Media in Mexico Experience More of Mexico Thu, 01 Aug 2024 22:26:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 124046882 Getting Through Traffic with an Oasis on the Frequency Band Thu, 01 Aug 2024 22:26:53 +0000 Amid the relentless noise broadcast over the airwaves, lies an oasis of frequency modulation for radio listeners in their cars, and online

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People who spend time worrying about the large number of monopolies in Mexico should perhaps check out the cut-throat competition for listeners on the morning radio news shows in the capital, which take to the airwaves around 5:30 a.m. and don’t let go of them until 9 or 10 a.m. Then they start up again around 1 p.m. for an hour or two and repeat the same drill in the evening.

You might imagine this would lead to a well-informed population, although the programs appear designed primarily to make sure you get to work twice as neurotic as you would have done had it just been the heavy traffic, and not also the frantic flicking back and forth through the radio stations as you navigate your way around an inordinate number of advertising breaks.

Amid this on-air array of news, phone-ins, trash music, noise, and seemingly endless and fruitless discussion on “topics of the day” fit to cure insomnia, lies an oasis of frequency modulation.

Radio Universal—88.1 FM* in Mexico City, and also available online—has two hours a day of Beatles music and trivia—8 to 9 a.m., and 1 to 2 p.m.—a harking back to the 1970s when “Beatles hours” were as frequent and as competitive as today’s news.

Back then, when English was less widely spoken, The Beatles were referred to as Los Beatles and shamelessly pronounced Los Beetlays. Now that the cuarteto Liverpool is making a bit of a comeback among the savvy Internet generation, the group is pronounced more like Beadles—probably the U.S. influence.

This doesn’t mean a return of Beatlemania, but rather that any iPhone worth its salt is expected to have at least a smattering of retro bands and in that sense, a member of the earphone set will happily concede that the Beatles had “buenas rolas“—and perhaps in the same breath ask: “John Lennon was one of the Beatles? Oh. I thought so.”

* For decades, Radio Universal broadcast on 92.1 FM until 2016 when the frequency changed.  The exact reason why is unclear, although it appears related to the term of the contractual frequency concession, which ended in June 2016.  Frequent listeners and fans won’t mind the frequency change, and in these days of digital airwaves, where people listen online and in-car radios automatically scan the networks and display key information like the station name, it probably won’t make much difference anyway.

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Leafing Through Bookworms’ Choices in Mexico Wed, 10 Jul 2024 21:54:59 +0000 Online marketplaces have transformed access to books in Mexico, although traditional bookshops continue to ply a brisk trade here

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In the space of a few years, much has changed regarding access to books in Mexico, thanks largely to the proliferation of eBooks, portable reading devices, and online shopping, although Mexican bookshop chains continue to flourish here.

Book corner in Mexico City

In the south of Mexico City, where Miguel Angel de Quevedo avenue crosses Avenida Universidad —about five minutes from the Bohemian hangout of Coyoacán— is a mini paradise for bookworms.

Three major bookstores, Gandhi, El Sotano, and Fondo de Cultura Economica, and a dozen or so smaller ones, line both sides of the street. Outside are wooden trays with books and CDs at throw-away prices, and inside you’ll find special offers on those less likely to be thrown away.

Mexico City remains the place where the widest selection of books and bookshops can be found, and some well-known chains have most of their branches in the capital.

Bookshops are still popular in Mexico

But while in many developed countries bookshops have been closing, Mexican chains have been opening new stores.  Like bookshops everywhere, they have also added DVDs, toys, puzzles and other paraphernalia to their offerings to make the business work.  This may annoy some purists, but somehow it’s hard to get worked up about a model that means the book business can continue going.

  • Cafebrería El Péndulo – coffee shop-bookstore – now boasts seven branches in Mexico City, including in trendy neighborhoods such as Polanco, Condesa, Roma and San Angel.
  • Librerías Gandhi has expanded with a number of new stores in Mexico City, and also has branches in a few other cities.
  • El Sótano and Casa del Libro have more than a dozen branches.
  • Gonvill Librerías is the biggest chain in Guadalajara, Mexico’s second most populated city which is also host to a major international book fair each year.

These chains tend to stock the best selection of books, often beyond the capacity of the shelves so that many are neatly piled up on the floor.  You can find most books in Spanish at these stores.

And while many, especially Gandhi and El Péndulo, have one or two shelves of books in English and French, here it tends to be hit and miss.  You might find occasional books of interest, but you are less likely to find a specific title. (For some you can check availability online.)

Alternative options to the chain bookstores

When you are looking for a particular book —such as a new release— the options are to stock-up on a trip abroad, or order it from a book seller online, most of which will ship books to Mexico with no problems—but not necessarily that quickly.  If you want a particular book right now, eBooks are the way to go.

Department stores and big box stores have book sections, but these vary widely in selection and quality. There are several hundred Sanborns stores which have ample book and magazine sections, but not much in English beyond bestsellers.

Often even the most bourgeois of us like to dig around for books in a bohemian atmosphere, and for that there are plenty of elegant bookshops—although that isn’t where most Mexicans go to buy reading material.  This collection of independent bookshops lists a selection of niche bookstores in the capital, curated by a local expat blogger.

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Mexico’s Love and Care for The Beatles Lives On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:18:01 +0000 Mexico's love of The Beatles lives on—more than 50 years after the band broke-up—and their legacy continues to be kept alive here

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The Beatles formed in 1960 and the band’s first album, Please Please Me appeared in March 1963.  Seven years later, in April 1970, Paul McCartney publicly announced his departure, which brought an official end to the remarkable musical endeavor, and paved the way for its members to pursue solo careers.

The Beatles never toured Mexico, but the omission of a live performance, and the absence now of their physical presence as a band, fail to dampen Mexico’s interminable love and care for the Fab Four from Liverpool.

Over fifty years and nearly three generations later, Mexicans’ love of the Beatles lives on, and not just in wistful memory.  Radio Universal in Mexico City plays two hours of Beatles songs (mornings and evenings) every weekday on a program featuring the band’s best-known hits as well giving listeners an opportunity to discover some of their more obscure numbers.

Mexico is awash with Beatles Tribute Bands—they perform regularly in the capital. In 2015, Mexico set a new World Record for the most number of people to gather dressed as members of The Beatles and they remain among the most-listened to bands on Spotify.  Even now, restaurants, cafés, night-clubs, museums, street art, book collections—and more, remain replete with Beatles memorabilia, and there are plenty of Facebook groups too.

In the spring of 2012 —forty-two years after the Beatles officially broke-up— Paul McCartney returned to Mexico City and gave a free concert in the capital’s Zocalo—the second-largest central plaza in the world. 80,000 people roared when Paul opened the concert with All my loving, and he continued to keep devoted fans enthralled by performing virtually non-stop for nearly three hours with contemporary renditions of Beatles classics as well as popular songs from Wings and his solo career.

