Comments on: The Difference Between Tequila, Mezcal, and Pulque Experience More of Mexico Tue, 05 Apr 2022 10:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Thu, 22 Apr 2021 19:32:18 +0000 Mezcal is for the guys and Pulque is for the girls. If you don’t get it, you haven’t tried it!

By: Benjamin Thu, 09 Jan 2020 02:54:57 +0000 In reply to Bud Johnson.

Not sure where you are that mezcal is cheaper than Tequila, Bud. But I want to be there.

By: Carlos Holguín Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:40:23 +0000 To my understanding, tequila and mezcal come from the agave, whereas pulque comes from the maguey, a much different plant.

Pulque, the original Aztec beverage, is very light in alcohol, has a mild, slightly fizzy or acidic taste, and is said to confer all manner of health benefits on those wise enough to consume it. AFAIK, you cannot buy pulque in stores because it resists bottling or canning. You must drink it fresh. I have had most often at local ferias and fiestas, though I do know of restaurants—Doña Yolanda in Tlaxcala comes to mind—that offer it as a matter of course. In my experience, curadas are simply pulque with added flavors, not my cup of tea, but YMMV.

There are two basic categories of mezcal: ahumado (smoked) and non-ahumado. I prefer the ahumado, but not too ahumado. This is akin to overly hopped IPAs.

Some argue that tequila is really a variety of mezcal, which must be produced in Jalisco and possess a relatively typical flavor profile.

By: Tim Fitzgerald Fri, 27 Dec 2019 19:32:49 +0000 Cmon. How could you not mention the most important part of making mezcal? You can’t miss the part of the process which is smoking the pinas in the ground. That is what mezcal is all about and what gives it it’s distinct smokey taste!!

By: Juan Aguirre Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:02:12 +0000 Pulque and mezcal fall into youth experiences when you try a drink for the first time and it hits like a mega truck and you don’t try that again. Because the taste stays with you. Tequila taste is different and more sober friendly the next day.

By: Bud Johnson Wed, 25 Apr 2018 23:52:44 +0000 Pulque and Mezcal taste terrible. The only reason to drink either of them is you can not afford even inexpensive Tequila.

By: Tina Ernspiker Wed, 25 Apr 2018 15:49:49 +0000 I don’t know if I have tasted Pulque or not… I will have to put it on my to-do list!

By: Greta Green Wed, 25 Apr 2018 01:02:43 +0000 Espadín Mescal makes a fabulous mescal margarita!
