Guides to Living Places Experience More of Mexico Wed, 07 Aug 2024 21:02:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 124046882 Living, Working and Retirement in Comala, Colima Wed, 07 Aug 2024 21:02:12 +0000 Living and lifestyle in Comala: guide to help you research and assess Comala and environs as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess Comala in the state of Colima as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

The small and charming colonial town of Comala in the state of Colima rests at the foot of the active ‘Volcán de Fuego’ volcano.  The region has a subtropical climate with a pronounced backdrop of lush vegetation and flora that provide warmth and color all year round.

Living in Comala, near the state capital of Colima

Comala offers semi-rural living in Mexico, off the beaten path, and ideal for foreign residents seeking a place to live that offers an authentic Mexican experience where you can fully immerse yourself in local culture and cultivate a traditional lifestyle integrated within welcoming and friendly communities.

This countryside idyll is situated just 20 minutes by road from the capital city of Colima; about a 2.5-hour drive southwest of Guadalajara —Mexico’s second largest city— and approximately 90-minute drive east of the commercial port and resort town of Manzanillo—on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

When you’re looking for a place that’s far removed from the usual locations potential foreign residents tend to shortlist, amidst a rural idyll with easy access to urban services and amenities and good transport links, Comala can provide a countryside lifestyle amidst one of the most fertile and colorful regions of Mexico

Comala at-a-Glance:

Location Type: Colonial

Population: Comala- c.9,650; Colima City- c. 295,000 (2020 Census)

Elevation: Comala- 690 meters (2,200 feet) above sea-level; Colima City- 490 meters (1621 feet) above sea-level

Time zone: Comala, and Colima city and state are on Mexico’s Central Time zone

Annual temperatures: 65F / 18.5C (Nocturnal average, year-round); 86F / 30C (Daytime average, year-round).
See temperatures in Comala area by month (Google)

Rainy season: The rainy season in the Comala and Colima region typically runs from mid-late June to late October each year.

Hurricanes: Comala and Colima City are about a 90-minute drive from the coast. The Sierra Madre Occidental (Western Mountain Chains) helps to protect the region from some of the effects of hurricanes. See the section in this guide about climate and environment for more details.

Volcano: The Volcán de Colima, also known as the “Volcán de Fuego” is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico. The last significant activity of eruptions were recorded between 2013- 2017. See the section in this guide about climate and environment for more details.

Earthquakes: The entire state of Colima is susceptible to potentially large earthquakes, along with most of the western edge of the North American continent.

Local economy: Agriculture, commerce, tourism

Foreign resident prevalence: Low*

Cost of living: Lower* See the cost of living section of this guide for details.

Comala on the map:
Discover Comala and Colima on the map (Google Maps)

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Discovering Comala and environs

The main town of Comala hosts a population of approximately 9,600 residents with a catchment area of approximately 21,600 around the wider municipality. (2020 Census.)

As with many rural towns in Mexico, the main square in Comala is the focal point and primary meeting space for people visiting and living here.  People arrive in town to enjoy food at the traditional botaneros, a collection of restaurants located on the southern side of the main square, tucked under the arches, where patrons choose from a range of traditional regional “tapas.” The tapas are complimentary with the purchase of alcoholic drinks.

Local beverages and refreshment

Comala is well-known for its traditional beverage, called ponche, a water or milk based alcoholic drink, similar to pulque, that blends a variety of fruits and nuts together to create unique and delicious flavors. You can stroll along the streets and walk into a ponche shop to ask for a free tasting; you can take refreshment of a single drink, or bottles to take home with you.

The state of Colima is also one of Mexico’s coffee growing and producing regions.  Coffee plants are cultivated along the slopes of the volcano, where a combination of dark, fertile soils and higher elevation above sea level combine to produce remarkable coffee beans. Cafés and restaurants in town stock a variety of locally harvested and roasted coffees that you can taste and enjoy.

Sweet bread pastries

Another long-standing tradition in Comala is the baking of sweet pastries, known in Spanish as pan dulce.  The town is home to numerous bakeries, which bake and sell an ample selection of sweet breads and pastries seven days a week.

These are typically eaten with coffee as part of breakfast, or as a snack during the day, and the bakeries tend to get busy in the evenings just before sundown, as families attend to buy a selection of breads for their evening supper, perhaps accompanied with locally produced coffee.

Surrounding areas and elevation

While the town of Comala is the primary focal point for meeting, trade and commerce, the wider municipality of Comala offers much more for visitors and residents to explore and enjoy in the surrounding areas.

If you’d prefer to live in a more temperate year-round climate (at higher elevation) you can consider acquiring a countryside home nearer to the volcano, where the elevation rises, and daytime temperatures cool, making it more comfortable for those who don’t enjoy the subtropical heat that is prevalent here at lower elevations.

Some people who live in the city of Colima have a country home situated on the slopes of the volcano and repair to the house at weekends to enjoy nature, a temperately comfortable climate, and delicious regional food and drink.

Comala’s higher elevation also offers a more temperate climate than that offered in the city of Colima. (The higher you climb up towards the volcano, the cooler the climate becomes—it’s also wetter there during the rainy season).

Undiscovered region, ‘off the beaten track’

Comala (and the nearby city of Colima) are host to a small community of foreign residents; however, unlike nearby Lake Chapala, where the conurbation of foreign residents is quite concentrated in one area, the expats that live here are spread out across the region and are usually integrated into the local communities and neighborhoods where they choose to live.

Most of the foreign residents who choose this region of Mexico to live tend to prefer the gentler and more serene lifestyle of Comala, using the city of Colima for essential services and amenities that are not available in the countryside.

Inconspicuous living in Mexico’s mountains

This region of Mexico tends to attract foreign residents who don’t necessarily want to form part of a distilled “expat enclave.”  Most of the foreign residents living in Comala and environs live quiet and unassuming mountain lifestyle lives amidst the traditional neighborhoods of towns and villages in the area.

Notwithstanding this inconspicuous approach, local interest groups do exist and there are always some foreign residents willing to help and provide guidance and support to newcomers in the area.

Spanish language skills needed

It’s worth noting that as this region has not been ‘discovered’ by many foreign residents, you will need to invest in your language skills to negotiate daily life here: speaking Spanish is essential to get by day-to-day.

Unlike popular enclaves including Ajijic and Puerto Vallarta where English is widely used and spoken (and some foreign residents get by speaking only in English), in Comala and environs you will need to speak some Spanish.

Our associate in Comala can help you consider your options

Whether you’re thinking about moving abroad full time or part time and wondering if Mexico, and/or Comala and Colima region is right for you, your partner, and family—experienced lifestyle consultant, Lucie Canuel, can help.

Lucie has been in Mexico for over 20 years and lives and works in the Comala area. Her expertise and experience can help you to consider your options and formulate a lifestyle plan in Mexico.

See Lucie’s profile and connect with her directly.

Cost of Living in Comala and environs

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower than it is the USA, Canada, and Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

One of the attractions that Comala offers to foreign residents thinking of relocating to this region is the low-cost of everyday living here. As this region has not experienced a large influx of foreign residents (and foreign capital), prices —including rents and house prices— have not inflated as they have in areas that are popular with foreign residents, and the local economy is very much a ‘pesos’ economy not a ‘dollar’ economy.

Prices for everyday goods at local shops, markets, and supermarkets in Comala are in line with, or in some cases a little less expensive than prices in Mexico generally.

The city of Colima and surrounding areas is well served by local stores, including several Wal-Marts, Home Depot, and within easy access to a wide range of modern shopping amenities including big stores that are popular with foreign residents, like Sam’s Club.

Specialist retailers that stock imported goods are not easily found in the region, and for these types of items a trip to Guadalajara or Chapala will be necessary; although some goods might be available for purchase online, with home delivery available.

Further insight about living costs in Mexico

Connect to resources about the cost of living:

Our associate in Comala can help you consider your options

Whether you’re thinking about moving abroad full time or part time and wondering if Mexico, and/or Comala and Colima region is right for you, your partner, and family—experienced lifestyle consultant, Lucie Canuel, can help.

Lucie has been in Mexico for over 20 years and lives and works in the Comala area. Her expertise and experience can help you to consider your options and formulate a lifestyle plan in Mexico.

See Lucie’s profile and connect with her directly.

Real Estate in Comala and environs

Most foreign residents who come to this region choose to buy a home, although it makes sense to rent something for a while if you are unfamiliar with the area.

House rentals in Comala

The rental market in Comala can be complicated, and although it’s not impossible to find something that may suit your needs, rental options are limited, especially for furnished homes.

Because this region doesn’t have a local market that caters to a constant stream of foreign and other transitory residents (seasonal or full-time), you’ll need to exercise some creativity regarding how you search for and find a home rental here.

Real estate agents can be helpful, although word-of-mouth and forging contacts and allies locally is often a better way to find the best rental properties.  Finding a place to rent in Comala may be a challenge that will require you to exercise patience; you might need to rent something short term in the city of Colima while you search locally in Comala for a long-term rental.

House purchase in Comala

Comala has, for a long time, been a popular ‘escape hatch’ for people and families living the city of Colima; thus, some residents in the capital purchase homes in the nearby countryside to repair to at weekends and during school holidays.

As a result, houses for sale in Comala have always traded at a relative premium to those situated in other parts of the state of Colima.  (Similar to how rents and house prices in Tepoztlán trade at a premium to other parts of Morelos state.)

Over the last decade, land and property prices have increased substantially, especially along to road that leads up towards the volcano—although prices remain lower than sized-equivalents in places like Lake Chapala, Puerto Vallarta, and Manzanillo.

The advantage of purchasing a home in Comala is that the range of available properties is far more plentiful than rental properties.  A local real estate agent will be able to provide a list of current inventory and prices—you can also search Mexico’s main property portals online for currently advertised inventory.

Principal neighborhoods around Comala and Colima City

These are the principal areas where foreign residents typically buy or rent homes in the Comala/Colima City area:

Comala: Nogueras- Suchitlan- Cofradia de Suchitlan

Colima City: The newest neighborhoods, and ones where families and retired couples tend to live, are to be found on the north side of the city; the most popular include: Residenciales Esmeralda, Santa Fé, Las Lagunas, Santa Barbara, and Altozano.

See also: The charms and compromises of living in the Mexican countryside.

Learn more about real estate in Mexico

Mexperience offers lots of local insight about property in Mexico:

Our associate in Comala can help you consider your options

Whether you’re thinking about moving abroad full time or part time and wondering if Mexico, and/or Comala and Colima region is right for you, your partner, and family—experienced lifestyle consultant, Lucie Canuel, can help.

Lucie has been in Mexico for over 20 years and lives and works in the Comala area. Her expertise and experience can help you to consider your options and formulate a lifestyle plan in Mexico.

See Lucie’s profile and connect with her directly.

How to access Comala and the city of Colima

Comala and the capital city of Colima are readily accessible by intercity roads as well as two regional airports.

By Air: The state of Colima has two airports. The Playa del Oro International Airport that offers domestic and international flights, located in the municipality of Manzanillo (about a 90-minute drive from Comala and the city of Colima). The second is Miguel de la Madrid Airport, offering domestic connections and a limited number of international flights—it’s situated about a 20-minute drive from Comala and the city of Colima.

By Bus: The region’s principal bus terminal, the Central de Autobuses is situated in the capital city of Colima and offers transportation by bus to/from major and smaller cities in the country. Colima’s bus terminal also offers connections between the capital city and local towns and villages in the region; however, traveling by bus to Comala requires you to make a change-over to a second bus as there is no direct buses from the capital city to Comala.

By Taxi (or private car): Local cabs are plentiful and affordable.  A cab ride from the Colima airport to Comala costs about MX$500; and MX$300 from the central bus station.  The trip takes 20-30 minutes, depending on local traffic conditions

Healthcare services in Comala and environs

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services are offered through private hospitals in the nearby city of Colima—about a 20-minute drive away.  There are no substantial healthcare services available in Comala, except for local emergency/clinic services that offer limited scope of healthcare assistance.

The city of Guadalajara (about 2-hour drive from the city of Colima) offers the most extensive range of medical services and healthcare specialists in this region of Mexico.

Hospitals and clinics: The area offers two private hospitals, both situated in the city of Colima, which offer “tier 3” facilities (almost all services) with emergencies, lab work and care provided.  You will need to be insured or pay out of pocket to use these.  See this related Mexico insurance options article for details about coverage choices.

Doctors: The city of Colima is well served by doctors. However, there is no guarantee that they all speak English. Finding an interpreter for medical issues is key. These doctors can refer you to local (public and private) clinics, specialists, and hospitals.

Dentists: There are plenty of dentists to choose from in the area; ask locally for a recommendation. You might need to take an interpreter with you.

Opticians: There are several optometrists available offering eye tests, treatments and some also offer laser surgery.  Ask locally for details.

Learn more about healthcare in Mexico

You may find these resources on Mexperience helpful:

Our associate in Comala can help you consider your options

Whether you’re thinking about moving abroad full time or part time and wondering if Mexico, and/or Comala and Colima region is right for you, your partner, and family—experienced lifestyle consultant, Lucie Canuel, can help.

Lucie has been in Mexico for over 20 years and lives and works in the Comala area. Her expertise and experience can help you to consider your options and formulate a lifestyle plan in Mexico.

See Lucie’s profile and connect with her directly.

Local climate and natural environment in Comala

The climate in Comala and Colima is hotter and more humid than places situated inland at higher elevations, for example, Guadalajara and Chapala.  However, areas around the town of Comala near the volcano enjoy a more temperate year-round climate, especially along the slopes of the volcano which are situated at a higher elevation than the town center.

Annual temperatures

65F / 18.5C (Nocturnal average, year-round); 86F / 30C (Daytime average, year-round). See temperatures in Comala area by month (Google)

Rainy season

The rainy season in the Comala and Colima region typically runs from mid-late June to late October each year.


Comala and Colima City are about a 90-minute drive from the coast; however, the Sierra Madre Occidental (Western Mountain Chains) helps to protect the region from some of the effects of hurricanes that land on the nearby Pacific coast. Due to its close proximity to the coast, the inland areas of Colima state remain susceptible to the effects of hurricanes—most commonly manifests with heavy rainfall and localized flooding in some areas of the region.