McCartney continues to bring his live shows to Mexico, with sell-out concerts given to 65,000 fans at Mexico City’s Foro Sol venue. His last performance there was in November 2023.

Mexico’s ongoing enchantment with a British band from a city in the north of England most Mexicans had never heard of before The Beatles arrived is testament to the influence that music can have—across borders, and across generations.

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The Radio Star Lives On — Especially in People’s Cars Sat, 09 Mar 2024 22:30:01 +0000 Mexico's radio shows continue to enjoy captive audiences, especially during the morning rush-hour

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Of all the media, the one that comes closest to a genuinely captive audience is probably the radio, specifically the car radio. With millions of rush-hour drivers stuck in a confined space for at least an hour —and often more— twice a day with nothing else to do, the car radio has more or less got them at its mercy.

Of course you can put on some music to enjoy, although even the most avid music buffs might need a break from their usual fare, or want to listen to someone speaking “live,” especially first thing in the morning.

Car-pooling is still very much a thing for the well-organized, and a quick glance at the traffic in a big Mexican city suggests that the average occupancy per car is one-point-something. But even for those vehicles that might qualify for a car-pool lane, if there were such a thing, one-on-one conversation isn’t that attractive an option when leaving home before it gets light, as traffic levels in the capital suggest many do here.

Enter the radio.

Here in Mexico you could say that you are spoiled for choice. There are endless news shows, music shows of all kinds, talk shows, and call-in shows, but not that many documentaries or decent game shows.

As in other places, the popularity of a radio show has a lot to do with the personality behind the microphone. And ratings are their principal guide. Among the most competitive spaces, but not necessarily with the highest ratings, are the morning news programs.

Some run from 5:30 until 9 or 10 o’clock. The FM frequencies are the most coveted, and some shows will be on for an hour on FM, and then continue on an AM frequency as FM makes space for the next ‘ratings king’.

Four hours or more may sound like too much for one day’s news, and most of the morning programs are filled with the previous day’s news (since nothing much has really happened since then). This isn’t that much of a problem.

Commercial breaks are frequent and long, and are apt to cause listeners to flick through the stations to avoid them, usually with limited success.

Interviews are often dragged out affairs for this same reason. Then there are the “on this day in history” fillers, the traffic updates, and frequent updates on the outside temperature—or the time.

One particular show gives the time only in minutes, but not the hour. “Ten minutes to the hour,” “fifteen minutes past the hour.” The host will occasionally explain the reason for it, namely that Mexico has four different time zones and therefore it would be presumptuous to give a particular hour. It’s hard to know if this is simple pedantry, knowing that there are four time zones, or bragging about nationwide coverage of some kind. In any event, it serves to fill in some more space.

Most of the show hosts are also quite expert in spinning out news items with long introductions, to the news itself or someone who is about to be interviewed. These can be interspersed with comments and opinions, even about the least controversial of subjects. And in these days of Social Media listener-interaction, no host worth his salts will fail to read out a few Tweets or Facebook comments.

The main radio broadcasters in Mexico are Radio Centro, Radio Formula, W Radio, MVS, and Imagen—and their program listings and frequencies can be found on their web sites, which also include live streaming, and links to previously recorded shows.

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Mexico’s Two Top-Level Domain Names Tue, 25 Jun 2019 20:44:20 +0000 It’s been over a decade since the introduction of the .mx domain, and the number of companies actively using it appears somewhat limited

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On Feb 1, 2009, NIC Mexico, the Mexican Domain Name System authority, introduced .mx — a new ‘Country Top Level’ domain. Before then, the country’s only top level domain name extension was the more protracted

The domain authority has since been promoting its new domain, and today positions it as the ‘premier’ extension for Mexico-related website addresses.

In addition to wooing the millions of Mexican businesses who’d be naturally inclined to register their trading names using the new Top Level Domain, the authority also advertised to the US business community, asserting that “.mx is the best way to talk to the Mexican Hispanic market in the USA.”

As .mx is much simpler than its predecessor, you might have thought that it would have come to replace the longer version; however, today over decade after the launch of the snappier .mx domain, the longer remains widely seen and used for advertising campaigns in Mexico — and remarkably, even larger companies trading here have still not registered the .mx version of their domain, or have registered it, but don’t use it.  The two domain extensions run in parallel and there is no plan to withdraw the longer

One of the reasons why smaller enterprises in particular might not be taking-up the shorter .mx version is that it’s relatively expensive: 2-3 times the annual price of, which is also accessible at, is additionally  accessible at the latter two redirect to our principal .com domain.

For more information about internet services in Mexico, connect to our guide to Communications in Mexico.

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Mexican Cartoonist Naranjo Dies Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:44:43 +0000 Rogelio Naranjo, one of Mexico's greatest political cartoonists, has died at the age of 79.

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Friday, November 11 2016 saw the passing of one of Mexico’s greatest political cartoonists, Rogelio Naranjo, who died at the age of 79.

Naranjo’s cartoons – literally thousands of them – graced the pages of the political magazine Proceso and Mexico’s El Universal national newspaper for decades.

We’ve commented on the quality of Mexican political cartoons before, and while others have come up through the ranks, Naranjo is regarded by many as first among peers.

Almost all the cartoonists in Mexico lampoon political figures – Naranjo claimed to have annoyed at some point every president he drew – going all the way back to the 1960s.

Like many of his contemporaries, Naranjo was leftist in his politics, although people from all ends of the political spectrum were equally subject to ridicule. A recurring theme in his work is inequality: the suffering of those in abject poverty, and the abuses of the powerful.

Naranjo was a master of the portrait, which he extended to public figures in the world of literature, arts and entertainment. He also produced a lot of surreal art.

His work is easy to find online

Image Credit: Library picture of Rogelio Naranjo from Proceso Magazine

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The Media in Mexico Thu, 04 Jun 2015 17:34:32 +0000 Mexico offers an abundance of news and information choices across a wide spectrum of traditional and modern media.

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Mexico offers an abundance of news and information choices across a wide spectrum of traditional and modern media.

Mexico has quite a lot of newspapers, both national dailies and regional papers.  Free broadcast television is dominated by two companies – Televisa and TV Azteca – with small local broadcasters making little impression on the market. Pay TV and Internet services are ubiquitous services across the country and there is strong competition in the market for radio, especially in Mexico City.

Television in Mexico

Open broadcast television in Mexico is dominated by two companies – Televisa and TV Azteca, which operate the only national networks.

Televisa’s flagship channel is Channel 2, and it also runs channels 4, 5 and 9.

TV Azteca’s main channel is Channel 13, and it also runs Channel 7, and Channel 40 in Mexico City.

