there is only space for a mention of the main ones here. You can get a comprehensive list from a good guidebook or one of the local tourist information booths in Mexico City.

Museo de Arte Moderno (Modern Art Museum) – A selection of contemporary art by famous Mexican Artists. Located in Chapultepec.

Galería de Historia (National History Museum) – Also known as the Museo del Caracol, this museum tells the story of Mexico’s history and its struggle for independence and recognition as a republic. Located in Chapultepec.

Museo Nacional de Antropologia (Anthropology Museum) – This museum is one of the world’s finest: It would take you weeks to see all of it properly; but just going there for a day will give you an insight into the importance of this awesome museum. Situated in the heart of Chapultepec Park, the anthropology museum is stocked with priceless artifacts chronicling the history of Mesoamerica. The building itself, inaugurated in 1964, is a masterpiece of architectural design. Inside its twenty-six halls you’ll see outstanding examples of pottery, textiles, agricultural implements, religious icons, traditional costumes and more gathered from all corners of Mexico. For travelers visiting Mexico City, the Anthropology Museum offers an opportunity to experience one of the world’s truly astounding museums.

Museo Rufino Tamayo – Rufino Tamayo is one of Mexico’s most famous contemporary artists and this museum has a collection of his art and art from around the world—a collection donated to Mexico by Rufino and his wife.

Museo Frida Kahlo – Frida Kahlo is one of Mexico’s greatest artists; her life and work is revered in Mexico, and world-wide. Her work has enjoyed a recent surge of popularity, spurred on by an excellent biographical film (wiki) and a global tour of her art pieces. Her former home in Mexico City — which she shared for a time with her eccentric lover, husband and intellectual friend Diego Rivera — is today one of the capital’s most visited and most celebrated museums. The house is on Calle Londres in the Coyoacan district of the city. The museum contains many samples of her work, her personal goods and chattels, as well as other Mexican arts and crafts. It’s best to visit on a weekday, outside of school and national holidays. At weekends, and during holiday periods, build-in additional time to your schedule if you visit here, as you will need to line up to gain entry and your visit through the property will be slower and more crowded. Learn more about Frida’s extraordinary life here (Wiki).

Museo Leon Trotsky – Trotsky fled Stalin’s Russia after being expelled from the Soviet Union and found refuge in Mexico, aided by his friendship with Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. His small house on Calle Viena (No.45) is where Leon Trotsky was murdered. It has been preserved much as it was left when a Russian agent, acting on Stalin’s orders to kill Trotsky, finally carried out the infamous deed.

Museo Franz Mayer – This museum is hosted in the serene surroundings of the 16th century Hospital de San Juan, on Avenida Hidalgo. Franz Meyer was a German philanthropist who moved to Mexico, obtained residence and citizenship and proceeded to build a colossal collection of Mexican arts and crafts including textiles, silver, pottery and furniture. The setting does justice to the works on display here— this is a truly serene corner in Mexico City’s energy-filled metropolis. Located in the Colonial Center.

Museo Mural Diego Rivera – Diego Rivera, one of Mexico’s most famous, if not THE most famous artist (muralist) to date, was best known for his stunning mural works. As you travel around the city, you may see some of his work; a lot of it is painted on civic buildings and also around the university area. Come to the museum to see examples of his murals, with full interpretations written in English and Spanish. Located in the Colonial Center.

Museo Nacional De Arte (National Art Museum) – This museum hosts art from every type and style and technique of Mexican art throughout the 20th century. The building dates back to the early 1900s and has a magnificent marble staircase.

Cathedral and Churches

Mexico’s Catedral Metropolitana (Metropolitan Cathedral), off the zocalo in the city center is a magnificent work of Spanish colonial architecture, although other parts have been added since its original construction. Engineers have reinforced the cathedral’s foundations to stop it from sinking into Mexico City’s soft foundations (the city was built on top of Lake Texcoco, now drained), which means that scaffolding has had to be erected inside while this work continues, but the cathedral is a must-see on a tour of colonial Mexico City.

One of the most revered religious places in all Mexico is the Basilica de Nuestra Señora Guadalupe. The church is modern and spacious, allowing thousands of worshippers to gather together at once; the legend behind the Image of the Virgin Guadalupe, hanging behind the main altar, is one that every Mexican child knows. Back in 1531, an indigenous boy saw a vision of the Virgin, who told him to tell the local priest that he should build a church on the spot where he was. The priest did not believe the boy’s vision, so he returned to the the spot, when he saw the Virgin for a second time. On this occasion, a gilt-edged imprint of her was miraculously placed on his coat. When he returned, the priest believed him. A microscopic sample of the material the printed image has been sent for tests, but the substance is not identifiable. The ink that makes up the image is also an enigma, and many miracles have surrounded the Virgin’s presence. People from all over Mexico come to worship the Virgin, and many crawl on their knees on the way in to the Basilica itself.