Volcanic region

The Volcán de Colima, also known as the “Volcán de Fuego” is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico. This means that periodically, when the volcano goes into a period of activity, there may be occasional ash or vapor exhalations, including occasional eruptions. Historical records from the Spanish colonies indicate that Comala and Colima City have never been evacuated nor suffered any destruction or damages from past large eruptions. The last significant activity of eruptions were recorded between 2013- 2017.


The entire state of Colima is susceptible to potentially large earthquakes, along with most of the western edge of the North American continent.

Further insights about weather and climate:

Comala & environs essentials

Connect to practical information and gain insights about living and lifestyle in Comala and environs:

Comala articles and guides

Connect to more articles and guides about Comala on Mexperience

Airports serving Comala

The state of Colima has two airports. The Playa del Oro International Airport that offers domestic and international flights, located in the municipality of Manzanillo (about a 90-minute drive from Comala and the city of Colima). The second is Miguel de la Madrid Airport, offering domestic connections and a limited number of international flights—it’s situated about a 20-minute drive from Comala and the city of Colima.

Comala on the map

Explore Comala and Colima on Google maps

Getting around Mexico

Transportation choices in Mexico

Communications in Mexico

Stay in touch when you’re in Mexico:

Money and banking services in Mexico

Learn about money management and banking in Mexico

Driving in Mexico

Learn about driving and road trips in Mexico

Health and safety in Mexico

Connect to articles and resources about health and safety matters in Mexico

Our associate in Comala can help you consider your options

Whether you’re thinking about moving abroad full time or part time and wondering if Mexico, and/or Comala and Colima region is right for you, your partner, and family—experienced lifestyle consultant, Lucie Canuel, can help.

Lucie has been in Mexico for over 20 years and lives and works in the Comala area. Her expertise and experience can help you to consider your options and formulate a lifestyle plan in Mexico.

See Lucie’s profile and connect with her directly.

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Comala, Colima first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in Chapala, Ajijic, Jocotepec Wed, 07 Aug 2024 14:43:00 +0000 Lake Chapala living: guide to help you research and assess Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec as locations for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Chapala, Ajijic, Jocotepec first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Research and assess Lake Chapala. Ajijic and Jocotepec as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

The lakeside towns of Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec are situated about an hour’s drive south of Guadalajara, Mexico’s second largest city.  These lakeside colonial towns are home to one of the largest concentrations of foreign residents anywhere in Mexico.  Attractions of the location include an ideal year-round climate, easy access to Guadalajara’s amenities and international airport, and a long-established populace of foreign residents who organize a wide range of social and cultural events in the locality.

Take a walking tour of Ajijic and Lake Chapala

Greg Custer leads walking tours on Saturdays, which encompass key facets of the picturesque town of Ajijic, its history, culture, attractions, and ecology.

Learn more and make a booking request

Living in Lake Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec

Situated at elevation on the shores of Mexico’s largest lake, Lake Chapala, the towns of Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec are home to the largest concentration of American and Canadian residents anywhere in Mexico.  Although the population increases during the winter season, many foreign residents make this their primary year-round home.

Lake Chapala at-a-Glance:

Location Type: Colonial

Population: c.56,000 (2020 Census)

Elevation: 1,525 meters (5,000 feet) above sea-level

Time zone: Lake Chapala and Ajijic are on Mexico’s Central Time zone

Annual temperatures: 55F/13C (Nocturnal low, Winter); 85F/29C (Daytime high, Summer).
See temperatures in Lake Chapala area by month (Google)

Rainy season: The rainy season in the Lake Chapala area runs from late May to October each year.

Hurricanes: Lake Chapala is inland and mostly unaffected by Hurricanes. When hurricanes land on the Pacific coast, inclement weather can be experienced for a few days in the form of overcast skies and additional rainfall.

Local economy: Tourism, foreign resident retirees

Foreign resident prevalence: Very High*

Cost of living: Higher* See the cost of living section of this guide for details.

Lake Chapala on the map:
Discover Lake Chapala on the map (Google Maps)

Local travel guide: Guide to Guadalajara

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Discovering Lake Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec

Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec are small Mexican colonial towns situated on the northern shoreline of Lake Chapala, Mexico’s largest lake.  The area is conveniently situated about an hour’s drive from the southside of Guadalajara —Mexico’s second largest city— and is also close to Guadalajara’s international airport.

The ‘Lake Chapala area’ encompasses the towns of Chapala and nearby towns of Ajijic (about a 20-30 minute drive, depending on traffic) and, further west along the north lakeside, the small town of Jocotepec (about a 45-60 minute drive from Chapala) that has begun to experience a higher influx of foreign residents of late.

The area became popular in the early 20th century when Mexico’s former president Porfirio Diaz vacationed here, and famous writer DH Lawrence wrote his notable work, The Plumed Serpent, while staying in Chapala.

After the revolutionary war, transport connections were improved with a train line (now closed; the old station has been turned into a cultural center) and today the area is made easily accessible by road highways that connect the towns to each other and to the nearby city of Guadalajara.  The region’s main airport is conveniently situated 20 miles (about a 30-minute drive) north of the town of Chapala, and offers regular flights to Mexico City and various US cities. Check for current routes.

Invaluable program that shares essential insights into lifestyles around Lake Chapala

Join a program carefully designed and customized for people thinking about moving or retiring to the Lake Chapala area. The program material provides essential knowledge as you make your transition, regardless of where in Mexico you eventually decide to live.

Dates are open for events hosted at Lake Chapala and Online. Learn more


Chapala is a popular weekend get-away destination for Tapatios, as people from Guadalajara are known.  The town’s lakeshore district is characterized by it bandstand, scenic pier, and local cafés and restaurants; boat rides depart from here to take tourists to some of the islands on the lake, including Isla de los Alacranes (Scorpion Island) that offers sight-seeing and a place to sit and enjoy a meal.  Chapala is the first lakeside town you’ll encounter as you drive south from Guadalajara and the airport and is also where the area’s principal bus station is situated.  Chapala becomes particularly busy during the weekends as well as during long holiday weekends.


About a 20-30 minute drive west from Chapala (depends on local traffic) is the picturesque town of Ajijic.  This is the best known of all the lakeside towns, and tends to be the one most sought-after by foreign residents considering a move to the area.  Its picturesque streets, cobbled alleyways, pleasant plazas, and agreeable treelined boardwalk along the lakeside offer an environment that is quintessentially colonial Mexico coupled with Anglicized stores and restaurants.  Combined, these two worlds fuse into an attractive environment that provides the picturesque feel of a traditional colonial Mexican town with the comforts and amenities of an American one.

One of the striking features of the town is the proliferation of street and mural artworks that can be found throughout Ajijic.  The presence of this artwork sprang from the 1954 Children’s Art Program at Lake Chapala Society (see community, below, for more information about the LCS).  The town also makes efforts to recognize and celebrate writers and artists which you can discover and read about on local historian Tony Burton’s website, Lake Chapala Artists.

Take a walking tour of Ajijic and Lake Chapala

Greg Custer leads walking tours on Saturdays, which encompass key facets of the picturesque town of Ajijic, its history, culture, attractions, and ecology.

Learn more and make a booking request


“Joco,” as it’s referred to locally, is the western-most lakeside town along the north shore of Lake Chapala. Far fewer foreign residents live here than in neighboring Ajijic and Chapala, although as property prices have soared in established neighborhoods, potential new residents looking for lower-priced homes or rents, as well as those who seek a town near to Ajijic but with less concentration of foreign residents, may consider Jocotepec as a potential alternative.  Joco serves as a mid-point between the social and cultural attractions in Ajijic and Chapala and the growing assortment of modern services and stores in southwest Guadalajara, including CostCo, readily accessible from Jocotepec via highways 15 and 80.

Long-established community of foreign residents

The Lake Chapala area, with the main towns of Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec (and smaller enclaves including Riberas del Pilar, La Floresta, San Antonio, and San Juan Cosalá) is the most comprehensively developed of all the popular regions where foreign residents live in Mexico.  Like San Miguel de Allende, the unfolding of this locality as a foreign resident enclave happened over many decades, and was brought about through a series of organic events and situations which, together over time, cultivated a community of people with common interests and lifestyle priorities.  It is this long-established group of foreign residents who have arrived and become actively involved in the care and development of the communities they live among that has formed the Lake Chapala areas as they have become today.

For potential foreign residents seeking a place to live in Mexico, the lakeside villages offer a ‘turn-key’ lifestyle location that combines the idyllic characteristics of Mexico with familiar tones and behaviors of Anglicized culture, including an immediate community people speaking English as their principal or strong second language.

Perfect year-round climate

One of the biggest attractions for foreign residents living in the Lake Chapala area is the near-perfect climate that this region offers.  Situated at over 5,000 feel above sea level and settled alongside a natural lake, the locality offers all of the benefits of living in a mountain climate.

You don’t need to spend money keeping warm in the winter, and unlike living at the beach, you don’t need to spend money on expensive air-conditioning to keep cool during the summer months.  The year-round temperate climate provides ideal living conditions for indoor and outdoor activities.  You can learn more about the climate and weather in Lake Chapala in the section below.

Strong local community

The Lake Chapala area has what is probably the best organized and most highly developed local community of foreign residents anywhere in Mexico.  This has come about through decades of dedication by foreign residents who arrived and took an active interest in the local community and environs.

The lion’s share of the community efforts are spearheaded and coordinated by The Lake Chapala Society, headquartered in Ajijic, with arts and cultural activities led by the Lakeside Little Theatre company.

Residents who come to live in the area tend to become actively involved in social, cultural and altruistic activities, all of which contribute to the growth and strength of the local community spirit that exists here.  For newcomers, the Lake Chapala Society provides an immediate connection to local people, activities and events; and for long-term residents the society serves a foundation and focal point for the ongoing development of local community interests.

Invaluable program that shares essential insights into lifestyles around Lake Chapala

Join a program carefully designed and customized for people thinking about moving or retiring to the Lake Chapala area. The program material provides essential knowledge as you make your transition, regardless of where in Mexico you eventually decide to live.

Dates are open for events hosted at Lake Chapala and Online. Learn more

Unique and not easily compared

There is nowhere else in Mexico like Lake Chapala; other small towns that aspire to become ‘meccas’ for foreign residents (for the investment and energy they bring) talk about ’emulating the model,’ but the truth is that the Lake Chapala area (and Ajijic in particular) evolved over many decades as people attracted to the locale streamed in naturally and made unique contributions —some significant, others quite small but cooperatively important— in ways that cannot be forced or brought about in short time scales for the expediency of creating a new lifestyle destination.

This is not an ideal destination for everyone who wants to forge a new lifestyle in Mexico, and like anywhere else it’s worth taking time to consider your needs and priorities, but towns around Lake Chapala offer a comfortable and agreeable situation, especially for people who want to combine Mexico’s atmosphere and its physical environment (e.g. climate, food, architecture) with the immediate presence of a familiar Anglo culture that has formed over decades right on the doorstep in the form of social, cultural, and educational events and facilities.  The lakeside area’s proximity to an international airport is also a big pull for foreign residents with family and/or business ties in the US and Canada.

Take a walking tour of Ajijic and Lake Chapala

Greg Custer leads walking tours on Saturdays, which encompass key facets of the picturesque town of Ajijic, its history, culture, attractions, and ecology.

Learn more and make a booking request

Cost of Living in Lake Chapala & environs

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower than it is the USA, Canada and Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Living or retiring in the Lake Chapala area is more affordable than in the US and Canada and Europe; however, it is among the more expensive places in Mexico to live, in part to due to the steady demand from foreign residents for property and services here, and the fact that some elements of the local economy (especially rents and house prices) are effectively dollarized—see real estate, below, for details.

Prices for everyday goods at local shops, supermarkets, and everyday services like telephony and utilities are in line with prices everywhere else in Mexico.

The Lake Chapala area is well served with local stores, including a large Wal-Mart, and within an hour’s drive residents have access to a wide range of modern shopping amenities including big stores like CostCo and Sam’s Club that are popular with foreign residents, as well as specialist retailers that stock imported goods which are not easily found in Mexico.

Further insight about living costs in Mexico

To learn more about the living costs, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living guide here on Mexperience.

Latest articles about money.

Mexico’s currency.

Real Estate in Lake Chapala & environs

The Lake Chapala area offers a wide range of home options to suit all tastes and budgets; from small rustic casitas to large homes built into the upper levels of the nearby mountainside offering breathtaking views across the lake.  Most foreign residents who are attracted to Lake Chapala and can afford it will rent or buy a home in Ajijic proper (and a range of price levels exists within the town itself, depending on the locale and type of property); Chapala is the second most popular locale with foreign residents; and Jocotepec, the western-most town on the north shore, is the location in this area with the least concentration of foreign residents and also the town with lower rental and purchase prices.

Principal areas (neighborhoods) around Lake Chapala

These are the principal areas where foreign residents typically buy or rent homes in the Lake Chapala area:

  • Chapala itself most foreign residents have homes situated in the hillsides above the pier and downtown lakeshore area; neighborhoods include Lourdes, San Miguel, Tepehua, La Purisima, La Parota, and Nuevo Chapala;
  • as you travel west from Chapala, you’ll find Riberas del Pilar and San Antonio—popular small town/neighborhoods nestled between Chapala and Ajijic; and
  • Ajijic — the most sought-after and the most expensive of all the lakeside towns; it’s where the Lake Chapala Society is headquartered and is the focal point for all the social, cultural and educational activities of the area; it’s also the most crowded and with the highest concentration of foreign residents;
  • west from Ajijic along the north shore is San Juan Cosalá, an increasingly popular conurbation in the locality that’s attracting significant interest from foreign residents as well being a focal point for property developers; then
  • further west are the small conurbations Jaltepec and Chantepec; before you reach
  • the westernmost town on the north shore, Jocotepec, that is also the gateway to the highway connecting Lake Chapala with the (growing) southwest side of Guadalajara, including the shops and amenities near Santa Anita.