The main fare on Mexican television includes news, soap operas (Mexican soap operas are popular in many parts of the world), sports, game shows, reality shows, talk and gossip shows, as well as an abundance of U.S. programs (such as cartoons, sitcoms and dramas) dubbed into Spanish.

More cultural content (music, dance, theater, etc) is available on government-run Channel 11 and Channel 22. Their broadcast range is limited, although the channels are available on most pay-TV systems.

Despite a broad variety of programming on the free broadcast channels, most people who can afford it opt for some type of pay TV service. One of the reasons is the inordinate amount of time dedicated to advertising on free television.

See Also: Mexico Blog – Going to the Movies in Mexico

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Pay TV Services in Mexico

Cable TV in Mexico

The most common restricted TV service at present is cable. There are more than 4 million cable subscribers in the Mexico, and about 1.5 million satellite television subscribers. Usually there is only one cable TV operator in any given area, although there are several hundred small cable operators in the country, and a handful of large cable companies.

Sky Television in Mexico

Sky Mexico is the country’s only provider of satellite TV service. It recently launched a prepaid service where customers buy the equipment (for about US$200) and can then buy time as they need it, by the week or month.  This could be ideal service for you if you have a holiday home in Mexico or if you only visit a few times a year, perhaps on an ad-hoc basis.

Another, less expensive, option is MasTV, which offers restricted signals via airwaves in about a dozen cities.

TV-Related Services

The communications and media markets in Mexico are beginning to open up and major players and preparing to offer their customers a range of media and communication services with the convenience of one supplier and one bill.

For example, Mexican cable companies have been offering broadband Internet service for several years, and are now beginning to offer telephone services. Likewise, phone company Telmex is planning to start offering television services this year (it’s waiting for regulatory clearance), which will add another option for consumers to choose from.

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Radio in Mexico

Mexican radio offers a large variety of programming, from news, talk shows, rock and pop music in English and Spanish, regional Mexican music, classical music, etc.

As with television, the amount of time given to commercial breaks can be exasperating.

Radio Stations in Mexico

Stations and frequencies vary from region to region, but the biggest radio groups post their  programming and have live streaming on Internet. The principal commercial radio broadcasters in Mexico are:

In addition, Radio Unam is run by the National Autonomous University, and features more cultural content than commercial radio.

See Blog: An Oasis on the Frequency Band

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Newspapers in Mexico

Circulation of Mexican newspapers is small compared to more developed countries, and most don’t make a lot of noise about their actual readership numbers.

See Blog: Mind Your Vocabulary

Among Mexico’s principal daily newspapers are:


Reforma, the sister publication of Monterrey’s El Norte, is published in Mexico City. With its launch in 1993, Reforma started a new era of independent newspapers, at one point using its own journalists to distribute the paper following a boycott by the distributors’ union in the capital. It remains one of the newspapers with the most credibility. Its Internet site currently requires a paid subscription for access.

El Universal, along with Reforma, is among the biggest distribution broadsheets. This paper has long been famous for its large classified advertising section, Aviso Oportuno, which is one of the first places people go when looking to rent property, buy a used car or find a job. Its Internet site offer free access to all sections and content.

La Jornada is Mexico’s leading left-wing newspaper. It has some of the country’s best political cartoonists, publishes more readers’ letters than most, and includes high quality coverage in its arts and provinces sections. It tends to be text-heavy for modern tastes, and rarely prints in color.

Milenio published a weekly news magazine before launching its daily newspaper some years ago. A sort of hybrid between a tabloid and broadsheet, with separate pull-out sports and entertainment sections. It’s easier to read than the broadsheets, but a little less serious.

El Financiero is the country’s oldest financial newspaper, with a focus on economic and business news. It has lost popularity over the years, particularly as other papers have beefed up their business coverage.

El Economista is a financial newspaper printed on pink paper. Like El Financiero, it focuses on business news, and is where most official and legal business announcements (about debt placements, share offers, etc) are published. Its readers are largely members of the business classes.

The News, the country’s English language paper, was re-launched in 2007, several years after being halted with the closure of its original parent paper Novedades. The News caters to visitors, expatriates and English-speaking Mexicans. It includes a variety of domestic and international news, business and sports. Notable is its extensive use of large color photographs. Distribution is primarily focused on Mexico City although the paper is becoming more widely available in tourist areas as well as cities popular with expatriates, for example, San Miguel de Allende.

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Magazines in Mexico

As in the case of newspapers, relatively few people in Mexico read magazines, although there are a number of interesting publications, from weekly news magazines to monthly fashion and other specialized publications.

Proceso is a weekly political magazine, mostly critical of the government. It dedicates a lot of space to drug trafficking and other contentious issues.

Vertigo, published weekly, provides a summary of the week’s news, but carries limited original content.

Milenio, the forerunner to the daily Milenio, offers weekly news and commentary.

Letras Libres contains commentary on politics and culture, with a wide range of subject matter.

Tiempo Libre is the place to find out what’s on in theater, cinema, concert, recitals, dance, museums, etc.

Mexico Desconocido is  Mexico’s answer to National Geographic, with features on a host of cultural and natural wonders in Mexico. It appears monthly.

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Access to The Internet in Mexico

Internet is readily available in most parts of Mexico, with about 5 million active Internet accounts in the country.

According to the telecommunications regulator, there were 22.8 million users in 2007, of whom 7.8 million use Internet at home, and 15 million either at work or public Internet access sites.

Mexico’s government operates an ‘open internet’ policy and, to date, has not censored (blocked) access to any internet sites or internet companies for political reasons.

Internet Service Providers in Mexico

The main Internet provider is Telmex, the country’s incumbent telephone company. Its high-speed (DSL) internet access is known as ‘Infinitum’; it also offers a dial-up service for very remote areas where DSL is currently unavailable.

Other phone companies – such as Axtel, and Maxcom also offer Internet connections, as do most cable companies via cable modem.

Also See: Guide to Communications in Mexico

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Practical Tips & Local Information Thu, 04 Jun 2015 17:34:03 +0000 Practical advice and local knowledge to help you prepare for your visit or move to Mexico

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Practical advice and local knowledge to help you prepare for your visit or move to Mexico.

Business Hours and Public Holidays in Mexico

Business Hours

Shops: Shopping hours in big towns and cities start at around 10 or 11 a.m., and continue through to between 8 and 10 p.m. Shops in cities and big towns are open seven days a week; smaller places may close on Sundays, except tourist spots at high season. Christmas and Easter public holidays are observed; on other public holidays you’ll find most places open in cities and bigger towns and tourist spots. Smaller towns will have more limited opening hours, and in hotter, non-tourist regions, stores may close between 2 and 4 p.m.; check locally.