National Monuments

Palacio Nacional (National Palace) – This is where the Finance Minister has his offices (the presidential residence is a place called Los Pinos, southwest of the city center). The land occupied by the Palace has a fascinating history, dating back to the Aztecs. Cortez destroyed the Aztec Palace and built his own, in the Spanish style with large courtyards. Later destroyed by revolutionary riots, it was built again and even now, takes up the entire eastern side of the Zocalo.

Monumento de la Independencia – Probably Mexico City’s No.1 Landmark, situated on a roundabout in Mexico’s downtown area, the Independence Monument is a statue of a gilded angelthat sits atop a tall column. Known as “Angel de la Independencia“, or just “El Angel“. The sculptures that surround the base represent Law, Justice, War and Peace. The Statue was inaugurated in 1910. The monument recently underwent a complete restoration.

Monumento a los Niños Heroes – The Monument to the Young Heroes, in Chapultepec Park , is a bastion of patriotism in Mexico. Six columns represent the six Cadets, who were based at the Castillo de Chapultepec (Castle of Chapultepec), then a military academy. Each wrapped themselves in a Mexican flag and jumped from the castle to their deaths rather than surrender to American troops who had recently stormed the city.

Getting There & Around

By Air – Mexico City is the main airline hub in Mexico. From the USA, you can fly to Mexico City from cities including Chicago, New York, Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix and others; From Europe via London, Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid. The airport is quite close to Mexico City on the northeast side of the capital. You can arrange for a shuttle or car to pick you up from the airport (see Airport Transfers, below), or take a taxi from the airport. If you take a taxi, for safety reasons, only take official taxis; you can buy tickets from the booths inside the airport terminal building. For detailed information about flights and flying, see the Mexperience guide to Air Travel in Mexico.

By Bus – You can travel to Mexico City on a luxury bus from main cities and towns across all of Mexico: Mexico City has no less than four bus stations (one at each compass point) and all roads in Mexico lead to Mexico City, as do the bus routes. Some buses travel overnight, allowing you to sleep and make the most of your available time. For detailed information about bus transportation read the Mexperience guide to Bus Travel in Mexico.

By Car – Mexico City is the airline and road hub of the nation; wherever you are in Mexico’s mainland, you’ll see signposts to Mexico City (signed simply as “Mexico“). See additional information about Driving in Mexico and Mexico’s Toll Roads on Mexperience.

Car Rental – To explore Mexico independently, consider renting a car for your visit. Having your own car will give you more flexibility than using public transport options and, in some cases, offer you access to places which are otherwise difficult to visit without the use of a car. Read our guide to Car Rental in Mexico to learn what you need to know about car rental in Mexico and connect to the Mexperience Travel Center to reserve your Rental Car.

Taxis – Mexico City’s Taxis are metered. Taxi travel is very affordable in Mexico, in comparison to the USA, Canada and Europe, and so provides a viable means of public transportation in Mexico. Your hotel can arrange taxis for you; some post their rates on a board in the lobby; taxi hotel rates are usually higher than cabs you hail off the street. If you speak Spanish, you will have a distinct advantage in your negotiations with local taxi drivers. For detailed information, read the Mexperience guide to Taxi Travel in Mexico.

Getting Around the Capital

Traffic Congestion – Mexico City’s traffic is very congested these days. Even with the introduction of “second level” sections of the city’s main ring-road, traffic congestion has reached epidemic proportions. Allow extra time in your schedule to travel around the city—especially during the busiest morning and evening rush hour periods.

Traveling just a few miles can take a long time if you are unlucky; and “rush hour” is no longer restricted to certain times: it’s virtually constant during the weekdays.

Don’t look at the map and assume “that’s close”: It isn’t when you factor in Mexico City’s near-gridlock traffic. This means that you should build-in additional travel time when you’re touring Mexico City—especially getting to and from the airport. The exceptions are: weekend mornings, when traffic levels are much calmer; Easter, during this time the city ’empties out’ and traffic congestion seems to vanish by comparison; Christmas week, the days between Christmas Day and the 30th December traffic levels are also subdued. NB: Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on the city’s roads are usually a nightmare, as people undertake their last minute shopping and make final preparations for their festive celebrations.

Mexico City MetroMexico City’s metro system is quite efficient, and inexpensive to travel on, but it does get very crowded in the mornings and afternoons, during rush hour (6:00am – 9:30am / 4:30pm – 8:30pm).

Watch out for pick-pockets – They work in groups and it’s not just tourists they’re after, but tourists do stick out on the Metro. It’s best to avoid using the Metro after dusk, unless you know the area and you know where you’re going.