Ajijic remains the most popular and most sought after of all the lakeside towns. The demand is driven by its picturesque streets and plazas, its role as the focal point for social and cultural activities, and its ample assortment of attractive accommodations. It is, however, the most expensive of all the lakeside towns for property rentals and purchase.

Chapala, Ribera del Pila, San Antonio and San Juan Cosalá are the next most popular (and expensive) areas; as you travel further west along the north shore of the lake, you’ll find lower prices in the conurbations of Jaltepec and Chantepec, and in the town of Jocotepec.

Small properties can be purchased from around US$100,000.  Property rentals in Ajijic and Chapala tend to be quoted in US dollars and start at around US$400 per month for a small studio. Two bedroom homes can rent from US$800 per month.

Lower rents (and rents quoted in Mexican pesos) can be sought in more traditional neighborhoods and in conurbations outside of Ajijic and Chapala proper.  Our Mexico Cost of Living guide contains chapters on property prices as well as links to portal sites where you can browse properties for rent and for sale.

Learn more about real estate in Mexico
Mexperience offers lots of local insight about property in Mexico:

Download our free guide to Real Estate in Mexico here on Mexperience.

Learn about property rentals in Mexico

Latest articles about property and real estate in Mexico

Take a walking tour of Ajijic and Lake Chapala

Greg Custer leads walking tours on Saturdays, which encompass key facets of the picturesque town of Ajijic, its history, culture, attractions, and ecology.

Learn more and make a booking request

Healthcare services in Lake Chapala

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US-standard healthcare services exist in the Lake Chapala area.

Hospitals/Clinics:  The area offers two local private hospitals, both situated between Chapala and Ajijic, which offer “tier 4” facilities (almost all services) with lab work and care provided lakeside and no need to travel to Guadalajara for treatments.  You will need to be insured or pay out of pocket to use these.  See the insurance options article link, below, for details about coverage choices.

Doctors: Lake Chapala is well served by doctors on call, many of whom speak Spanish and English.  They can refer you to local (public and private) clinics, specialists and hospitals.

Dentists: There are plenty of dentists to choose from; ask locally for a recommendation.

Opticians: There are several optometrists available offering eye tests, treatments and some also offer laser surgery.  Ask locally for details.

The city of Guadalajara (about an hour’s drive away) offers additional medical services and healthcare specialists if these are needed.

Learn more about healthcare in Mexico
You may find these resources on Mexperience helpful:

Health and medical insurance options in Mexico

Health and well-being in Mexico

Travel health in Mexico

Local climate in Lake Chapala

As we mentioned earlier in the guide (see above), Lake Chapala offers a near perfect year-round climate to live in, and it’s this temperate climate that is one of the top attractions to people considering a move here, and as well encouraging those already living here to stay.

The towns along the north shore of Lake Chapala enjoy year-round temperate climates.  In the fall and winter months, daytime high temperatures average around 75F (23C) and nighttime lows average around 42F (6C).  In the spring and summer months, daytime high temperatures average around 85F (29C) and nighttime lows average around 55F (13C).  The rain season runs from around mid-May to mid-October each year, sometimes spilling into November.

Lake Chapala & environs essentials

Connect to practical information and gain insights about living and lifestyle in nearby Guadalajara, Mexico

Lake Chapala articles and guides

Connect to more articles and guides about Lake Chapala here on Mexperience

Lake Chapala airport

The Lake Chapala towns are served by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla international airport (GDL) situated about 20 miles (50 minute road trip) north from the downtown pier area of Chapala. Check for current routes.

Lake Chapala map

Explore Lake Chapala on Google maps

Getting around Mexico

Transportation choices in Mexico

Communications in Mexico

Stay in touch when you’re in Mexico:

Money and banking services in Mexico

Learn about money management and banking in Mexico

Driving in Mexico

Learn about driving and road trips in Mexico

Health and safety in Mexico

Connect to articles and resources about health and safety matters in Mexico

Take a walking tour of Ajijic and Lake Chapala

Greg Custer leads walking tours on Saturdays, which encompass key facets of the picturesque town of Ajijic, its history, culture, attractions, and ecology.

Learn more and make a booking request

Invaluable program that shares essential insights into lifestyles around Lake Chapala

Join a program carefully designed and customized for people thinking about moving or retiring to the Lake Chapala area. The program material provides essential knowledge as you make your transition, regardless of where in Mexico you eventually decide to live.

Dates are open for events hosted at Lake Chapala and Online. Learn more

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Living, Working and Retirement in Los Cabos Sun, 14 Jul 2024 17:43:46 +0000 Los Cabos living: guide to help you research and assess Los Cabos as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess Los Cabos as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico.

Living in Los Cabos

Los Cabos, meaning “The Capes”, is a region at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula; the land immediately south of California in the United States, cut-off from mainland Mexico by the Sea of Cortes, also referred to as the Gulf of California.

Los Cabos At-a-Glance:

Location Type



58,000 (2005 Census)


10 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Mountain Time

High/Low Temperatures

60F/15C (Nocturnal, Winter), 95F/32C (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 78F/24C.

Rainy Season?

The rainy season runs from June to October with most of the rainfall in August and September. Tropical storms, and on occasions hurricanes, can land here especially during late summer


Los Cabos is subject to Hurricanes from the Pacific Ocean

Local Economy:

Fishing, tourism

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living

Average for Resort Towns*

Travel Guide

Guide to Cabo San Lucas

Photo Gallery

Pictures of Cabo San Lucas

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Los Cabos comprises two towns: Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. The two cities are joined by a 30km (20 mile) stretch of road that runs along an area known as the ‘tourist corridor’ on account that the stretch is dotted by top-class hotels and resorts.

The Baja Peninsula is divided into two states: Baja California, and Baja California Sur, and is a socially and politically unique region of Mexico. There exists a considerable amount of U.S. influence and the peninsula is becoming autonomous in many ways to the rest of Mexico, albeit the land and the local people who inhabit it continue to exude Mexican culture and values.

“The Baja” as the peninsula is often referred to, is tightly linked to the United States in many ways; in part because of the geography and in part due to the massive U.S. investment — both corporate and individual — that is taking place here. For example, many prices in Los Cabos are routinely quoted in U.S. Dollars; and, at a macro level, Baja California produces its own electricity — so much, that it exports the excess for sale to California in the U.S.A.

Mexican authorities also recognize the uniqueness of this land space and have made special allowances, such as allowing U.S.-plated motor vehicles to enter and remain on the peninsula, provided that the vehicle’s U.S. tax stickers are kept current. Elsewhere in Mexico, vehicles require an import permit and must be legalized (plates changed to Mexican plates) or exported (driven back across the border) within a fixed time period.

The peninsula’s geography, the ties to the United States, and the unabating investment pouring-in from Mexico’s northern neighbor as well from Mexican interests, provide retirees and people who want to live (and possibly work) in Mexico a very unique opportunity: to live in a region that is undoubtedly Mexican, but which has many of the hues and benefits of being so closely associated with the U.S.A.

Of course, the influx of investment and interest over the last fifteen to twenty years means that land and property prices have risen considerably over the period; however, since the credit crisis that began in late 2007, prices have begun to atone and relative bargains may now be sought in the region.

With over 55,000 square miles of land space, the Baja peninsula is huge. Baja California is over 27,000 square miles in size; its capital city is Mexicali. Baja California Sur, that incorporates Los Cabos, is a little over 28,000 square miles in size. The southern state on the peninsula is the least densely populated state in Mexico, with just one person for every four square miles of land space. Its capital city is La Paz.

The Baja peninsula offers a diverse range of options for people who want to live retire and even work in Mexico. Los Cabos offers top-level amenities and local services; however, if you want to live more simply, there are alternative spaces, like those in and around San Felipe, offering land parcels ideal for the construction of eco-homes in Mexico.

The peninsula offers good transport links by road, air and ferry. People who own their own boats also find the many ports and marinas make the peninsula easily accessible.

The climate in this region is divine; it’s one of the biggest attractions for retirees and even then, there is choice. Although the coastal areas get hot and sultry in the summer, sea breezes cool them down; for those who need respite from the heat, mountain ranges that climb over a mile high above sea-level offer altitude and cooler temperatures.

Credit Crunch Making Los Cabos More Affordable

As ocean-front (or ocean view) properties in the United States went from being very expensive to eye-wateringly expensive, investors who yearned to have a bolt-hole by the sea looked to places like Los Cabos, where sea facing and sea view property was still affordable. The recent credit crisis has caused all realty markets to atone, and lower prices are now apparent even in the most sought-after Mexican realty markets, of which Los Cabos is one.

Inward Investment

Los Cabos, like a number of other resort areas in Mexico, continues to experience a surge of inward investment; and although foreign capital is flowing, Mexicans too, are looking to the peninsula. This investment can be seen at many different levels: small boutique stores, cafe’s and restaurants opening their doors; the renaissance run-down neighborhoods in old parts of the towns and cities, and the arrival of major hotel and resort brands — companies who spend millions ‘doing their homework’ before they lay a single brick — are building and opening major new resorts in and around Los Cabos.

Better Quality of Life

Economic and political ties alone will not attract retirees and others to live in a foreign land; beyond the underlying strengths of the Baja region, Los Cabos offers its residents a superb quality of life, with services and amenities to support a comfortable way of living.

The great outdoors — on the water and on land — is really spectacular here. The climate lends itself perfectly to outdoor pursuits, which is why Los Cabos is host to no less than six world championship golf courses and major international sports fishing events.

In addition to sports fishing, SCUBA diving, boating and yachting, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, wind surfing and water skiing are just a few of the other water sports on offer here.

Back on the land: the diversity of the desert terrain offers opportunities to hike, climb, take part in eco-tours and adventure travel activities (off road racing, climbing, etc). Mountains over a mile high provide breath-taking views and an opportunity to get fit and, quite literally, lift yourself up from the heat of the coasts to the cool mountain micro climates at 5,000 feet.

Foreign expatriate communities — now well established in this region — provide advice, support and networks of friends and associates to participate in sports and hobbies, do business, or simply relax and unwind.

Potential expatriates may look at various locations across Mexico and see similarities in what each one has to offer. Los Cabos — and the Baja Peninsula — is unique: no other region in Mexico offers what this peninsula does, and no other coastal resort town offers what Los Cabos does.

This uniqueness is also going to dictate that Los Cabos is not going to be the right for everyone: but for those who do come here and can feel themselves at home, the location has been — is — and will continue to be one of the most attractive locations on Mexican soil for foreigners to live, retire and work in.

Cost of Living in Los Cabos

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Los Cabos vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance

Real Estate in Los Cabos

Information about the real estate market in Los Cabos.

Real Estate Market in Los Cabos

Prices of realty in Los Cabos have risen considerably over the last decade, although they still remain at very affordable levels when compared to ocean-side and ocean-facing property in the United States and Europe.

As ocean-front (or ocean view) properties in the United States went from being very expensive to eye-wateringly expensive and unaffordable to most, investors who yearned to have a bolt-hole by the sea looked south. Even at the height of the property boom, prices in Los Cabos were affordable in comparison with comparable ocean-side properties in the U.S.A. Since the credit bubble burst in late 2007, prices in Mexico have been leveling off and at least one developer is offering condos and apartments at price levels not seen since the mid 1990’s.

For those who and love Los Cabos, but felt the area was out of their price range, it’s now time to take another look; for those who have yet to discover why so many people have moved here in the last fifteen years, the price tags no longer need to be a barrier.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, often on prime beachfront locations or on fine golf courses.

Real estate types range from beachfront homes, lots, and condos. There are also a number of time-share projects in and around Los Cabos, and especially in the tourist zone of the city (note that time share is not ownership). Private residences (mostly re-sales) are available in the town center of Los Cabos as well as out-of-town, where investors are buying homes offering desert-landscape surroundings with ocean and/or mountain views.

Rentals Market in Los Cabos

Most rental properties in Los Cabos are offered through local realty agents or by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some realty developers rent out their units or rent out units on behalf of owners: check with local developers or a local realty agent for details and further information.

Healthcare in Los Cabos

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Los Cabos. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in Los Cabos

Los Cabos enjoys a yearly average temperature of 81F/24C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 65F/15C at night; summer months may reach highs of 90F/30C in July and August especially.

Winter Climate:

January through March, the winter months, are the coolest: a time when the climate in Los Cabos is mild, sunny and comfortable. Temperatures range from 55F/12C at night to 75F/22C in the day. Although it does not freeze by the coast, temperatures can drop below freezing inland and especially on the nearby Laguna Mountains, which rise over 5,200 feet above sea level.

Spring Climate:

April through June – springtime in Los Cabos is period of time that sees hardly no rain and temperatures rise gradually as winter yields to spring. Temperatures range from 60F/14C overnight to 85F/26C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

July through September are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 75F/21C overnight, to 100F/35C in the daytime. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak in mid-July and August and the hot air also gives rise to tropical storms and, on occasions, hurricanes.

Autumn Climate:

In stark contrast to the gradual incline of temperatures between winter and spring, the autumn tends to arrive suddenly in Los Cabos. Temperatures remain very warm and the air is muggy through to late September; not until the Oceans cool and the winds change direction do temperatures fall back to their ‘spring like’ comfortable levels – this happens in October. Rain is infrequent, but possible; in contrast to the spring when any rain at all is a complete surprise. Temperatures in the autumn months range from 63F/16C overnight to 85F/27C in the daytime. Humidity levels drop considerably from October onwards.

Rainy Season:

Los Cabos’s rainy season runs from June to October, with most of the rain falling in August and September. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months tropical storms and hurricanes may feature, too.


Hurricanes can affect Los Cabos, particularly during the hottest months. Most hurricanes that have landed on the peninsula have happened in August and September.

Sea Temperature in Los Cabos

During the peak summer months of July and August, sea temperatures may reach as high as 90F/30C; in other months, the sea temperature will average around 70F/20C.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in Los Cabos

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Los Cabos.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Los Cabos

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Cabo San Lucas

Photo Gallery

Pictures of Cabo San Lucas

Mexico Maps

Download PDF Maps of Mexico

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Living, Working and Retirement in Puerto Vallarta Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:43:41 +0000 Puerto Vallarta living: guide to help you research and assess Puerto Vallarta as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess Puerto Vallarta as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico.