Banks: Bank branches in Mexico are now generally open from 9 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m. in many cities and big towns, and some even open Saturday mornings. HSBC, for example, now opens from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. six days a week in large towns and cities. For more information about managing your money in Mexico, connect to the Money in Mexico section here on Mexperience.

Office Hours: Commercial Office hours tend to run in line with those of the US: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch breaks usually last an hour, but business lunches can go on much longer. Connect to the Business Section here on Mexperience for full details about business practices in Mexico.

Churches: Some churches remain open all the time; others are locked if there is no service going on, especially those hosting valuable art or artifacts. If you visit a church, be mindful of those inside who may be taking part in a church service.

Museums: Museums tend to have specific opening hours, and those outside of the major tourist areas usually close for a day in the week (often, but not always, on Mondays), so it’s best to check opening times beforehand if you plan to visit a specific museum.  A quick look online will reveal opening times.

Archaeology Parks: Archaeology parks are open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and all except those in the most frequented tourist areas (e.g. Chichen Itza in Yucatan) are closed on Mondays.

Public Holidays in Mexico

Mexico celebrates a number of public holidays throughout the year. You can learn more about the dates, holidays and events surrounding them on our guide to Public Holidays in Mexico.


Video and Photography in Mexico

Printing Digital Photos in Mexico

If you would like to print your digital photos while in Mexico, you can visit the photo department inside major supermarkets (e.g. Wal-Mart). There are also independent photography shops—especially common in small towns where there are no major shops—where you can edit/print your digital photos, purchase additional memory chips for your digital camera, buy batteries and accessories and purchase a new camera or video equipment (note that photographic equipment is more expensive in Mexico than it is in the USA).  Film and videotape for non digital cameras are becoming obsolescent, but may still be available in some specialist photographic stores in larger towns and cities.

Video and Photography Etiquette in Mexico

Museums: Some museums and all major archaeology parks will make a small charge if want to take a handheld video recorder into the museum or site with you; some make a charge for cameras, although this is rare. Some will not allow flash photography, especially on ancient stonework and murals as it affects the longevity of the work. You’ll see notices written in Spanish and English that will advise you at each location.

Tripods: The use of tripods at all archaeological sites and some museums requires a permit. If you want to use a tripod you will need to apply for special permission from INAH (the government department that manages archaeological sites and some museums) and there will be a significant fee and plenty of paperwork involved. If you are outside Mexico, contact your local Mexican Consulate for information and details. Sites and museums which don’t allow tripods offer a “package hold” facility for people carrying tripods, where they can be left until you leave the site or museum. Use of tripods elsewhere (public spaces, beaches, towns, etc.) is permitted.

Etiquette: Be mindful of people you photograph and, if possible, ask their permission first – especially in small provincial communities and in the State of Chiapas, and particularly in and around San Cristobal de las Casas. A small few places (mostly small rural towns and villages) have restrictions on photography, and signs will be posted to advise you in such cases.

Military and Navy Installations: It’s best not to photograph the army or any military installations to avoid any misunderstandings.

Churches: Taking pictures inside a church when there is a service going on is considered disrespectful, so you should refrain from doing it. Taking pictures inside a church at other times is acceptable in Mexico.

Filming Professionally in Mexico

If you are planning to travel to Mexico to film or take photographs professionally (including research, cultural, artistic and educational programs), you will need to apply for a temporary filming permit. Contact your local Mexican Consulate for details.


Drinking Alcohol in Mexico

Legal Drinking Age in Mexico

The legal minimum drinking age in Mexico is 18 years; three years before the USA’s legal drinking age, which is why a lot of older American teenagers ‘fly south’ to Mexico for a weekend or longer.

Although it has been rare in the past, requests for proof of age or identification when asking for an alcoholic beverage in Mexico are on the rise. Local authorities are also beginning to make spot-checks on establishments which sell alcohol, with officers approaching drinkers at the bars who look under age and asking for identification. However, Mexico is nowhere near as strict as the USA, where anyone who looks underage is immediately asked for identification before being served.

The Effect of Altitude

Many places in the interior of Mexico are situated at altitude (for example, Mexico City, Guadalajara and most colonial cities) and at high altitudes, alcohol will have more effect on you than if you were drinking at, or close to, sea level. See Blog: Breathing Easy at High Altitudes

Alcohol Licensing Laws in Mexico

Most Mexican states allow stores, restaurants, and bars to sell alcohol 24 hours a day. However, some state restrictions do apply; for example in the northern state of Sonora, that borders the U.S. state of Arizona, establishments cannot sell alcohol between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Mon-Sat, and on Sundays, they cannot sell alcohol from 3 p.m. until 7 a.m. the following Monday.

Drinking on the Street in Mexico

Technically, it is illegal to drink on the street in Mexico, but some people do, especially in tourist areas. If you want to drink a cold beer while walking down a street on a hot day, go ahead; but don’t be stupid and get drunk on the street: it will call attention to yourself, and you may end up having to deal with the police who, in such a circumstance may apply the letter of the law to your behavior.

Drinking and Driving in Mexico

Drinking and driving is a serious crime in Mexico. If you drink, take a cab: taxis are very affordable in Mexico, there is absolutely no need to take your car if you are drinking.

Drinking and driving is still more common in Mexico than it is in places like the USA and Canada and so, if you’re driving at night, or if you are a pedestrian near a tourist area with lots of bars, be extra vigilant of cars and traffic, especially in the early hours of the morning, when drunk drivers may be about.

Mexico has been stepping up its campaign against drunk-drivers in recent years, with structured programs where rolling road-blocks are set-up in areas where there are many bars and restaurants and on occasions when people are known to drink more (e.g. public holidays and Christmas).  New laws have enacted stiff penalties (including the prospect of prison sentences) for offenders. In Mexico City, for example, the police are now regularly setting up roadside breath tests on routes leading to and from popular night spots across the capital.


Don’t drink and drive in Mexico: foreigners do not get any leniency for driving drunk. If you hurt or kill someone in the process, you will end up in serious trouble and face the prospect of a long prison sentence in a Mexican jail. Your country’s consulate will not be able to shield you from prosecution.

See Blog: Getting Consular Assistance in Mexico


Newspapers and Magazines in Mexico

English Language Media

The only English daily print newspaper in Mexico is “The News”, which was re-launched in 2007 after an absence of several years, the result of its parent Mexican paper Novedades being closed. “The News” is widely available in Mexico City and is also distributed to tourist destinations and other cities across the country; especially cities with significant expat populations, e.g. San Miguel de Allende, Chapala/Ajijic.

Some magazine kiosks at Mexican airports and a few specialized stores in the capital and some other larger cities sell U.S., British or European print newspapers, some of which can be a day or two old.

English-language ‘global’ news magazines such as Time, Newsweek, People, etc. are available in their U.S. editions in cities and large towns across Mexico. The British based magazine ‘Economist’ is now available at larger news stands in the big cities and at Mexican airports.

