Comments on: INAPAM: Mexico’s Discount Card for Seniors Experience More of Mexico Sun, 04 Aug 2024 15:40:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Daniels Wed, 03 May 2023 19:03:45 +0000 In reply to gayle.

Gayle where do you receive your income stats from concerning Americans living here who are permanent residents ? Maybe you can share with me how many billions of dollars the American tax payers have given to Mexico for so many years and continue to do so. Not only in dollars, but in every form of aid you can imagine. Even now for the last 2 years there is no border and the American tax payers are forced to pay for a deluge of illegal aliens from Mexico. Interesting you say American takers and users which I find offensive. What about Canadians or Chinese ? I say as an American I have paid my dues to apply for and use this benefit in Mexico.. There are so many non profit ngos that have helped and continue to do so in Mexico for years. If the corruption in Mexico wasn’t so far and wide the Mexican government could do so much more for Mexican citizens than offer a discount card. I live on a fixed income and appreciate that I can live in Mexico and be comfortable which isn’t possible for me in the states. If you and your friends don’t need it don’t apply for or use this wonderful benefit or go back to the states. This is not meant solely for the truly destitute. My wife is a Mexican national and a retired doctor. She paid her taxes for 35 years , her social security in Mexico is ridiculous. Americans who support the economy continue to contribute to the country in a very strong positive way.

By: Cal Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:42:28 +0000 Most museums offer huge discounts or are even free for seniors! This card is very useful but the places that accept it change frequently. The huge discounts for bus travel WITHIN Mexico are fabulous!

By: Barbara Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:59:29 +0000 Just been issued with my INAPAM card this morning at a big ceremony at Lake Chapala Society. All the Government representiatives were there for INAPAM and INM.

The very clear message we were given is that Mexico is an inclusive society and welcomes all foreign residents to make full use of the INAPAM discounts available. Mexico welcomes all the help that foreign residents provide in boosting the economy and thanks us all for the charitable work done in Mexico.

By: Deborah Sat, 31 Jan 2015 03:22:22 +0000 I moved to Puerto Vallarta and have Permanent Resident Status (just waiting to pick up my card now that I have competed and finalized the process).

ONE of the reasons I moved here is that I am on a fixed income and the cost of living here, even though not super cheap makes it a lot easier for me to live here somewhat comfortable (ask me again in the Summer when I can’t afford to use Air Conditioning) and being disabled I can afford to pay someone to clean for me.

By: Gil Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:02:06 +0000 I use the card for travel between cities by bus. I love travelling Mexico that way and for example go to Guadalajara 5 hrs or Colima or Mexico 12 hrs. I stay in hotels in these cities for 2 to 7 days which is in addition to my regular rental.I would not normally be doing this if I was paying full fare for example to Mexico DF (2000 pesos ret). i love the card

By: Miriam Thu, 28 Mar 2013 11:16:48 +0000 Elly, I don’t necessarily think that our economy is sustained only by Americans, though I think you’re right when you say that a lot of them (or any other foreigners) have worked here or helped different organizations and they deserve to get this “special” treatment just as a native person.
That’s why I think Gayle might be a little wrong because the time has come for seniors to be taken care of by us; it is an aid given by the government and I see no problem in using it even if you’re not a native.

By: pamela Mon, 25 Mar 2013 18:28:08 +0000 Gayle, just so you know, there are Americans living in Mexico on a very fixed income. Not all Americans are wealthy. I know of several living on a meager social security check and, while more than some in Mexico (not all), this helps folks get by. Also, I know of many well heeled Americans in the states who use their senior discounts whenever they can.

By: Mexperience Wed, 20 Mar 2013 22:24:06 +0000 In reply to gayle.

Hi Gayle, thanks for your comments. The INAPAM discount card is used widely by Mexican seniors and is only available to foreign residents – some of whom will have spent many years of their working lives in Mexico. The program is voluntary and those who don’t wish to participate don’t have to. The discounts are given by the companies/firms which offer services in the same way that a loyalty card offers discounts to regular customers, and the card acts as a formal means to qualify your eligibility (i.e. age, and in the case of being a non-Mexican your resident status).

By: gayle Wed, 20 Mar 2013 11:43:43 +0000 I think this is a great program for Mexican seniors and I support it 100%. However, I don’t support this program for American ex-pats living in Mexico. I have many friends who have these cards who don’t need to use them because they can afford the lifestyle here in Mexico without them. They are for the truly destitute of which there are almost zero Americans. I wish this article had stated something like that. There is a big difference between Mexican seniors who have so little income (less than $2,000 pesos per month) and American seniors who can afford to fly here, rent condos, and enjoy eating out. Please don’t advertise this to Americans…why do we have to always be takers and users of a system that wasn’t set up for us.