Living in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is a resort town on Mexico’s Pacific coast that has been popular with leisure travelers and expatriate residents for decades. The location has also earned some notoriety due to its backdrop being employed for the filming of some major motion pictures; the most famous, perhaps because it ‘put Puerto Vallarta on the map’, is Night of the Iguana.

Puerto Vallarta At-a-Glance:

Location Type



180,000; 220,000 in the wider Puerto Vallarta area (2005 Census).


15 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Central Time

High/Low Temperatures

62F/16C (Nocturnal, Winter), 90F/30C (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 86F/27C.

Rainy Season?

Puerto Vallarta’s rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with tropical storms, and on occasions hurricanes, landing here especially in late summer.


Puerto Vallarta is subject to Hurricanes from the Pacific Ocean.

Local Economy:

Tourism, agriculture, light industry, e-commerce.

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living*


Travel Guide

Guide to Puerto Vallarta

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

The town is known to most people as simply “Vallarta”, and is oftentimes referred to by foreigners as “PV”.

Rich expatriates and celebrities have been choosing this resort town for their home for many decades now; although of late there has also been a significant influx of baby boomers to Vallarta, as well as a contingency of younger expats moving here to set up homes and businesses.

Puerto Vallarta is an accessible city — by air, by road and by sea — and this accessibility, especially the advents of new road construction and direct flights from key cities in the U.S.A, has played an important part in the growth story of this city over the course of the last ten years.

Transport connections may get people here, but it’s the town itself that keeps them coming back — or, as is more often the case, coming back for good.

The region’s sea-side climate, with winter temperatures (Dec-Mar) averaging in the mid 60’s F, spring temperatures (Apr-Jun) rising to averages in the late 70’s F, and summer temperatures (July-Sep) reaching as high as the mid 90’s F, Puerto Vallarta offers an attractive year-long climate for living and retirement. The months of July, August and September bring the hottest temperatures and highest levels of humidity; those who love this climate stay all summer; those who don’t leave for the hottest months (July, August) and return in late September when the temperatures and humidity ease.

With its unique blend of colonial charms, attractive climate, ocean living and Mexican authenticity, Vallarta epitomizes what so many foreigners come looking for in Mexico.

Affordable and Modern

Puerto Vallarta, like so many other Mexican towns and cities — even those on the coast — is affordable to buy into and affordable to live in. The stellar population growth in the region has also been attracting some major commercial investors to the region; and so modern, avant-garde amenities, like super-centers selling imported U.S. goods, modern shopping centers, cinemas, good restaurants and modern healthcare centers and clinics are just some of the modern amenities being enjoyed by residents in the Vallarta area. For people who want a real taste of Mexico and also want some U.S.-style commercial comforts to support their lifestyle, Puerto Vallarta is an option.

Vibrant Economy

It’s estimated that over fifty per cent of people in Vallarta are employed — directly or indirectly — by the tourism industry. Notwithstanding this, the city of Vallarta and Jalisco, the state it resides in, has other sources of prosperity which are flourishing more and more each year. The fertile lands in this region are ideal for certain types of agriculture, especially citrus, banana, mango and avocado. Fishing operations from the Bay of Banderas provide a livelihood to many. Specialized ‘light manufacturing’ cottage industries are springing up around here (for example, boat building) and the state of Jalisco (and especially Vallarta) are emerging as key ‘e-commerce’ centers in Mexico as people developing the ‘dot com’ and other knowledge industries move here and set up their businesses servicing local and international markets. Construction and home sales have been significant sources of income over the last decade, although these industries have abated with the world-wide downturn in real estate prices.

Puerto Vallarta and Environs

The ‘old town’ of Puerto Vallarta still exudes “old world” feel and characteristics with its narrow streets, cobbled stone lanes, red-tiled pitched roofs and authentic local neighborhoods.

Further out of town — north and south, larger houses as well as luxury condominiums have began to dot the landscape.

Nuevo Vallarta (New Vallarta), an area some ten minutes drive north of the city’s international airport is one the places that has attracted enormous interest from foreign buyers with its gorgeous marina, relative proximity to the city center of Vallarta, proximity to modern shopping and services, and still right on the sea front.

Further north is the town of Punta de Mita — an exclusive area in the region. The Four Seasons Hotel has one of its two Mexican properties situated here and the area surrounding it is beginning to develop at a fast pace. Luxury living — secluded and exclusive — but close to Vallarta, is on offer in Punta de Mita.

Cost of Living in Puerto Vallarta

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Puerto Vallarta vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance

Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta

Information about the real estate market in Puerto Vallarta.

Prices of realty soared in Puerto Vallarta between the mid 1990’s and 2007, making some areas almost unaffordable to people on a modest budget. The high prices in the central areas in and around Vallarta gave rise to expansion of the areas further south and north, where land and constructed property prices are lower. As the world-wide realty market experiences a price correction, market conditions have caused price rises to stall, which is now creating an investment opportunity for people who want to make a long term commitment to the area whether inside Vallarta or one of the emerging areas within a forty minute drive of the city center.

Real Estate Market in Puerto Vallarta

Real Estate, like the growth in population, has boomed in Puerto Vallarta over the last fifteen years. Vallarta continues to be one of the fastest growing cities in Mexico, and it’s not just foreigners buying: many Mexicans, especially those who are looking for beach side property or those leaving Mexico City, are spying Vallarta and making investments here.

As demand grew, prices rose across Vallarta and environs. Prime properties, especially those in desirable areas of the city center and some of the fine developments situated north and south of the town can still command a good price; however there is plenty of land and space around Vallarta and if your geographic preferences are flexible, you will be able to find some bargains, too.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, often on prime beachfront locations or on fine golf courses.

Real estate types range from beachfront homes, lots, and condos. Residences (mostly re-sales) are available in the town center of Puerto Vallarta as well as out-of-town, where investors are buying homes offering semi-rural surroundings and ocean and/or mountain views.

Rentals Market in Puerto Vallarta

Most rental properties in Puerto Vallarta are offered through local realty agents or by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in Puerto Vallarta

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Puerto Vallarta. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta enjoys a yearly average temperature of 86F/27C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 62F/16C at night; summer months may reach highs of 90F/30C, with drenching humidity in July and August especially.

62F/16C (Nocturnal, Winter), 90F/30C (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 86F/27C.

Winter Climate:

January through March are the coolest months. Temperatures can range from 62F/16C to 81F/25C in the day.

Spring Climate:

April through June – springtime – are warmer months in Puerto Vallarta with temperatures ranging from 65F/17C overnight to 88F/29C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

July through September are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 75F/21C overnight, to 95F/32C in the daytime. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak in mid-July and August; this is a time when many local residents leave the area to go traveling and retirees leave to visit families back home; returning in late September as temperatures in Puerto Vallarta begin to moderate.

Autumn Climate:

October thru December usually offer the best climate in Puerto Vallarta. Temperatures moderate again starting late September, the drenching humidity disappears and the warm, comfortable climate that is loved by all who live in Vallarta, returns. Temperatures range from 73F/22C overnight to 87F/27C in the daytime.

Rainy Season:

Puerto Vallarta’s rainy season runs from May to October. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September tropical storms may feature, too.


Hurricanes can affect Puerto Vallarta, although the enormous Bay of Banderas is said to “protect” the area from most of the Pacific hurricanes that pass by the region.

Sea Temperature in Puerto Vallarta

During the peak summer months of July and August, sea temperatures may reach as high as 80F/23C; in other months, the sea temperature will average around 65F/18C.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in Puerto Vallarta

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Puerto Vallarta.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Puerto Vallarta

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Puerto Vallarta

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Puerto Vallarta first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in Mérida Mon, 08 Jul 2024 14:40:51 +0000 Mérida living: guide to help you research and assess Mérida, Yucatán as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Mérida first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Research and assess Mérida as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

Living in Mérida

Mérida is the capital city of the state of Yucatán, famous for its rich Mayan history and culture as well as some of Mexico’s most important archaeological sites. Mérida is a regional hub of activity and extremely well connected by land and air to other parts of the Yucatan region, to Mexico City and by air to the U.S.A.

Merida At-A-Glance:

Location Type

Colonial City


734,000 (2005 Census)


30 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Central Time

High/Low Temperatures

105F/38C (Daytime, Summer);
64F/18C (Nocturnal, Winter) Year-Round Average 79F/24C.

Rainy Season?

Merida’s rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with heavy tropical downpours occurring in these months


Merida’s weather can be affected by hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Caribbean.

Local Economy:

Textiles, Tourism, Agriculture, Commerce, eCommerce

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living


Travel Guide

Guide to Merida

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

This city portrays a considerable charm and buzz about it brought about by its contrasts: Mérida is cosmopolitan and quaint; Mexican but with a strong Mayan influence everywhere you go.

For those wishing to retire in the Yucatán region of Mexico, the capital city of Mérida offers colonial-era charm, urban vibrancy, and ease of access to the best the region has to offer including art, cultural events, secluded beaches, nature reserves and archaeological treasures.

Removed from the glitzy sunshine boulevards of Cancun (although the two are connected by a super highway), Mérida offers residents a piece of authentic Mexico, while also keeping a unique flavor and style that is unmistakably Yucatecan.

Merida is distinct culturally and politically from the rest of Mexico. This is brought about, in part, through centuries of desire for political autonomy, driven by a Mayan inheritance which continues to influence the city, its inhabitants and environs.

You will find “Meridanos” are proud to show you their unique blends of culture which embrace food, art, and music and which are exclusive to this region. Unlike most other colonial cities in Mexico, Merida is a place that is brimming with a diverse variety of art galleries, cultural festivals, as well as cinema and theater.

The principal focal point at center of Merida is the Plaza Grande (the main plaza), that is surrounded by carefully laid out streets showcasing impressive colonial structures which today play their roles as government buildings, cultural centers, museums, and up-scale private residences.

Flanking this architecture you’ll also find peaceful, shady parks lined with laurel trees and color-laden flower beds which provide some respite from the direct heat of the sun. And although tranquil spaces may be easily sought here, Merida is not a sleepy town. Every night of the week you will find some kind of entertainment or event that may include concerts, festivals, art openings, or parades.

The pulse of daily life may be experienced everywhere on Merida’s streets, and particularly in the plazas and courtyards where locals congregate, engage with each socially, trade or watch the world go by. On weekends, cars are prohibited from entering the city center and the street is transformed into haven for strollers, market goers, street artists and tourists.

Tierra Caliente

Merida’s geographical location places it firmly inside the category of “tierra caliente” (hot lands) — and living here means that summer heat and humidity are as much as part of the landscape as the rich colonial architecture.

During the rainy season, that runs from May to October each year, Mérida combines its hot climate with thunderstorms and humidity ensues. The humidity wanes in the dry season, bringing a welcome change of climate to residents and visitors alike. Expatriates who can’t take the extreme heat but who adore the winter climate here, take their winters in Mérida, flock back home in the summer, and return when the season changes again.

Affordable and Appealing Colonial Lifestyle

Affordability and modern amenities are two key factors which call retirees’ attention to the city of Mérida. Expatriates accustomed to comfortable living arrangements and the availability of modern services and amenities around them find living in Mérida appealing because it delivers authentic colonial charm, a lower cost of living than the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, as well as commercial, cultural and medical amenities expatriates often wish to see around their living spaces. Mérida offers many modern-day conveniences and services which Mexican colonial towns and cities of a similar size and standing often lack.

Active Lifestyles

Those who fall in love with Mérida are oftentimes enamored with the whole Yucatan peninsula. Using Mérida as a base, you can explore historical destinations such as the colonial cities of Valladolid and Izamal; visit the vast wealth of the Mayan’s ancient cities — far beyond the tourist-heavy archaeological sites of Chichen Itzá, Tulum, and Uxmal. The region is dotted with dozens of Haciendas; some in ruins, some partly restored and others fully restored into beautiful hotels or fine restaurants. Within a day-trip you can visit white sand beaches and savor the azure-blue waters of the Mayan Riviera; or perhaps spend a night or two at one of the hospitable beach towns there. Yucatan’s natural environment provides an abundance of options for outdoor activities such as bird watching, scuba diving, caving, and hiking; fine nature reserves, including Ka’an Biosphere reserve, are in easy reach, too.

A City Back in Bloom

During the course of the last decade, Mérida has come to popular attention among foreigners seeking affordable and authentic Mexican living in a culturally-sophisticated environment.

Mérida today is a progressive city, indeed, a ‘poster-boy’ example of how a ‘colonial backwater’ can come to reinvent itself. After decades of economic decline following the Mexican revolution of 1910-1917, and subsequent collapse of the sisal plantations and haciendas which took an enormous economic and social toll on this region, Mérida is once again becoming transformed by its people and and adapting itself to the new economies of the twenty-first century.

For expatriate residents, and foreigners considering Mérida as a place for living and especially for retirement, Mérida and the Yucatán region offer an exciting, authentic and promising array of options and prospects.

Cost of Living in Merida

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Mérida vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking and Finances

Real Estate in Merida

Information about the real estate market in Merida

Real Estate Market in Merida

Prices of land and property in Mérida, as elsewhere in Mexico, have risen over the last decade, although they still remain at very affordable levels when compared to properties in the popular resort cities in this region.

Foreign retirees have discovered that they can live among a piece of Mérida’s colonial past by purchasing colonial homes and refurbishing them to their former splendor. The central colonias (neighborhoods) of Santa Ana and Santiago contain the greatest concentration of expatriates, but there are plenty of other colonias which attract foreign investors. The further away from the historic center you look, the lower prices become.

While over the past decade the cost of colonial homes has risen steadily, foreign capital can still go a long way here, especially in comparison to prices in the U.S.A. and Western Europe. The recent influx of expatriates as well as wealthy Mexicans, particular those relocating away from Mexico City or seeking investments in Mexico’s provincial towns and cities, have driven the market in recent years.

Property prices continue to be relatively robust for desirable properties and especially those within the historic center of the city. Land development continues to take place here as Mérida’s economic prosperity — brought about through government initiatives as well as domestic and foreign capital inflows — continues to rise.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, often on prime beachfront locations or on fine golf courses. However, you can also make deals directly with owners who advertise on the Internet or by means of a simple sign on the property reading “Se Vende.