Newspapers and magazines can be bought on street corner stalls. Many supermarkets are now beginning to stock newspapers and magazines too; but not all of them.  Sanborns Stores stock a very generous selection of magazines, some of which are in English.

Spanish Language Newspapers and Magazines in Mexico

Mexico has a wide selection of Spanish language newspapers from all sides of the political spectrum.  Click on the names in green to view the online versions; all are currently subscription-free except Reforma.

El Universal – One of Mexico’s biggest daily papers, news online does not require subscription, in Spanish

Milenio – A popular daily newspaper with a strong online following.

El Economista – Financial/Business Press, in Spanish

El Financiero – Financial/Business Press, in Spanish

Reforma – Mexico’s biggest daily, in Spanish (subscription required)

Latin Trade – Online version in English of the popular magazine that is dedicated to trade in Latin America

Magazines in Mexico

Popular Spanish language magazines include:

Proceso – A weekly publication with informed commentary and opinion about Mexican and Latin American politics

Mexico Desconocido – A travel magazine with lots of photos, dedicated to highlighting travel and tourism in Mexico


Traveling to Mexico with Children

Take your family to Mexico with confidence. Read the comprehensive guide about Traveling to Mexico with Children for detailed information about making the most of your family time in Mexico.

Lone Parents and Minors Traveling to Mexico

The rules for minors (people under the age of 18) and lone parents* traveling with their children to Mexico have changed. See the Link to the guide above for full details.

*Lone parents includes single parents, and parents who are traveling with their children and without their spouse or partner.


Tipping and Bargaining in Mexico

See Blog: Mexico’s Tipping Culture

See Also: Social Etiquette in Mexico

Tipping in Mexico

Tipping is common in the United States: it is almost second-nature and practiced frequently at most service establishments. In many European countries, it is not so common or customary to tip people for services.

Cultural Insight

In Mexico tipping is customary, expected, and appreciated in return for good service. Furthermore, tipping is practiced in Mexico in a range of social and trade situations that you might not expect – see the list below.

Most people working in Mexico’s tourism and service sectors rely on your tips to supplement their basic pay and they give good service to prove that it makes a significant difference to them.

When you are traveling in Mexico, always keep some loose change in your pocket because you never know when you’re going to need some of it for a tip.

Some hotels and tours indicate that “all tips are included in the price”; if this is the case, fair enough, and there is no need to tip further. You may still wish to leave a small tip for the maids at the rooms you stay in, or offer the tour guide a small tip at the end of the program.

Although tips are frequent in Mexico, the amounts are relatively small, and they really can make a difference to the person whom you are tipping.

Why you need to tip in Mexican pesos, and not in foreign currency

The rules and regulations for exchanging foreign currency have been tightened up. For example, currency exchange houses now routinely demand to see a passport to change even small amounts of money, and not everyone here has a passport. Foreign coins are non-exchangeable and should never be left as tips. Always tip in cash, using Mexican pesos.

If you did not get poor service, you should consider tipping in these situations:

Restaurants – 10% – 15% is normal, depending on the class of establishment and level of service you received. At diners and similar places 10% is sufficient; at higher-end restaurants and bistros, 15% is expected for good service.

Hotels – Bellboys should be paid around US$1 per bag; Concierge around US$2 equivalent if they do something for you (e.g. book a table at a local restaurant); more if they undertake some particular research (e.g. found you a local tour operator, car rental agency, or chauffeur). If you don’t speak Spanish, remember that they will also be acting as translators for you and you should take this into account with your tip.

Hotel Chamber Maids – The unsung heroines (they are invariably women) of the hotel industry: chamber maids.   They will often travel a considerable distance to reach your hotel and spend the day cleaning and keeping guest rooms in good order, so that when you get back to your room, it’s waiting for you clean, fresh, and tidy.  It’s appropriate to leave a small tip and leave it each day because work schedules change, and the maid who cleaned your room initially may not be on duty the day you check-out.  The amount of the tip should vary depending upon the category of hotel: a sum in Mexican pesos, left in cash on the side table (next to the maid’s greeting card if one is present), equivalent to between US$1 (for economy hotels) and US$5 (for luxury hotels) per day is suggested and will be sincerely appreciated.

All-Inclusive Hotels: A small few packages stipulate that ‘tips are included’ and in this case no further tipping is required.  However in most cases, guides, porters, the concierge, table staff, and the chamber maids (see above) will appreciate a tip—even if, for example, the price of your meals (or just breakfast) is included in the room rate. For local guides, a reasonable tip commensurate with the amount of time and knowledge they shared with you is appropriate.  One US dollar (equivalent in Mexican pesos) per bag for porters; a dollar or two left on the table after each meal or round of drinks at the bar; and a tip for the chamber maids (see above) will be very much valued.

Gasoline Service Stations – If you rent a car and buy fuel, 3-5% of the cost of the fuel is normal, with 5-10% of the cost of the fuel if the attendant provides additional services (water, oil, tire pressure, etc). It’s usual to leave a few pesos tip within a rounded amount; for example, if you are filling up with $200 pesos of fuel, then you may tell the attendant that you want $190 or $195 pesos of fuel; you hand over the $200 peso bill and the attendant keeps the change. Read related guide to Driving in Mexico. You’ll need to ask for the additional services if you want them.

Car Valets – If you drive to a bar or restaurant and have your car parked by the establishment’s valet service, you should tip the attendant around US$1 equivalent in pesos when you leave, unless the valet has a pre-advertised rate (probably higher than this) in which case, pay that rate and no more.

Porters – When you arrive at a bus station, airport or hotel there will usually be a group of porters nearby waiting to take your bags. US$1 per bag in pesos equivalent is sufficient; perhaps a little more if the bags are over-sized, particularly heavy or if the attendant offers some additional value, for example, some local advice or directions.

Home deliveries – When you have goods or services delivered to your home, it’s customary to tip the service providers.  Examples include: gas deliveries, water bottle deliveries, supermarket deliveries, postal and courier services (e.g. Amazon, Mercado Libre). $10-$20 pesos is sufficient.

Bus Station Baggage Handlers/Caddies: If you placed baggage in the hold on a long bus journey, you might consider tipping the baggage handler with a coin ($5-$10 pesos is sufficient) when he checks your reclaim voucher and hauls the bag from the baggage compartment.  Although most people have baggage with wheels these days, sometimes if you have several bags you might call upon the help of a caddie: most (but not all) stations have a team of caddies using wheeled dollies to carry baggage from the bus-stop platforms to the taxi cab ranks. There is no set fee, although around $1 US dollar per bag, equivalent in Mexican pesos, and a bit more if the bags are over-sized, is sufficient.