Tip for women travelers on the Metro- dress down, and avoid the rush hours on the Metro. Women and children are allocated special carriages on the Metro at peak times on the busiest routes: check for the sign and head for the front or back of the train (it varies).

Metro Travel – General – You’ll find that metro carriages and stations are clean and tidy and that the service is generally efficient. Travel by metro can be faster than traveling by car or taxi if the traffic outside is heavy. During the rainy season (May-October) trains can run considerably slower after rain storms on tracks that run along the surface. The system is similar to the one in Paris, France: rubber tires on flat metal tracks; when it gets wet, trains must slow down to avoid skidding.

Tren Ligero in Mexico City: The southernmost point of the Metro network, at a place called “Taxqueña”, is extended by a tram system called the “Tren Ligero” (Light Train) which can take you from Taxqueña into the heart of Xochimilco. The Tren Ligero gets particularly crowded during the rush hour (6:00am – 9:30am / 4:30pm – 8:30pm), and on days when there is a football soccer match at the Aztec Stadium: the tram has a stop (named Estadio Azteca) which has a bridge leading directly into the stadium grounds. The tram is the best way to get to the stadium, provided that you arrive much earlier than the game is scheduled to start AND leave to catch the tram out before the final whistle blows and the stadium empties out—with tens of thousands of fans heading for the tram system.

Local Buses / Mini Buses – You’ll see green and white minibuses everywhere in Mexico City. They connect the main Metro Lines with the ‘rest of the city’, and literally keep people in the city moving. Without them, getting around Mexico City effectively would be almost impossible without a car. Their costs vary, depending on how far you intend to travel, but are very cheap all the same. As the Metro, they get extremely crowded at rush hour. Also read the article about traveling on a bus/mini bus in Mexico City.

“Metro Bus” Lane on Avenida Insurgentes – Since 2005, the inside lane on each side of the enormous Avenida Insurgentes (at 35 miles long, said to be world’s longest commercial boulevard) was converted into a dedicated “Metro Bus” lane with stations dotted along various points of the central reservation dividing the two sides of the road. To ride the bus, it’s necessary to purchase a plastic card which costs only a few pesos and thereafter is “topped up” with credit at special payment machines and swiped each time you board. The Metro Bus connects the city’s southern area near the Perisur shopping complex (adjacent to the Periferico ring road), through the trendy San Angel area (near the National University – UNAM) in the south, past the World Trade Center and the now hip Colonia Condesa, and then travels all the way to the north of the city to an area known as Indios Verdes. Indio Verdes is one of the capital’s most northerly transport terminals (also a Metro train station) and is situated just inside the city limits. Because of the dedicated lane and priority the Metro Bus is given at intersections, it’s an efficient (and very inexpensive) means to cross this very busy and very congested capital city.

Mexico City Essentials

Telephone: Connect to the guide about Communications in Mexico on Mexperience for detailed information about keeping in touch and the latest table of national dialing codes.

Exchanging Currency: Banks with ATM machines can be found throughout Mexico City. During business hours, they and the local Casas de Cambio (exchange houses) will buy traveler’s checks and cash from you as well. For detailed information about exchanging and managing your money, read the Mexperience guide to Money in Mexico.

Travel Insurance: We recommend that you are adequately covered with travel medical insurance and/or travel assistance insurance when you are visiting Mexico. Read the Mexperience guide to Travel Insurance in Mexico for full details and links to specialist insurance suppliers.

Internet Access: Internet cafes can be easily found in towns and cities across Mexico and WiFi is increasingly commonplace–from cafes, shops, hotels, and some cities even offer free WiFi in some defined public spaces.

Traveling by Taxi in Mexico City: Read the important practical and safety advice about traveling in a Taxi in Mexico City on the Mexperience guide to Taxi Travel in Mexico.

What to Wear: Mexico City, like Guadalajara is a ‘conservative dress’ city. Beach clothes, high-cut shorts and sandals are best kept for the beach.

Pollution in Mexico City: Mexico City does suffer with a pollution problem, similar to that of Los Angeles in the USA, and care must be taken, especially by those with respiratory problems. You may get watery eyes, a runny nose and a sore throat; or you may sense nothing, depending on the climate at the time of your visit. November through January tend to be the worst months for pollution. The colder air traps the contamination in the atmosphere, and it can just hang over the city. During the monsoon rainy season (May – September) the afternoon rains really clean the air and leave it refreshed. Windy days have a similar effect. Mexico City is at altitude (2,250m or 7,400 feet above sea level, or put another way, about one and-a-half miles up in the sky!), so when you combine heat, altitude and pollution, you may find yourself easily tired or feeling irritated. The remedy for this is to relax and rest, drink plenty of water, and slow your activity schedule down.