Property types in Mérida range from land parcels, to colonial ruins in need of restoration (inside or outside the city), restored colonial homes ready to move into, glamorous colonial-era mansion houses, casitas (little colonial style houses or cottages), modern suburban dwelling houses and even specialized properties like haciendas.

Rentals Market in Merida

The rental market in Mérida is quite buoyant. The best prices can be sought when you inquire locally; prices of properties advertised on the internet are usually aimed at foreign visitors on extended stays or vacations, not long term local residents; the prices reflect this.

Most rental properties in Mérida are offered through local realty agents or by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at the property for rent as well as restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some property developers rent out their units or rent out units on behalf of owners: check with local developers or a local realty agent for details and further information.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in Merida

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Mérida. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

In recent years, medical companies have invested millions of dollars in Mérida building and supplying first-world standard private medical facilities for Mérida’s insured and well-heeled classes. This has come about as a result of research showing that Mérida is becoming a top location for foreign expatriates as well as wealthy and well-off Mexicans, many of whom are abandoning Mexico City for certain provincial cities and towns: Mérida is on the list of popular alternatives.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in Merida

Mérida’s climate is tropical; hot in the dry season and hot and humid in the rainy season. Prevailing easterly winds, which cool the air on the coasts, do reach the city, but due to its inland position and low elevation, their effect is not as noticeable as as it is at the nearby coasts.

Mérida has, in recent years, recorded an average temperature of 76F/21C, although the summers can and do get much hotter. Winter months can be cooler and nocturnal temperatures may drop to 64F/17C; summer months may reach highs in excess of 100F/37C in May through August especially, accompanied by drenching humidity and torrential downpours of rain in the afternoons or evenings.

Winter Climate:

November through January are the coolest months in Merida; January being the coolest with an average nocturnal low of 64F/17C). Average temperatures range from 74F/22C to 77F/25C during these months.

Spring Climate:

February through April the climate is a continuation of winter: dry and relatively mild. Temperatures begin to rise to the late 70’sF/26C towards the end of April.

Summer Climate:

May through October are the hottest months in Merida, with temperature ranging from 75F/21C overnight, to 95F/35C or hotter in the daytime. The rainy season begins in late May and torrential downpours are common during June, July and August; the high temperatures do moderate during the downpours, but as the rains pour the humidity levels soar. The hottest month is May and the highest humidity levels appear during September.

Autumn Climate:

Temperatures begin to moderate during the latter half of October, the humidity passes and the hot, humid, daytime temperatures climb down from their summer highs. Temperatures in the late autumn months reflect very similarly to those in the winter, ranging from 74F/22C to 77F/25C.

Rainy Season:

Merida’s rainy season runs from May to October, with most of the rain falling in June, July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September tropical storms may feature, too.


Hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Caribbean can affect Merida. Although the hurricane storms do not affect the city directly (as it is inland) tropical storms and hurricanes on the coasts can cause adverse weather conditions over Mérida and environs.

Sea Temperature in Progreso, near Merida

The average sea temperature in the water off Progreso, a beach side town less than an hours drive from Mérida, is 87F/30C.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in Merida

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Mérida.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Merida

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Mérida Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Merida

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Mérida first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in Mazatlán Sun, 07 Jul 2024 17:43:40 +0000 Mazatlán living: guide to help you research and assess Mazatlán as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess Mazatlán as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico.

Living in Mazatlan

Mazatlan is the northern-most resort city on the Mexican Riviera (situated along the Pacific Coast) and is Mexico’s closest mainland resort city to the USA. It is one of the most economical places in Mexico to take a vacation and it’s also host to one of Mexico’s largest commercial shipping ports.

Mazatlan At-a-Glance:

Location Type



350,000; 405,000 in the wider Mazatlan area (2005 Census)


10 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Mountain Time

High/Low Temperatures

65F/15C (Nocturnal, Winter), 90F/30C (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 81F/24C.

Rainy Season?

Mazatlan’s rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with tropical storms, and on occasions hurricanes, landing here especially in late summer


Mazatlan is subject to Hurricanes from the Pacific Ocean but is protected by the Baja California peninsula

Local Economy:

Shrimp fishing; tourism

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living


Travel Guide

Guide to Mazatlan

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Mazatlan is socially diverse, and attracts people from many different countries and races. There is a strong contingency of Chinese and Italian people living here; although the city also attracts Americans, Canadians and some Europeans looking for an authentic Mexican town without the hyper commercialism of some other resort areas in Mexico.

The Centro Historico (Historic Center) has been undergoing a remarkable renaissance in recent years as property investors have bought up derelict colonial buildings and restored them to their former 18th Century glory. The city authorities are doing their part, too, by improving essential infrastructures such as water, drainage and the local electricity supply grid.

In addition to some fine residences, the historic center is also developing into a lively commercial and cultural center, offering art centers, theater, boutique stores, and fine restaurants situated alongside beautiful tree and flower-laden plazas and patios.

Mazatlan is one of Mexico’s most affordable vacation destinations and many Mexicans arrive here every year for their family holidays. The Zona Dorada (Golden Zone) is a stretch of sea-front properties — mostly hotels and condominiums — extending along some four miles of beach. It’s here where the tourists come to stay and spend their vacations, and some expats purchase condos with stunning views across the Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortes.

To the south, this vibrant port city faces the Pacific Ocean, and facing north, the Sea of Cortes, a body of water shielded by Mexico’s Baja peninsula. The city’s geographical location — on the same latitude as Hawaii — provides year-round warmth without extreme heat or humidity.

Transport connections include an international airport with direct flights to key US cities (and onward connections to Europe and beyond); a highway leading north to Los Mochis (another port city and the terminus for the breath-taking Copper Canyon Train Journey), the US border. The road south leads to Puerto Vallarta and then to Guadalajara, Mexico’s second largest city. A twice-weekly ferry also makes a crossing over the Sea of Cortes to the city of La Paz, capital city of the state of Baja California Sur.

Due to its latitude, Mazatlan’s climate is more moderate than Mexican coastal cities located further south. The average daytime temperature is 82F/28C, and summertime humidity levels stay largely subdued in comparison to places like Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco.

Mazatlan is still considered a resort city ‘off the beaten track’ by most foreign investors and those who are looking to live and retire in Mexico. This situation provides a unique opportunity and affordability factor that other coastal cities on Mexico’s Pacific coast don’t offer anymore due to their popularity. In addition to being alongside the ocean, this city is totally authentic in style: the real Mexico lives and breathes here every day of the year.

Among the Most Affordable Beach Locations in Mexico

Living or retiring in Mazatlan is affordable – possibly the most affordable beach resort city on Mexico’s Pacific coast. Property prices have risen in recent years, but this is a city still in the early stages of a renaissance; in and around the historical center there still exists a mixture of developed and undeveloped colonial properties; and around the edges of the historical center are neighborhoods with ‘fixer upper’ properties being offered for sale — a sure sign that there is much more growth and development to come. The other affordability factor in Mazatlan are living costs: local shops, stores and prices are lower than other beach resorts in Mexico and smaller budgets stretch further: not just at the point of purchasing a property — but also when residents move in and start paying day-to-day living expenses.

Inward Investment

Mazatlan has been experiencing a surge of inward investment over recent years: from Mexicans as well as foreigners. This is demonstrated in the renaissance of the historic center as well as the arrival of some new major hotel brands that are building and opening major new resorts south of Mazatlan.

At present, only two cities in Mexico can offer extensive conference facilities: Cancun and Mexico City. A new convention center recently opened in Mazatlan is Mexico’s largest, and it will attract a huge number of visitors to the city for expos and conferences; the expo center is spear-heading the efforts as Mexico positions itself as world-class venue for large meetings and expositions.

A multi-billion dollar investment being led by FONATUR, Mexico’s tourism investment agency, will create a major new resort area about a two-to-three hour drive south of Mazatlan. The area will also have its own airport, and the massive investment being made there will have a positive effect on Mazatlan proper.

A number of large developers are already creating luxury homes and condos in Mazatlan with extensive projects to supply the growing demand from new arrivals to the region, especially from foreigners seeking retirement and other lifestyle options in Mexico.

Overlooked Gem, About to Awaken

A couple of week’s visit to Mazatlan demonstrates that this is a city that has been overlooked by most foreigners for retirement and investment, and also one which is on the cusp of awakening to become an important resort city in Mexico as well as internationally.

There is no doubting the massive and continuous investment that is being made here today, and already the number of expatriate residents is beginning to increase as more people discover this resort and port city, that had been largely overlooked by foreigners seeking a place to live in Mexico and left undeveloped by investors since about the 1950’s.

The signs of development are apparent to those who have lived in Mazatlan for a decade or more; and the growth story appears to just be starting. Foreigners who are looking for a variety of property styles, a low cost of living and who want to live among an authentic Mexican environment will do well to consider Mazatlan — clearly an overlooked location on the cusp of a 21st Century renaissance.

Cost of Living in Mazatlan

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Cuernavaca vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance

Real Estate in Mazatlan

Information about the real estate market in Mazatlan.

Real Estate Market in Mazatlan

Prices of realty in Mazatlan have risen considerably over the last decade, although they still remain at very affordable levels when compared to properties in other Mexican resort cities. The re-development of the central historic district of the city is demonstrating the potential that exists for breathing life into old, ruined buildings, and transforming neighborhoods in and around the city’s central area. Prices have risen as the regeneration takes place, and further developments along the Golden Zone sea-front, as well as north and south of Mazatlan are ongoing.

Prices for real estate continue to hold for desirable properties overlooking the ocean and, as further planned development takes place, the supply of land for dwelling houses and constructed homes is likely to increase in the years ahead.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, often on prime beachfront locations or on fine golf courses.

Real estate types range from beachfront homes, lots, and condos. There are also a number of time-share projects in and around Mazatlan, and especially in the tourist “golden zone” area of the city (note that time share is not ownership). Private residences (mostly re-sales) are available in the town center of Mazatlan as well as out-of-town, where investors are buying homes offering semi-rural surroundings and ocean and/or mountain views.

The central historical area — and especially the edges of same — exhibits a significant number of buildings in various states of disrepair and ruin and may provide an ideal investment for people who want to create their home by means of a colonial restoration project. Some properties have ‘for sale’ signs posted; others do not; contacting a local realty agent is the best way of finding out what the status of an old (ruined) building may be, and to negotiate the sale if the owner is open to offers.

Rentals Market in Mazatlan

Most rental properties in Mazatlan are offered through local realty agents or by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some developers rent out their units or rent out units on behalf of owners: check with local developers or a local realty agent for details and further information.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in Mazatlan

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US-standard healthcare services exist in Mazatlán. The privately run out-patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in Mazatlan

Mazatlan enjoys a yearly average temperature of 81F/24C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 65F/15C at night; summer months may reach highs of 90F/30C in July and August especially.

Winter Climate:

January through March are the coolest months. Temperatures can range from 55F/12C to 79F/24C in the day.

Spring Climate:

April through June – springtime – are warmer months in Mazatlan with temperatures ranging from 60F/14C overnight to 88F/29C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

July through September are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 75F/21C overnight, to 95F/32C in the daytime. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak in mid-July and August.

Autumn Climate:

Temperatures moderate again starting late September, any humidity disappears and the hot, sometimes humid, daytime temperatures climb down from their summer highs. Temperatures in the autumn months range from 59F/13C overnight to 88F/27C in the daytime.

Rainy Season:

Mazatlan’s rainy season runs from June to October, with most of the rain falling in July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September tropical storms may feature, too.


Hurricanes can affect Mazatlan, although the Baja peninsula can shelter this port city from the worst of Pacific hurricanes.

Sea Temperature in Mazatlan

During the peak summer months of July and August, sea temperatures may reach as high as 80F/23C; in other months, the sea temperature will average around 65F/18C.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

[Back to Menu]

Practical Information About Living in Mazatlan

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Mazatlan.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Mazatlan

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Mazatlan


The post Living, Working and Retirement in Mazatlán first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in Pátzcuaro Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:45:38 +0000 Pátzcuaro living: guide to help you research and assess Pátzcuaro as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Pátzcuaro first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Research and assess Pátzcuaro as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

Set in the forested mountains of Mexico’s western highlands, and situated on the southwestern shore of lake Pátzcuaro, this ancient highland settlement carries important historical and cultural roots, and is today a focal point for visitors —and, increasingly— foreign residents coming to this region. Offering a fascinating mix of colonial and indigenous traditions, the town is well connected to the state capital by road and offers unique lifestyle opportunities for people seeking to live in a rural setting amidst traditional local communities.

Living in Patzcuaro

Pátzcuaro (“Pahtz-Kuah-Ro”) is a charming town with a mixed colonial and indigenous feel, located about 45 minutes by road from Morelia, the state capital of Michoacán. Michoacán’s people are some of the friendliest and most welcoming in Mexico.

Patzcuaro at-a-Glance:

Location Type: Colonial

Population: 98,000 (2020 Census)

Elevation: ~7,000 feet above sea-level

Time Zone: Pátzcuaro is on Mexico’s Central Time Zone

Local climate: Highland, year-round temperate climate with noticeably cooler/chilled temperatures in the early morning and after sundown during the fall and winter months. See also: Local climate in this guide.

Rainy season: The rainy season in Pátzcuaro typically runs from May to October each year, sometimes spilling over into November.

Hurricanes: Pátzcuaro is inland and mostly unaffected by Hurricanes. When hurricanes land on the Pacific coast of the state of Michoacán, inclement weather can be experienced for a few days in the form of overcast skies and additional rainfall.

Local Economy: Tourism, agriculture, and artisan crafts

Foreign resident prevalence: Low*

Cost of Living: Lower*

Pátzcuaro on the map:
Discover Pátzcuaro on the map (Google Maps)

Local Travel Guide: Guide to Patzcuaro

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Since the turn of the century, an increasing number of foreign visitors have been discovering the town’s charm and ambiance, driven in part by its popularity as a base for visiting the Monarch Butterflies, and also Pátzcuaro’s long-standing  reputation as being one of the top places in Mexico to experience Day of the Dead festivities.