Bus Station Taxi Rank Attendants – If you carried your own bags to the official taxi booth at the bus station, you may find that there is an assistant waiting nearby there who will offer to carry your bags once you have purchased your taxi ticket. You don’t have to allow this person to help you, but if you do, you may find it more efficient getting the next taxi from the rank. See Traveling by Bus in Mexico for more details. $10 pesos is sufficient. See Traveling by Bus in Mexico.

Taxis – If you take a cab from the street, it’s appreciated if you round up the meter charge to nearest $5 or $10 pesos depending on the comfort and speed of your journey; however, taxis hired from taxi ranks at hotels or official taxi ranks should be paid the advertised rate (or the rate you agree in advance) and no more. Also read the guide about Traveling by Taxi in Mexico which includes a link to current taxi prices in Mexico.

Bars and Cantinas – Tables at these are often attended (you don’t need to go to the bar to order food or drink) – and a tip of 10% of the value of your spending that evening is normal.

Supermarket Bag Packers: Students and retired folks work at supermarkets across the country to pack bags at the supermarket checkout counters. For students, the money they earn contributes to the funding of their education; for retired folks, the money they earn supplements their pension.  These people are not salaried and work entirely on tips.

Car Park Attendants – Some car parks will have an “attendant”; a man or woman dressed up in a security-type uniform, who may direct you to a free spot, and see you reverse out when you return. These attendants are often older men who also keep an eye on things while you’re away. $3-$5 pesos is sufficient; a little more if they help you load your shopping bags into your car.

Spas – For personal services at Resort Spas, 10-15% of the value of the service (e.g. a Massage) is normal. If you’re staying at a Destination Spa, you can tip good service personally, 5-10% of the service’s ‘stand alone’ value is fine; or you can add a tip to your final bill, to cover everyone—even the ‘behind the scenes’ people: 10-15% of the bill is sufficient. For more information about Spas, read our guides to Spas in Mexico.

Toilets / Restrooms – Some public toilets now make a small charge for entry, and you’ll find these are usually reasonably clean and tidy. If one of these is not available, go to a restaurant, bar (even if you’re not eating or drinking at it) or department store if there’s one nearby. You may well find an attendant there who is looking after the place, making sure it’s clean tidy; some may hand you a paper towel to dry your hands. Near the wash-basins, you may see a small wooden box, sometimes with a piece of cloth inside (and usually a coin or three on it). $5 pesos tip, double that if it’s an upscale establishment, is sufficient.

Stop-Light Entertainers – In Mexico City particularly (but not exclusively) you may find that one or more informal entertainers begin to perform a short skit. The ‘performance’ may include juggling, eating fire, miming, etc. After the performance is over, the people walk between the stationary cars in search of a small tip. Tipping is at your discretion.

Stop-Light Windscreen Wash – Some people will “wash” your vehicle’s windscreen, sometimes whether you want their service or not! Tipping is at your discretion.

Angeles Verdes – Meaning “Green Angels”, these are trucks that are painted green and travel along Mexico’s interstate highways helping people who have broken down. Their help is free, but they will charge you for parts and fuel if your car needs it. Be sure to tip the attendant; the amount is discretionary and should relate to how much help they were in a particular circumstance (e.g. more at night) and on how much work they have done for you. Read more about Traveling by Road in Mexico with Mexperience.

Bargaining in Mexico

People who visit Mexico rate shopping at the local markets as one of the most rewarding travel experiences they encounter.

Mexican traders enjoy bargaining, but beware: if they feel you are trying to devalue their goods too much, they will become upset and may even refuse to trade with you.

Bargaining is a common activity in Mexico, especially at markets and artifact stores and handicraft workshops.

As a rule, you should refuse the first price you’re offered, but be realistic with your subsequent offers, and don’t become too aggressive with your position.

Speaking Spanish – If you speak Spanish (even broken Spanish) you stand a much better chance of getting a better a deal on your purchases. This another good reason to Learn Spanish in preparation for your next visit to Mexico.

Markets and Street Traders Mexican market traders are usually polite people who enjoy a good trade negotiation but, equally, they may become offended if you are too obstinate and will simply cease bargaining with you completely. Keep in mind that the people selling arts, crafts, and artifacts are generally humble artisans making a simple living and often supporting a family. Some may also be the creators of the wares they are offering for sale, so any deep devaluation of their work might be taken personally, too.

Department Stores, Malls – Department stores and shops in retail centers and shopping malls will not bargain with you.

Taxis – Some taxis are not metered (especially in small provincial towns) so negotiate your price before you get in. Also read the guide about Traveling by Taxi in Mexico which includes a link to current taxi prices in Mexico.


LGBT in Mexico

Tolerance of sexual diversity is improving in Mexico’s three big cities and some cosmopolitan provincial towns, although Mexican society’s typically conservative social attitudes means that tolerance in Mexico of people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender remains measurably lower than in places like the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia. In certain Mexican indigenous cultures — for example, the Zapotecs and Mayas — sexual diversity has been widely tolerated for some time.

The legal rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in Mexico have been evolving in recent years, in line with international movements towards decriminalizing and respecting people’s sexual orientation. Same-sex relationships in Mexico were decriminalized in 1871, although individuals who were caught were prosecuted under lewd-behavior laws throughout much of the 20th Century.

In recent years, significant legal advances have been made in favor of sexual diversity. A significant amendment to the Federal Constitution in 2011 now prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and, in 2015, Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled to change the legal definition of marriage to encompass same-sex couples. As a result, an increasing number of States and Municipalities will now perform same-sex marriages, including Mexico City, Jalisco (Puerto Vallarta), and Quintana Roo (Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum) and Guerrero (Acapulco).

Places in Mexico known to be gay-friendly and with active/growing LGBT communities are: Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Mexico City, Acapulco, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Tijuana, and Puebla.

See Also: Getting Married in Mexico


Drinking Water

When you’re traveling in Mexico, you must take extra care when drinking water, or fresh beverages that may have tap water added to them. Also check the ice—ask if it was made with tap water especially in more rustic establishments and rural areas. Salads can also be dangerous if they have been rinsed with tap water; so again, the rule is: if in doubt, ask first! All main hotels and good restaurants use purified water throughout.

All commercially produced beverages, including bottled and tinned water, fizzy drinks, wine, beer, spirits, etc will be perfectly safe for you to drink.

To make tap water safe, boil it for at least a few minutes; perhaps longer in locations situated at higher altitudes as the water boils at lower temperatures there. Water purification tablets and drops are available, but these generally have an adverse affect on the water’s taste. Another option is sterilizing pens that use ultra-violet light to purify, but don’t change the taste of the water.