What to Buy in Mexico City

All of the arts, crafts, foods, drink etc. produced throughout Mexico are brought from every state in the country to Mexico City to be sold. The capital city’s ‘internal market’ for Mexican goods is huge —c.22 million consumers— so the domestic market alone is a vibrant one for the traders of these goods.

If your available time to travel to the regions is limited and you want to purchase some kind of regional specialty item from a place you can’t get to (for example, black clay pottery from Oaxaca), Mexico City is an ideal place to procure it—because you’ll be sure to find it here.

Conversely, if you plan to visit the regions, don’t buy anything in Mexico City that you could buy (possibly—directly from the makers for less) in the provinces!

Ask locally at your hotel or even at bars and restaurants about the location of markets, craft centers and specialist suppliers of specific goods in the vicinity. Allow yourself a good half-day to go and find what you want: if you’re really lucky it will be around the corner, but if not, Mexico City is big and getting around can take hours—literally. Getting to your market or craft center, finding what you want, and getting back will take more time than you realize. Don’t look at the map and think: “that’s close”— it isn’t when you factor in Mexico City’s near-gridlock traffic.

Local Climate

Mexico City’s climate is temperate all year-round. Summers are warmer, and temperatures can reach into the high 80s F (low 30s C) during the early afternoons, so if you’re traveling in the summer months, bring light clothes.

Note that it is not that common to see adults wearing shorts and in particular “beach” wear around Mexico City (except at leisure centers, sports clubs, etc). To blend in while walking the streets on hot days, wear light clothes (natural fibers like cotton are ideal) that are not shorts or loud beach attire.

In the winter months, temperatures are spring-like during the daytime, but cooler in the mornings and at night. Bring a sweater and a coat.

The rainy season lasts from May to the end of September. Rains tend to come in the afternoon, are fierce, and leave the evenings dry and cooled off. If you’re traveling during the rainy season, a light, rain-proof overcoat will come in useful.

Weather & Climates in Mexico

Learn more about the weather and climates through the seasons and regions by connecting to the Mexperience guide about Weather and Climates in Mexico

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(Capital City of Mexico)
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Carlos Slim https://www.mexperience.com/carlos-slim/ Thu, 11 Mar 2010 22:35:39 +0000 https://www.mexperience.com/blogs/mexicoinsight/?p=258 The latest survey published by Fortune has named Carlos Slim, Mexico’s foremost business mogul, as the world’s richest man, ‘dethroning’ Bill Gates. Carlos Slim’s fortune is now valued at some $53.5 billion, whereas Bill Gates is left with a mere $53 billion.

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The latest survey published by Fortune has named Carlos Slim, Mexico’s foremost business mogul, as the world’s richest man, ‘dethroning’ Bill Gates.  Carlos Slim’s fortune is now valued at some $53.5 billion, whereas Bill Gates is left with a mere $53 billion.

Depending upon who you speak with here in Mexico, Carlos Slim is cast either a master entrepreneur who has modernized some of Mexico’s key industries—in particular, communications—or he is a ruthless monopolist, stamping out competitors and keeping tight grips on markets that should be more competitive.

Julian Slim Haddad, Mr Slim’s father, arrived in Mexico from Lebanon as a teenager at the turn of the twentieth century, and later opened a store selling dry goods as well as investing in real estate in the center of Mexico City.  Carlos Slim was born in 1940, and studied engineering at Mexico’s UNAM.   He is a gifted mathematician.

Carlos Slim’s most notable business transaction came to pass when Mexico’s government privatized Telmex, the national telecommunications company.  By securing lines of finance, he was able to bid for—and ultimately take control of—the country’s entire telecommunications infrastructure.  Telmex created a ‘cash-cow’ for Mr Slim that provided copious liquidity for him to diversify into other fields, including mobile telecoms when new technologies emerged.  It was this element of his empire that has contributed strongly to his rise to the top of the wealth league, as measured by market capital on the world’s stock exchanges.

In January, Mr Slim announced that he planned to consolidate all of his diverse telecoms holdings under America Movil.  The move is a clear indication that Mr Slim wants all his telecom assets gathered back into one bag.

Today, it is virtually impossible to visit or live in Mexico without putting money into the coffers of one of Mr Slim’s companies—whether you’re making a phone call or surfing the net, shopping, dining out, taking refreshment, driving your car, buying a gift or building a house—his commercial influence extends deeply across a diverse range of activities; his holding company manages over 200 different firms.

Although the news about his ascent to ‘first place’ on the Forbes list has made big play about the market value of these two men, the difference between first and second place (US$500 million) is nearly irrelevant because the sums involved are so huge and are subject to the value of the men’s share-holdings on stock markets which are shifting constantly.

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