Some of those visitors are returning here not only during the holidays, but also for extended stays, attracted by the town’s unusual charms and allure, to explore options for living and retirement off the beaten path and away from the high density of foreign residents that is often characteristic of the popular and established enclaves.

The city of Morelia, some 40km (25 miles) away, is an “aristocratic colonial city,”‘ whereas Pátzcuaro is an authentic colonial town which remains true to its indigenous Purépecha heritage.

The town has successfully blended its indigenous and colonial roots, creating a backdrop that provides a fascinating fusion of culture and social tapestries amidst an authentic and quite charming rural setting. In doing so, it provides an attractive hub for visitors to explore the town and nearby attractions, and also offers one of the most unusual and unique rural communities in which to live in Mexico.

The historic central area of Pátzcuaro, and its immediate surroundings, are the most attractive and often sough-after areas to live in. Picturesque colonial buildings and mansions featuring colorful courtyards with shaded terraces and nooks are built around the fine and elegant main square, the Plaza de Quiroga (also called the Plaza Grande) as well as a smaller, but no less attractive Plaza de Gertrudis Bocanegra—known locally as the Plaza Chica.

Highland mountain town with a serene environment

Patzcuaro is a quiet, low-key town set in the western highlands of Mexico, some four-and-a-half hours by road from two of Mexico’s biggest cities: Guadalajara and Mexico City.

The closest largest city is Morelia, the capital of Michoacán, and the place where most of the foreign residents living in Pátzcuaro go to buy foods, goods and services that are not available in Pátzcuaro.

Artists, writers, sculptors and those seeking peace and tranquility, as well as magnificent natural environments to be in, find Pátzcuaro suits their needs perfectly. Here, they find themselves away from the madding crowd yet close enough to access modern conveniences with efficient road connections, and an international airport about 90 minute away, offering  direct flights to Mexico City and selected airports in the United States.

Although it is a small, semi-remote, mountain town, Patzcuaro offers reliable utilities including high-speed internet connections via fixed phone line or cable. If you want to live more remotely, satellite internet is readily available in the region.

Rural living and lifestyles in the heart of the Purépecha region

Patzcuaro and its nearly lakeside villages are one the country’s underexplored areas by foreigners seeking places to live in Mexico.

This ancient highland town offers residents an authentic character and charm, clean and crisp mountain air, surrounded by forests and lakes often framed by azure-blue skies and set against the backdrop an unmistakably rural environment.

For potential foreign residents seeking a place to live in Mexico, Pátzcuaro offers an opportunity to live and integrate within an authentic Mexican town; one that two decades ago was never on the radar of those seeking living places in Mexico, and which today is being discovered and settled by people who want to live in a mountain environment, relative close enough to modern amenities and far enough away from the commercialism that tends to engulf them.

The current density of foreign residents living in Pátzcuaro and its surrounding villages is low, and growing slowly. Future growth in foreign residency in the area will likely be propelled by the picturesque and charming facets of Pátzcuaro’s character, coupled with a growing interest in rural lifestyles. This rural region is not for everyone—as we have remarked elsewhere, rural living in Mexico is different and carries challenges along with its charms.  If you’re not familiar with the area, a period of home rental to begin discovering its charms and compromises will be essential.

Cost of Living in Pátzcauro

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower than it is the USA, Canada and Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Living or retiring in the Pátzcuaro area is more affordable than the more popular expat enclaves; however, living costs have been increasing in this region and rents and property purchase prices have risen significantly over the last decade.

There are a couple of “mini-mart” supermarkets in Pátzcuaro offering an adequate range of everyday goods, and dozens of small, independently-owned stores and specialist food outlets.

There is a daily street market selling a plentiful supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and poultry as well spices, condiments, and other everyday household foodstuffs.  The market also has a cooked foods section, where you can purchase food to take away or eat at the market stall.

To access a wider assortment of goods and services, including large supermarkets, department stores, and specialist retailers that stock imported foods and goods which are not easily found in Mexico, you will need to travel to the city of Morelia.

Further insight about living costs in Mexico

Learn more about the living costs on our Mexico Cost of Living guide

Read the latest articles about money

Learn about Mexico’s currency

Real Estate in Pátzcuaro & environs

A wave of foreign buyers who discovered the town during the early years of the 2000’s created a property price boom in Pátzcuaro—funded mostly by equity they harvested from property inflation in their home countries.

This entire area is primarily an agricultural community that does not supply jobs or earnings which realistically support high property prices or rentals, and so it is the influx of outside investment —particularly wealthy Mexicans seeking countryside homes, and retirees and foreigners seeking a rural home in Mexico— that has driven market prices in recent years.

The historic center of Pátzcuaro remains the most popular area of the town to live in, and as well as being sought-after it’s also the most expensive. Some of the old colonial properties have been restored to their former glory and offer the charms of an bygone era with the amenities of the present-day comforts.

The question of whether to buy something ready to move into or restore an old property is moot, and ultimately a personal choice.

Some foreign expats who move to Pátzcuaro seek to purchase land upon which to to build a residential home. There is plenty of land for sale around Pátzcuaro, and also in the villages and hamlets that surround the lake. However, the days of bargain land prices appear to be over—even here in one of Mexico’s most rural settings.

The location provides a buying opportunity for people who want to make a long term commitment to the area.  Real estate markets in rural Mexico are considerably less liquid (which means that sales turnover is lower and property typically takes much longer to sell than in more popular urban places) so an investment here requires patient capital.

The most traded types of property in the area include land (in the outlying areas of Pátzcuaro town and in the lakeside villages), derelict colonial properties requiring total restoration, older colonial properties requiring some restoration, fully restored colonial properties, and relatively new-build homes in contemporary residential neighborhoods dotted around the town outside of the historical center.

The more desirable properties are those situated on the town’s slopes, offering views across quaint red-tiled roofs, and the lakeside panoramas beyond; as well as colonial properties situated inside the historic center of town which forsake the views in lieu of the convenience of being situated in the heart of this beautifully-kept historic district.

Property is available for sale on some of Lake Pátzcuaro’s islands, most notably, Janitzio, but very few buyers seek this degree of isolation and most foreign residents live choose to live in Pátzcuaro town or one of the lakeside villages.

Our article about assessing house prices in Mexico gives further insights and connections to resources that will help you to gauge property values.

Home rental market in Pátzcuaro

Regardless of where you are planning to live in Mexico, we recommend you rent first to get a feel for the location, unless you are already familiar with it, its local communities, and the local year-round environment.

Finding a long-term house rental in Pátzcuaro can be challenging. Most rentals are vacation rentals, which tend to offer ‘turn-key’ homes, fully furnished and accessorized, primarily for short-term vacation renters—with rental rates that reflect that.

Locally-owned, often simply-appointed, houses offer the lowest rents. To find them, you can check property portals online, but more likely you’ll need to contact a local realty agent, or find other connections locally.

Reasonable rent rates can be sought if you want to rent here long-term and not buy, but you’ll need to make compromises. Talking to locals and cultivating helpful local contacts is a good way of finding the most affordable —and workable— housing for rent.

If you’re on a tight budget, you might find simpler accommodations in the area, of the type that you’ll need to furnish and spruce up at your own expense, but if you’re seeking a turn-key comfortable and efficient dwelling space for rent, you’ll need to search diligently and be prepared to pay a premium for it.

Note about Day of the Dead: Rental prices for vacation homes and short term rentals soar during Day of the Dead week—the weekends before, during, and after Oct 31 through Nov 2 each year.  Pátzcuaro is one of the most visited towns in Mexico during this time; local hotels and Airbnb accommodations are after booked many months in advance, so advance planning is essential.

Our article about assessing house prices in Mexico gives further insights and connections to resources that will help you to gauge property values, including home rentals.

Learn more about real estate in Mexico
Mexperience offers lots of local insight about property in Mexico:

Comprehensive guide to Real Estate in Mexico

Learn about property rentals in Mexico

Latest articles about property and real estate in Mexico

Healthcare services in Pátzcuaro

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through small private clinics with US-style healthcare services.  For larger clinics and hospitals you will need to go to Morelia.

Hospitals/Clinics: There are some small hospitals and clinics run by Mexico’s IMSS healthcare program, including a maternity ward.  Small private clinics that can deal with minor and moderate situations as well as private general doctor practices are also available.

Doctors: Private doctors can be consulted in town, and many will make house calls, too. Some might speak some English, but you ought to speak Spanish or take an interpreter with you on a first visit.  Doctors can refer you to local and regional (public and private) clinics, specialists, and hospitals.

Dentists: There are various dental practices in Pátzcuaro; for more complex situations you may need to visit Morelia.

Opticians: There are several optometrists available offering eye tests, treatments, frames & lenses.  For a wider selection, or more complex situations, you may need to visit Morelia.

The city of Morelia (less than an hour’s drive away) offers additional medical services and healthcare specialists if these are needed.

Learn more about healthcare in Mexico
You may find these resources on Mexperience helpful:

Health and medical insurance options in Mexico

Health and well-being in Mexico

Travel health in Mexico

Local climate in Pátzcuaro

Situated at over 7,000 feet above sea-level, Pátzcuaro offers a year-round mostly temperate climate, with noticeably cooler temperatures in the fall and winter, and warm, comfortable days during the spring and summer months.

The villages and hamlets surrounding the nearby lake tend to exhibit microclimates of their own, and may be a few degrees warmer or cooler than Pátzcuaro town center, influenced by the water and prevailing climatic conditions in the wider region.

In the fall and winter months, daytime high temperatures average around 70F (21C) and nighttime lows average around 39F (4C).

In the hottest spring months, daytime high temperatures average around 80F (27C) and nighttime lows average around 50F (10C). Summer-month high temperatures are lower than the spring highs, tempered by the rainy season that typically runs from May to October each year, sometimes spilling into November.

Pátzcuaro & environs essentials

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Pátzcuaro articles and guides

Connect to more articles and guides about Pátzcuaro here on Mexperience

Nearest airport to Pátzcuaro

Pátzcuaro and lakeside villages and served by Aeropuerto Internacional General Francisco Mujica (MLM).  The airport is situated about 60 miles (98km) from the center of Pátzcuaro—about 1.5 hours by road, depending on local traffic conditions. Check for current routes.

Pátzcuaro map

Explore Pátzcuaro on Google maps

Getting around Mexico

Transportation choices in Mexico

Communications in Mexico

Stay in touch when you’re in Mexico:

Money and banking services in Mexico

Learn about money management and banking in Mexico

Driving in Mexico

Learn about driving and road trips in Mexico

Health and safety in Mexico

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Living, Working and Retirement in Playa del Carmen Sat, 22 Jun 2024 17:44:58 +0000 Playa del Carmen living: guide to help you research and assess Playa del Carmen as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess Playa del Carmen as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico.

Playa del Carmen as a Place for Living and Retirement

The Mexican Caribbean beach town of Playa del Carmen is located on the Yucatan peninsula in the state of Quintana Roo. Once a small fishing village, Playa (as it’s more often referred to) is now the second largest Mexican resort destination after Cancun. It is also the fastest growing city in all of Mexico — having surpassed Puerto Vallarta experienced an enormous influx of people during the late 90’s and early 20’s.

Playa del Carmen At-a-Glance:

Location Type



100,000 (2005 Census) – and is, according to official figures, the fastest growing city in Mexico


Approximately 45 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Central Time

High/Low Temperatures

68F/20C (Nocturnal, Winter), 88F/31C (Daytime, Summer).
Year-Round Average 80F/27C

Rainy Season?

Playa del Carmen’s rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with tropical storms, and on occasions hurricanes, occurring here especially in the late summer months


Playa del Carmen is subject to Hurricanes from the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean

Local Economy:

Tourism, Fishing and, (of late) economic activities related to lifestyle and real estate

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living


Travel Guide

Guide to Playa del Carmen

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Playa del Carmen is part of the Riviera Maya — the stretch of beach-facing land between Cancun and Tulum. This resort town is, and always has been, more ‘down to earth’ and authentically Mexican compared to trendy, commercial and high-rise Cancun situated thirty miles north of here.

Its central location at the heart of the Mayan Riviera makes it a favorite for travelers, tourists and certain types of expatriates who are seeking the warm, laid-back lifestyle accentuated by pristine white-sand beaches and year-round warm turquoise waters for swimming, diving and snorkeling coupled with a multi-national, multi-ethnic and artsy atmosphere. Playa attracts visitors and expatriates from a more diverse range of geographical locations than Cancun: Playa has a more rustic, more toned-down approach to tourism and, for foreign residents, it offers a ‘more Mexican’ feel and atmosphere, whereas Cancun is more about package vacations, mall shopping and all-night-parties.

A fun and lively beach culture has sprouted up around Playa del Carmen that demonstrates the diverse blend of interests which become attracted to these shores. The expat community is equally diverse, with a particularly strong European following; and if you live here, you’ll become comfortable intermingling with multiple nationalities and the crucible of cultures and languages thrives within the sphere of a Mexican resort town that has moved far away from its fishing village roots.

Excellent Transport Links

Playa del Carmen is the main port for ferries connecting the Yucatan peninsula to Cozumel, the largest island off Playa’s coast and one of the world’s best scuba diving hot spots. Playa is also well connected by means of a modern highway to Cancun’s international airport (less than an hour away); and a small international airport on the Island of Cozumel. Plans are also afoot to build an international airport in Tulum, just a few minutes away from Playa del Carmen, to serve the Riviera Maya ‘corridor’ and take pressure off Cancun’s airport system, which is the second busiest airport in the country, after Mexico City. When completed, the mix of roads, airports and ferries will make the Riviera Maya one of the best connected regions in all of Mexico.

Cozy Beach side Living in Playa del Carmen

Although Playa has undergone a faster pace of development than any other place in Mexico over the past decade, the local authorities have taken care to retain the characteristics and atmosphere which attracted people here in the first place. For example, by city ordinance, new buildings cannot rise more than three stories in height. From the time Playa was a small quaint town with few developments and a tony populace, the local authorities were certain that they did not want to create “another Cancun” here and, even today, continue to make great efforts to ensure that the high-rise commercialization of Cancun stays thirty miles north of here.