See Blog: Drinking Water in Mexico



Mexico’s electricity system is the same as that of the USA: 120 V; 60 Hz. Any electrical equipment you carry with you that operates at the higher (240v) rate will need to be dual-voltage (e.g. hair driers). A lot of electrical equipment (like video cameras, digital cameras, laptops) that operate on low voltages via a product-specific adapter will happily cope with dual voltage—check the adapter and the device instructions to be sure.

Electricity Sockets in Mexico: You might need a socket adapter.  Plugs in Mexico are the same as in the US; two flat prongs; and some have a third, circular prong for earth, and small adapters can be sought locally for these too if the plug you want to connect into doesn’t have the third (earth) prong socket.  If you are coming to Mexico from a country that uses a different socket type, e.g. the UK or Europe, you will need to bring electricity socket adapters with you.  People visiting from the U.S.A. do not need to bring socket adapters as the plug fittings in Mexico are identical to those in the U.S.A.

Blog Article: When the lights go out

See Also: House Maintenance in Mexico


Embassy and Consulate Information

What can your consulate in Mexico do for you?

Foreign consulates in Mexico can usually help with administrative tasks like replacing a lost or stolen passport, provide you with a list of lawyers if you get into legal trouble, (and let your family back home know you’re in trouble), liaise with Mexico’s foreign office to make sure that you are being properly treated if you’ve been arrested and, in exceptional circumstances, provide you with a publicly funded loan to pay for repatriation home if you become completely stuck (you will need to pay the loan back).

Foreign consulates and embassies cannot get you out of trouble. When you are in Mexico, you are bound by its laws and customs and subject to its legal penalties if you fall shy of the law, intentionally or otherwise.

See Blog: Obtaining Consular Assistance

Directory of Consulates & Embassies:

Directory of Foreign Consulates in Mexico

Directory of Mexican Consulates Abroad


Time Zones in Mexico and Clock Changes

Mexico Clock Changes This Year

See this blog article for details of Mexico Clock Changes in 2017

Time Zones in Mexico

Mexico had three time zones, until February 1, 2015, when the country created a fourth time zone in the state of Quintana Roo (home to the country’s most popular vacation resort towns).

From north-east to south-east the four time zones are:

Baja California [North] (Zona Noroeste)

The northeastern-most time zone begins in the northern reaches of Baja California (the northern area of the peninsula). This area adheres to Pacific Time (same as Los Angeles, CA) and is therefore one hour behind Mountain Time (e.g. Los Cabos, Mazatlan) and two hours behind Mexico City. The official name for this time zone is Zona Noroeste.

Mexico’s Pacific Time Zone (Zona Pacifico)

This time zone begins in Guayabitos, north of Puerto Vallarta (Vallarta and environs are not affected). It affects all areas along the coast north of here including the states of Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua, and all of Baja California Sur, including the popular areas of Los Cabos, La Paz, Loreto and Todos Santos. Zona Pacifico is aligned with US Mountain Time (same as Denver, CO); one hour behind Mexico City. Note that Chihuahua City is not affected by this time zone change as it is too far east. The official name for this time zone is Zona Pacifico.

Mexico’s Central Time Zone (Zona Centro)

Most of Mexico including Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Merida, adheres to ‘Central Time’ in the USA (same as Dallas, TX). The official name for this time zone is Zona Centro.

Mexico’s Southeastern Time Zone (Zona Sureste)

On February 1, 2015 Mexico created this time zone, which affects only the state of Quintana Roo—home to the country’s most popular vacation resort towns including Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum and the islands of Isla Mujeres and Cozumel. It’s aligned with US Eastern Standard Time and does not move its clocks backward or forward each year, so its clock time is aligned for part of the year with the US ET, but leaves that alignment by an hour when the US moves its clocks forward (the alignment returns in the autumn when the US moves it clocks back again).  The official name for this time zone is Zona Sureste.

Clock / Time Changes in Mexico

In 1996, Mexico decided to change its clocks in the fall and spring of each year. Before this time, clocks were never changed in Mexico.

Although Mexico’s Central Time zone moves its clocks, other time zones or States in Mexico don’t—or move them at different times.  Also, the dates on which Mexican clock-time changes may not be synchronized with those of the USA & Canada and Europe, so check this year’s clock-time change date schedules in the spring and the fall for precise date information about when clock-time will be altered.

Mexico Clock Changes This Year

See this blog article for details of Mexico Clock Changes in 2017

See Blog: When Night Doesn’t Fall

Mexico’s State of Sonora does not observe DST Protocol

An exception to the clock change is Mexico’s northern state of Sonora, which borders the US State of Arizona, which is one of the few US states which do not move its clocks at any time of year to allow for DST; because of this, Sonora does not moves its clocks, either.

Mexico’s State of Quintana Roo not observing DST 2015-2019

The state of Quintana Roo, which includes popular cities including Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Chetumal will not be observing DST between 2015-2019. As with the state of Sonora, it will not move its clocks in these years.

Baja California Peninsula Clock-time Changes

Note that the state of Baja California Sur usually makes clock-time changes on the same dates as the Mexican mainland; however the state of Baja California (northern peninsula) may synchronize its clock-time changes on the same date as California in the USA.

Jet Lag

Travelers arriving in Mexico from the east (e.g. from Europe) do not generally experience severe jet lag as they have gained time traveling west. Returning from Mexico and traveling east (e.g. to Europe) can be tiring, as time is lost traveling east.

Read this Related Article in the travel health guide here on Mexperience for tips and advice about how to minimize the impact of Jet Lag when you travel to and from Mexico.


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On Reading and Taking Horses to Water Sun, 20 Feb 2011 23:50:01 +0000 Several years ago, when Mexico introduced a law mandating a single price for books, it was argued that it might not make books cheaper, but would lead to more and better stocked stores and promote reading.

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Several years ago, when Mexico introduced a law mandating a single price for books, it was argued that it might not make books cheaper, but would lead to more and better stocked stores and promote reading.

The controversial law, supported by an apparent majority of leaders of opinion, intellectuals, and publishers, was first blocked by a presidential veto on grounds that it flew in the face of competition and would push up book prices.

It was later passed by a supermajority vote that steamrolled the veto, and promulgated amid speeches  in favor of books and reading. Did it work?

Browsing through a number of bookstores in the capital shows that books in Mexico are quite expensive, and Spanish editions often more so than the original English versions. Books written in Spanish are also frequently more expensive than comparable works in the U.S. or the U.K.

Nominally more expensive, that is, so by applying the Big Mac index which takes into account average wages, book prices border on exorbitant.

It’s perhaps not surprising then that an assortment of survey findings collected and published on the website of the Nexos magazine – shows that only three out of 10 Mexicans had read at least one book in the past 12 months, compared with six Spaniards, and eight Britons.

And the chicken-and-egg dilemma remains: do people in Mexico not read because books are so expensive, or are books so expensive because people don’t read?