The principal boulevard, Quinta Avenida (Fifth Avenue, and referred to by locals as simply “La Quinta”) is where a collection of boutique shops, bars, cafes and restaurants coalesce and make for an entertaining stroll as well as modern-day shopping and leisure experiences in a pleasant, outdoor setting.

Commercial retail centers have also been growing to accommodate the retiree/expat communities that have been moving in over recent years, as well as middle-class and affluent Mexicans who have become used to U.S.-style shopping facilities in other bigger towns and cities across Mexico. Today, you can find big name supermarkets including Wal-mart, Soriana, Chedraui, Sam’s Club and CostCo as well as brand-name department stores like Liverpool.

Actively Relaxing Experience

This location is synonymous with relaxation and diversion and, as one of Mexico’s premiere resort towns, both may be enjoyed in equal measures at Playa del Carmen.

For relaxing: walks along the beach, shopping, spas and massages, and simply taking time to enjoy the relaxed way of life that emanates in this part of the world; watching sunrises and sunsets, listening to a cacophony of wild birdsong, or letting the waves brush gently against your feet as you stroll along one of the many white sand beaches. The peak tourism season runs from November through to March. At other times of year, the beaches are quieter and you can enjoy the natural beauty of the coast without the significant influx of seasonal vacationers.

To exercise and engage with a more active lifestyle, tennis and golfing are easily accessible from here. Outdoor activities include first-class scuba and snorkeling (including some some of the finest SCUBA diving in the world, just across the water in Cozumel), sports fishing, sea kayaking and a plethora of other water-based activities including wind-surfing, sailing, and swimming — all amidst the crystal turquoise waters of Mexico’s Caribbean Sea.

On land activities include yoga, salsa lessons and Spanish language lessons. For day and weekend trips, Playa serves as as the ideal base for a compelling choice of adventures including exploration of Mayan ruins in Coba, Tulum, Chichen Itza and beyond; taking in the flora and fauna in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere and Nature Preserve; taking part in an assortment of eco and adventure tours; snorkeling in crystal clear fresh waters, tubing down natural water outlets to the Caribbean sea and swimming with dolphins.

Cost of Living

Playa offers residents a slightly lower cost of living than other major Mexican resort towns; for example, in comparison to Cancun and Los Cabos. The cost of living is always slightly higher in popular resort towns than in resort towns which are off the beaten track: although the higher costs are compensated with facilities such as better transport connections and more choice in terms of retail and medical services.

Property prices have soared in recent years, but remain affordable especially in comparison to the cost of ocean-front and ocean-view property in the United States and Western Europe.

Coastal towns — and especially popular resorts like Playa del Carmen — are always more expensive to live in than colonial cities and other smaller towns ‘off the beaten track’ in Mexico. However, the higher prices reflect the added costs of getting the goods to more remote locations as well as the popularity (demand) from expats who want to live, work or retire alongside the beautiful oceanside environments like Playa del Carmen.

A Warm and Genuine Mexican Resort Town

Playa del Carmen is today one of the most popular resort towns in Mexico, but it remains an authentic Mexican town: a place where you can still find tienditas (small local stores) run independently by local families, ambulant vendors, local plumbers and carpenters advertising their services on the street, and the abundance of day-to-day life situations which are omnipresent across most of Mexico’s towns and cities and which help to put emphasis on the definition of ‘the real Mexico’.

One of the principal features which attracted people to Playa from its early days, is the way the town was able to blend the concept of ‘resort’ with the reality of ‘genuinely Mexican’. Some might argue that the ‘Old Playa’ is dead and buried, and although it’s true that a town whose population has grown from a little over a thousand to over 100,000 in the space of a decade* is going to undergo some change and transformation, it’s also fair to say that the people who live, work and retire here are genuinely warm, friendly and welcoming – and not in a superficial way. This characteristic: being able to pull off ‘the double act’ of transforming from a fishing village into a world-class resort and yet remain authentic to the location’s roots is one of Playa’s trump cards as a location — as much so for visitors and for residents.

There’s an international flair in Playa, created principally by a balanced mix of Europeans and North Americans, although people from a wide array of nationalities call this place home, part or full-time: indeed, according to the Mexican Immigration Service, over seven per cent of Playa del Carmen’s population is non-Mexican.

Most foreigners discover Playa del Carmen when they come here to vacation or as part of a living or retirement ‘scouting’ visit. An increasing number of people fall in love with the climate, the sea, the atmosphere and the food; and thus make plans — and realize those plans — to move here. Those who come to live and work often set up some kind of trade or shop; this is demonstrated by numerous foreign owned businesses operating along La Quinta as well as younger professionals moving to Mexico to work as consultants or ‘knowledge workers’.

For retirees seeking a tropical paradise for part or full-time retirement in Mexico, Playa del Carmen: part hippy, part artsy, part chic, part traditional and unmistakably Mexican, combines these many and varied characteristics to form a unique and beautiful location for retirement living in Mexico.

* Data from Mexico’s National Office of Statistics, INEGI.

Cost of Living in Playa del Carmen

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Playa del Carmen vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance | Mexican Economy

Real Estate in Playa del Carmen

Information about the real estate market in Playa del Carmen

Real Estate Market in Playa del Carmen

The ‘real estate bargains’ that were available here a decade or more ago are long gone, but property prices remain affordable in comparison to beach-front or beach-side property in places like the U.S.A. and Western Europe.

Playa offers a wide variety of property types to choose from. Realty developers have entered the market in earnest and this, coupled with other smaller as well as private investment projects has produced a local realty market that serves a broad range of interests and budgets including modest condos and casitas (little houses) mid range and luxury condos, apartments, suburban town homes as well as super luxurious properties on the beach or overlooking the sea.

The real estate market in Playa continues to experience ongoing and brisk development driven by rising investment in the region, and there are also plans to expand development of the town inland, past current limits, to include the other side of Highway 307, the main highway connecting Playa with Cancun and the rest of the Yucatan.

It’s particularly important to visit Playa before you decide where to purchase, as the local marketing makes potential buyers believe that somehow all residences here may be found “a ten-minute walk” from the beach or La Quinta.

The area of known as Playacar (distinct from Playa) is the premier residential and tourist development where most of the all-inclusive hotels, golf courses and a U.S. shopping mall are located. Playacar also has condos and villas for sale in within upscale, gated developments.

Prices of realty in Playa del Carmen, as in all Mexican resort towns, have risen considerably over the last decade, although they still remain at very affordable levels when compared to ocean-side realty prices in the U.S. and Western Europe. The financial ‘credit crunch’ has tempered market activity and this is beginning to influence some prices, especially of properties whose owners had come to adopt unrealistic expectations of their value.

Prices for very desirable real estate situated on plots of land which are by nature limited (e.g. on the beach) continue to hold, or at least the price tags haven’t changed much, keeping in mind that price is negotiable. For example, for properties overlooking the ocean or very close to it. However, the tear-away price rises of recent years are yielding and to a more stable price market.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, often on prime beachfront locations or on fine golf courses.

Playa del Carmen is one of the principal areas where Mexican time-share projects are sold, due to the massive draw of tourists and foreign visitors seeking to vacation in this region each year (note that time share is not ownership). Private residences (mostly re-sales) are available in the town center of Playa del Carmen as well as out-of-town, where some expat investors are buying homes offering semi-rural surroundings, away from the town proper, but close enough for easy road access to the beach, local shops and amenities.

Rentals Market in Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen has an abundance of rental properties on the market all year long. Most rental properties in Playa del Carmen are offered through local realty agents or directly by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some developers rent out their units or rent out units on behalf of absentee owners who only occupy the property part-time: check with local developers or a local realty agent for details and further information.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in Playa del Carmen

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Playa del Carmen. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen is hot and humid with dry and wet (rainy) seasons. The annual average temperature is around 80F/26C. Humidity levels are very high all year long; often exceeding ninety per cent. The rainy season runs from May to October each year. Sea breezes bring cooling winds which help to make the location feel cooler, fresher and less aggressively humid than towns and cities located away from the coast.

Winter Climate:

November to January are the coolest months with average temperatures ranging from 81F/27C during the day and 68F/20C overnight. The “high” season for tourists and part-time residents begins in November each year.

Spring Climate:

February thru early May offers a beautiful spring-like climate with very little rain. Temperatures begin to increase from April, with average temperatures ranging from 84F/28C during the day and 71F/21C overnight.

Summer Climate:

June through September are the hottest months, with temperatures ranging from 75F/23C overnight, to 95F/35C in the daytime. The rainy season begins between mid and late May and will last through to October. Hurricanes may occur anytime during the hot summer months but are most likely during July, August and September. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak from mid-July to the end of August.

Autumn Climate:

The temperature begins to moderate again in October. Mid and late autumn brings cooler temperatures with averages ranging from 87F/30C during the day to 73F/22C overnight.

Rainy Season:

Playa del Carmen’s rainy season runs from May to October, with most of the rain falling in July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September tropical storms and hurricanes may feature, too.


Hurricanes can affect Playa del Carmen at any time during the summer, although they are most frequently experienced here during the peak summer months, especially mid-July through September. The last major hurricane to land on Playa was Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

Sea Temperature in Playa del Carmen

The average sea temperature in the region is 80F/26C. Sea temperatures rise higher in the summer months, and dip slightly November through February.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in Playa del Carmen

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Playa del Carmen.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Playa del Carmen

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Playa del Carmen

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Living, Working, and Retirement in Manzanillo Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:45:05 +0000 Manzanillo living: guide to help you research and assess Manzanillo, Mexico as a location for living, working, or retirement

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Research and assess Manzanillo as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

The port town of Manzanillo is situated onLiving places the Pacific coast of Mexico, about a four hour drive from Guadalajara and a five hour drive from Puerto Vallarta.

Living in Manzanillo

This authentic Mexican resort town has two principal areas: the resort bays either side of the Santiago peninsula, and the busy commercial area downtown, on the southside. Although Manzanillo is a busy and important port town on Mexico’s west coast, it still retains a tranquil, laid back atmosphere with an authentic Mexican feel about it.

Manzanillo at-a-Glance:

Location Type: Beach/Coastal

Population: c.160,000 (2020 Census)

Elevation: 20 meters (30 feet) above sea-level

Time zone: Manzanillo is on Mountain Time

Annual temperatures: 69F/21C (Nocturnal, Winter), 89F/32C (Daytime, Summer).
See temperatures in Manzanillo by month (Google)

Rainy season: Manzanillo rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with tropical storms, and on occasions hurricanes, landing here especially in late summer

Hurricanes: Manzanillo is subject to Hurricanes from the Pacific Ocean

Local economy: Commercial sea port, fishing; naval base, tourism

Foreign resident prevalence: Low*

Cost of living: Lower.* See the cost of living section of this guide for details.

Manzanillo on the map:
Discover Manzanillo on the map (Google Maps)

Travel guide: Guide to Manzanillo

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Discovering Manzanillo

Manzanillo is situated on the Pacific coast in Mexico’s state of Colima.  It’s a 90-minute drive to the state’s capital, Colima city, and about a five-hour drive north to Puerto Vallarta; or a four hour drive east to reach Mexico’s second largest city—Guadalajara.

Although it’s a resort town, particularly popular with Mexican vacationers, Manzanillo doesn’t have the commercial feel of the country’s popular resorts and instead offers a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere that, similar to Mazatlán further north, exudes an authentic Mexican feel about it.

The historic downtown area is also the focal point for the town’s principal economic engine: it’s sea port. As you travel north, you begin to discover the resort areas and main shopping and social attractions located along the two principal bays that are separated by the Santiago peninsula—host to one of the most famous resorts of the town as well as some residential developments.

As you continue to travel northwest, past the Santiago peninsula, you’ll discover several pleasant beaches and reach the Club Santiago area and nearby Juluapan peninsula, that demarks the northern reaches of Manzanillo.  Take a look at the map for perspective.

Manzanillo is accessible via highway 200, the scenic highway that hugs much of Mexico’s Pacific coast from Chacala (near Sayulita) in the state of Nayarit, to Salina Cruz in the southern state of Oaxaca.  Three mountain highways connect Manzanillo to the state’s capital, Colima (about a 90-minute drive), and highway 98 crosses the mountains inland to Mexico’s second largest city, Guadalajara.  There’s an airport in Manzanillo about 25 miles north of the historic downtown district that offers flights to Mexico City and various US and Canadian cities (most international lights are operated during the high season only). Check for current routes.

Attractive alternative to Mexico’s popular resorts

Manzanillo is not a one of Mexico’s better-known destinations; most of the tourism is domestic or from seasonal visitors in the US; neither is it well known as a place where foreign residents live—and that is one of its key attractions for people seeking places off the well-beaten track.

Manzanillo offers an affordable and authentic Mexican lifestyle by the coast without the high concentration of foreign residents that nearby Puerto Vallarta has, and without the higher costs that are often associated with places in Mexico that are already popular with foreign residents.

The climate here is similar to Puerto Vallarta’s: comfortably warm in the fall and winter, increasingly hot and sultry during the spring and summer.  Manzanillo’s foreign resident population increases in the winter and falls in the summer, like many other coastal towns and cities.  For those who enjoy year-round warmth and don’t mind the summer heat (air conditioning is essential in the high summer months) Manzanillo offers great value at a location that retains a genuine Mexican feel and atmosphere.

The town’s shops and amenities provide adequate coverage for most people’s everyday living needs, with several large stores and supermarkets situated in town.  Colima city, the state capital, is about a 90-minute drive away and where residents in Manzanillo repair to when they need bigger stores or more services.

When you’re looking for somewhere quaint and tranquil to live by the coast and that doesn’t have the higher costs and concentration of foreign residents that now popular places like Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos and Riviera Maya have, consider Manzanillo.

Cost of Living in Manzanillo

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Living or retiring in Manzanillo is affordable; property prices are among the most affordable on Mexico’s Pacific coast and while house prices have risen across the board in recent years, you can still find property across a range of prices in this area—from small and comfortable family homes, to marge mansion houses offering commanding views of the ocean and surrounding area.

Local shops, stores and prices in Manzanillo are generally lower than popular beach resorts in Mexico and smaller budgets stretch further here, especially when you learn to shop locally at the small markets, in the small town of Santiago, for example.