An educated guess would be the latter, which in turn may be supported by another of the survey trivia collected by Nexos: 38% of people in Mexico never read a newspaper, and 49% never read a magazine.

But only 15% prefer to watch television in their spare time, according to the list. And 25% of people borrow a newspaper to read.

Several conclusions are possible: You can’t trust surveys. Economic theory doesn’t apply to books.

PS: When U.S. bookseller Borders filed for bankruptcy, the talk was of competition from online sales and e-books causing the problem. Nothing suggests it was a lack of readers.

Mexico, as in many other things, would appear to be a case apart.

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So Do Mexicans Have a Sense of Humor? Mon, 07 Feb 2011 03:08:58 +0000 The international rumpus in 2011 over jokes about Mexicans made on the British television program Top Gear, and Mexico's reaction—probably overreaction—to some silly comments, may cause people to wonder whether Mexicans have a sense of humor, particularly about themselves.

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The international rumpus in 2011 over jokes about Mexicans made on the British television program Top Gear, and Mexico’s reaction—probably overreaction—to some silly comments, may cause people to wonder whether Mexicans have a sense of humor, particularly about themselves.

These days, the first place to go to find out what people are saying about a given news item is Twitter or some other social networking site. There it was clear that some were totally wound up by the scandal, proffering expletives against the British in general (a giveaway), while others inexplicably muttered self-deprecating things like, “maybe we should do something to change this foreign idea about us.”

The ones who seemed to capture the whole picture responded with their own jokes. “Now that they’ve apologized, can I ask if Monday’s a holiday?” was one. “I was going to say more against Top Gear, but remembered I was Mexican and just couldn’t be bothered,” said another.

Mexicans share many different kinds of humor. They enjoy slapstick, but also embrace other kinds of comedy, from the more brash American styles to the cutting British kind. Monty Python films were popular in their day, even with Spanish subtitles. So many appreciated the irony of the past week’s outrage, since in Mexico jokes about Argentines, Spaniards and Americans, for example, also based on national stereotypes, are common enough.

Mexican humor also extends to the country’s and its people’s idiosyncrasies, obviously with a great deal more accuracy and pointedness than any foreigners could muster. Some speak of a double moral standard, although the latest outburst could be a broad application of the expression, “la ropa sucia se lava en casa,” keep certain things in the family, or merely an attempt by someone to attract attention. It hardly matters.

Few things are sancrosanct in Mexico when it comes to making jokes, although for certain historical and political reasons, the “símbolos patrios,” or national symbols — the flag, emblem, and national anthem — are mostly left alone. There is also a large divide between what might be termed popular humor and institutional humor. Officially, the government doesn’t find too much to laugh about in itself, although its individual members might.

It’s probably in political satire that the Mexican humor departs the most from that of the British, and with the exception of newspaper cartoons, is the inferior of the two. Clearly Top Gear doesn’t fall into this category.

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A King Among Kings Sun, 30 Nov 2008 07:23:47 +0000 Argentine cartoonist Quino (Joaquín Lavado), creator of the Mafalda comic strip, is in Mexico this week. Mafalda, which Quino began drawing in 1964 and continued until 1973, was always popular in Mexico, itself home to some of the world's finest political cartoonists...

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Argentine cartoonist Quino (Joaquín Lavado), creator of the Mafalda comic strip, is in Mexico this week. Mafalda, which Quino began drawing in 1964 and continued until 1973, was always popular in Mexico, itself home to some of the world’s finest political cartoonists.

Mafalda, a child of the 60s, combines the innocence of the Peanuts strip with the political savvy of the sharpest commentators. Quino, now in his 77th year, is here to promote a new edition of Mafalda Inédita—Unpublished Mafalda—and planned to attend the Guadalajara International Book Fair.

In these days of obsession with great, greater, greatest, Quino could easily lie in the superlative category. Mexico’s own cartoonists – known as moneros because the people they draw are called monos (figures in this sense, not monkeys), offer some of the best social and political commentary available, summed up in the cliche that a picture paints a thousand words.

The drawings are mostly of high quality – no need to write the politician’s name on his jacket pocket, no elephants labeled “federal deficit” – and unlike the purveyors of the written word, they tend to get straight to the point. Naranjo, Perujo, Helio Flores, Magú, Nerilicón, Hernández, Trino, El Fisgón, Helguera, Calderon … the stock of cartoonists who grace the pages of the daily newspapers is ample.

One of the veterans of Mexican cartooning, Rogelio Naranjo, will be awarded the La Catrina prize for cartoons at the Guadalajara fair – a prize that went to Quino in 2003.

See Also: What’s So Funny About Censorship?

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Read All About It Sat, 19 Jul 2008 19:26:25 +0000 For a country where people read notoriously few books, and not too many newspapers, Mexico has a reasonably large number of news-stands and vendors - on just about every street corner, in fact. The larger stands sell more than just newspapers...

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For a country where people read notoriously few books, and not too many newspapers, Mexico has a reasonably large number of newsstands and vendors – on just about every street corner, in fact.

The larger stands sell more than just newspapers. They usually stock a variety of magazines, and also sell “special” collections of DVDs, books, and other items (fountain pens, toys, models), which come in weekly deliveries.

Then there are the slightly more mobile street vendors, who wend their way in and out of the cars stopped at traffic lights, alongside the sellers of bottled water, chewing gum, loose cigarettes, etc.

The newspaper vendors rely to a certain extent on the sensational nature of the top story, and the tabloid editions are happy to oblige with murders, scandals or busty models on the front and back pages.

These sellers have developed a skill for allowing potential buyers time to see the headline, but not to read the smaller print above or below that clarifies what the story is really about. Just as you peer more closely at the paper, it will be turned away, flipped, or covered up with the classified ads section or some other unreadable thing. If you want to know, you have to pay.

This is fair game. After all, once you’ve bought an edition or two, you’ll discover that there’s usually not that much behind the headline, so keeping you from reading more is actually a business proposition.

Clearly there are enough people that read newspapers to keep this hive of activity going. One thing that might limit newspaper readership is the cost. With wages what they are, for many people the price of a daily newspaper – 10 pesos for a serious paper – can be prohibitive.

The obvious answer would seem to be the free paper, but for some reason this hasn’t worked. Some time ago, a free eight-page paper was handed out at Metro stations every morning, and people would actually line up to get one.

The metro paper, or El M, not to be confused with Metro, the tabloid published by the Reforma group – soon went out of production. Here’s a clue as to what may have happened to it.  The edition was produced by El Universal, which also sells its own cheap tabloid edition – El Gráfico – so the giving away of free papers was doing no favors to the voceadores, as the newspaper sellers are known. Not long before El M’s disappearance, certain voceadores were selling El Gráfico and giving the metro paper free to those who forked out the three pesos for the paid paper.

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