Further insight about living costs in Mexico

Connect to resources about the cost of living:

Real Estate in Manzanillo

Manzanillo offers an ample range of property types, from small comfortable casitas to large mansion homes set atop the hillside offering commanding views of the ocean and surrounding areas.

There are four principal areas where foreign residents typically buy or rent homes in Manzanillo:

  • the Las Brisas area, north of the historic center and the naval docks;
  • the Santiago peninsula, host to Las Hadas residential area as well as a highly exclusive residential area known as La Punta;
  • Club Santiago, situated on north-western edge of Manzanillo near a country club; and
  • the Juluapan peninsula which also hosts the Santiago marina.

The Santiago peninsula is a popular area for living in Manzanillo as it’s the closest to most of the shops and amenities, the Las Hadas golf course is nearby, and it’s the center point between the northern limits of Manzanillo (where the airport is situated) and the historic downtown district which leads to highways out of town connecting Manzanillo to the cities of Colima and Guadalajara.

Smaller properties can be purchased from around US$100,000; and property rentals start from around 6,000 Mexican pesos (US$300) per month; home in the more popular areas with foreign residents rent from 10,000 (US$500) pesos a month.

Meet our real estate partner in Manzanillo, Candy King Real Estate

Candy King Real Estate is a long-established realty agency in the area that offers discovery visits and an experienced and professional bilingual team that can help you find your home in Manzanillo.

Learn more about real estate in Mexico

Mexperience offers lots of local insight about property in Mexico:

Healthcare services in Manzanillo

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US-standard healthcare services exist in Manzanillo.

The privately run out-patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

Doctors: Manzanillo is well served by doctors on call, many of whom speak Spanish and English.  They can refer you to local (private) clinics, specialists and hospitals.

Dentists: There are plenty of dentists to choose from; ask locally for a recommendation.

Opticians: There are several optometrists available offering eye tests, treatments and some also offer laser surgery.  Ask locally for details.

The city of Colima (about a 90-minute drive away) and the city of Guadalajara (four hour drive) offer additional medical services and healthcare specialists.

Learn more about healthcare in Mexico

You may find these resources on Mexperience helpful:

Local climate in Manzanillo

Manzanillo enjoys a yearly average temperature of around 84F/28C.  There is no significant fluctuation in temperature between winter and summer, although winter months feel cooler and are much less humid.

Further insights about weather and climate:

Manzanillo essentials

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Manzanillo articles and guides

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Manzanillo airport

Manzanillo is served Playa de Oro international airport (ZLO) situated about 30 miles (50 minute road trip) north from the historic downtown district.
Check for current routes.

Manzanillo essentials

Connect to the Manzanillo Essentials section on our travel guide

Manzanillo map

Explore Manzanillo on Google maps

Getting around Mexico

Transportation choices in Mexico

Communications in Mexico

Stay in touch when you’re in Mexico:

Money and banking services in Mexico

Learn about money management and banking in Mexico

Driving in Mexico

Learn about driving and road trips in Mexico

Health and safety in Mexico

Connect to articles and resources about health and safety matters in Mexico

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Living, Working and Retirement in San Felipe Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:44:07 +0000 San Felipe living: guide to help you research and assess San Felipe as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

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Research and assess San Felipe as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico.

Living in San Felipe

Not long ago, San Felipe was a sleepy fishing town. Today, it’s host to one of Mexico’s retirement communities.

San Felipe At-a-Glance:

Location Type



15,000 (2005 Census). The local population can increase by up to 40% in the winter months.


9 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Pacific Time

High/Low Temperatures

38F (Nocturnal, Winter), 95F (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 78F.

Rainy Season?

San Felipe does not experience a monsoon rains season; most rainfall takes place in late August and September


San Felipe is sometimes subject to adverse weather arising from Pacific hurricanes.

Local Economy:

Principally fishing (Shrimp Fishing) and tourism.

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living*

Moderate (About Average)

Travel Guide

Travel Guide to San Felipe

Safe in San Felipe

Latest Mexico Safety Updates

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

San Felipe is situated on Mexico’s Baja peninsula, about a two-hour road drive (125 miles) south of Mexicali on the U.S.-Mexico Border. The town’s proximity to the U.S.A. is one of the prime features which attracts foreigners, and particularly Americans, to consider the town as a place for part-time or full-time living and retirement.

The Baja Peninsula is divided into two states: Baja California, and Baja California Sur, and is a socially and politically unique region of Mexico. There exists a considerable amount of U.S. influence here and the peninsula is becoming autonomous in many ways to the rest of Mexico, albeit the land and the local people who inhabit it continue to exude Mexican culture and values.

“The Baja” as the peninsula is often referred to, is tightly linked to the United States in many ways; in part because of the geography and in part due to the massive U.S. investment — both corporate and individual — that is taking place here. For example, many prices in Los Cabos are routinely quoted in U.S. Dollars; and, at a macro level, Baja California produces its own electricity — so much, that it exports the excess for sale to California in the U.S.A.

Mexican authorities also recognize the uniqueness of this land space and have made special allowances, such as allowing U.S.-plated motor vehicles to enter and remain on the peninsula, provided that the vehicle’s U.S. tax stickers are kept current. Elsewhere in Mexico, vehicles require an import permit and must be legalized (plates changed to Mexican plates) or exported (driven back across the border) within a fixed time period.

The peninsula’s geography, the ties to the United States, and the unabating investment pouring-in from Mexico’s northern neighbor as well from Mexican interests, provide retirees and people who want to live (and possibly work) in Mexico a very unique opportunity: to live in a region that is undoubtedly Mexican, but which has many of the hues and benefits of being so closely associated with the U.S.A.

Of course, the influx of investment and interest over the last fifteen to twenty years means that land and property prices have risen considerably over the period; however, since the credit crisis that began in late 2007, prices have begun to atone and relative bargains may now be sought in the region.

With over 55,000 square miles of land space, the Baja peninsula is huge. Baja California is over 27,000 square miles in size; its capital city is Mexicali. Baja California Sur, that incorporates Los Cabos, is a little over 28,000 square miles in size. The southern state on the peninsula is the least densely populated state in Mexico, with just one person for every four square miles of land space. Its capital city is La Paz.

The Baja peninsula offers a diverse range of options for people who want to live retire and even work in Mexico. For example, Los Cabos offers top-level amenities and local services; however, if you want to live more simply, there are alternative spaces, like those in and around San Felipe, offering land parcels ideal for the construction of eco-homes in Mexico.

The peninsula offers good transport links by road, air and ferry. People who own their own boats also find the many ports and marinas make the peninsula easily accessible.

The climate in this region is divine; it’s one of the biggest attractions for retirees and even then, there is choice. Although the coastal areas get hot and sultry in the summer, sea breezes cool them down; for those who need respite from the heat, mountain ranges that climb over a mile high above sea-level offer altitude and cooler temperatures.

With the advent of developments in San Felipe and some other notable towns in the northern reaches of the peninsula including Rosarito Beach, Ensenada and San Quintin, the north of the peninsula has taken on a new life: the inward investment is bringing new, modern, infrastructure, amenities and services to areas which, like the southern area of the peninsula, were once sleepy villages and this investment is opening up opportunities for foreigners who are looking for comfortable, affordable and well-connected locations to retire to in Mexico.

San Felipe has moved beyond the “fishing village” status it once had and is now regularly frequented by foreign visitors as well as expats who make this place their home part-time or full-time. Choosing San Felipe as a place to live or retire means that you will arrive with a number of retirement communities already established, infrastructure, amenities and services already in place, and the location still offering plenty of space for future growth: both in terms of community development and longer term investment.

Affordable Living

Affordability is another factor. The Baja peninsula is organized into two Mexican states: Baja California and Baja California Sur. The southern reaches of the peninsula, and particularly Los Cabos (‘the capes’, comprising of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas) have experienced a two-decade long boom, attracting an influx of foreign investors and retirees. This has driven up prices in the south, whereas in the north (Baja California), development has been hitherto subdued in comparison; the penetration of expats has been lower and so market prices match that lower demand.

Eco Homes

San Felipe is also emerging as one of the world’s premier locations for people who want to buy land and develop an Eco (or Energy Efficient) Home in Mexico. Technologies that enable home owners to be self-contained in terms of heat, light, water and sewerage have experienced a massive leap in recent years. San Felipe offers parcels of land which are extremely affordable and ideally situated for the construction of an Eco Home. You can get detailed information about Eco Homes in Mexico on Mexperience.

Seaside and Desert Living

Waterside lands with permission to build residential dwelling houses and homes overlooking the sea have become almost unaffordable for most people in places like the U.S.A., Canada and Western Europe.

People who harbor dreams of living near or alongside the sea find that San Felipe is still affordable and, if where plans exist to create an Eco Home, lands set aside for that purpose can be secured for less than U.S.$20,000 per plot.

The region’s desert climate, with winter temperatures (Dec-Mar) averaging in the mid 60’s F, spring temperatures (Apr-Jun) rising to averages in the late 70’s F, and summer temperatures (July-Sep) reaching as high as the mid 90’s F, San Felipe offers an attractive year-long climate for living and retirement.

Cost of Living in San Felipe

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at San Felipe vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance

Real Estate in San Felipe

The real estate market, like many others across Mexico, surged between the late 1990’s and 2007. Recent market conditions have caused price rises to stall, which is now creating an investment opportunity for people who want to make a long term commitment to the area.

Price rises, although significant, did not climb so high as to make San Felipe unaffordable, and the low cost of land reserved for the construction of eco-homes, proffers a unique opportunity for people seeking to create an energy efficient “off the grid” home in Mexico.

Real Estate Market in San Felipe

With FONATUR’s multi-million dollar investment combined with the close location to the U.S.A., San Felipe has emerged from its status as a sleepy fishing village to a thriving community whose main economy is now tourism, retirement communities, and real estate.

During the early 2000’s a real estate boom occurred and now a number of developments can be found along the coast beginning in the north end of town, through the town of San Felipe proper, and extending south of town.

Most real estate is sold directly through the developers although there are a couple of real estate agencies in town marketing individual properties. Real estate types range from beachfront homes, lots, and condos. Residences are available in the town of San Felipe as well as out-of-town, where investors are buying desert homes offering tranquil surroundings and sea and mountain views. While prices have escalated there has been a modest price correction recently.

San Felipe is also a location for people who want to build and live in Eco and Energy Efficient Homes in Mexico; plots of land which are ‘off the grid’ may be acquired at very low prices.

Rentals Market in San Felipe

Most rental properties in San Felipe are offered through developers or by individual property owners listing properties on the Internet. Although there are a few expatriates marketing rental services there does not exist a reliable rental agency at this time.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Health and Healthcare in San Felipe

Good quality basic healthcare services, as well as a small clinic offering U.S.-standard healthcare services exists in San Felipe. In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in San Felipe and in nearby Mexicali and a little further away in Tijuana. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in San Felipe

San Felipe enjoys a yearly average temperature of 78F/24C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 38F/4C at night; summer months may reach highs of 95F/32C.

Winter Climate:

November through February are the coolest months. Temperatures can range from 38F/4C to 70F/19C in the day.

Spring Climate:

March through May – springtime – are warm months in San Felipe with temperatures ranging from 50F/10C overnight to 80F/25C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

June through August are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 60F/15C overnight, to 95F/32C in the daytime. Temperatures reach their peak in mid-July and August; this is a time when many local residents leave the area to go traveling and retirees leave to visit families back home; returning in mid September as the climates further north begin to turn cool or cold, and temperatures in San Felipe begin to moderate.

Autumn Climate:

Temperatures moderate again starting in mid September through November, returning to similar levels as those experienced in the springtime ranging from 50F/10C overnight to 80F/25C in the daytime.

Rainy Season:

San Felipe does not experience a “rainy season”, although it does get a good deal of rainfall in late August and September, when hurricanes from the Pacific can cause adverse weather conditions across the Baja peninsula.


As San Felipe is on the Sea of Cortez, it is rarely directly affected by hurricanes, which brew in the Pacific, and lose strength as they cross land. However, hurricanes can affect the general weather here, causing heavy rain, overcast skies and winds.

Sea Temperature in San Felipe

During the peak summer months of July and August, sea temperatures reach as high as 80F/23C; in other months, the sea temperature will average around 50F/9C.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in San Felipe

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in San Felipe.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around San Felipe

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to San Felipe

The post Living, Working and Retirement in San Felipe first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in Cuernavaca Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:50:02 +0000 Cuernavaca living: guide to help you research and assess the colonial city of Cuernavaca as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Cuernavaca first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Research and assess Cuernavaca as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

Living in Cuernavaca

Located fifty-six miles southeast of Mexico City, Cuernavaca is a colonial city that dates back to at least 1200 AD, when the settlement was an important agricultural and artisan center. Following its conquest by the Aztecs and later by the Spanish, the city continued to be an ongoing agricultural concern and also became a popular get-away location for wealthy Spaniards living in the capital.

Today, over four centuries later, Cuernavaca continues to be frequented by middle and upper-class chilangos at weekends and holidays, and is a location of choice for many wealthy Mexicans that own homes in the provinces.

Mexicans and foreigners alike are attracted to Cuernavaca. They are drawn here by three key attributes that make the location ideal for living and retirement: its proximity to Mexico City, its year-round temperate climate, and its abundance of modern services and amenities.

Cuernavaca’s altitude, at just over 5,000 feet above sea level, bequeaths the city a mild, year-round, temperate climate with a very comfortable annual average of temperature of 70F/21C. Air-conditioning is not required here and, as electricity is the most expensive utility in Mexico, this can translate into significant annual energy savings.

The climate also nourishes a lush landscape that during the rainy season bursts into life and giving the entire region an eye-catching backdrop of flora and fauna.

Cuernavaca At-a-Glance:

Location Type

Colonial City


~370,000 (Source)


5,000 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Central Time

High/Low Temperatures

88F/31C (Daytime, Summer),
53F/11C (Nocturnal, Winter) . Year-Round Average 70F/21C.

Rainy Season?

Cuernavaca’s rainy season runs from May to October each year, with tropical downpours happening on occasions


Cuernavaca is inland and not affected by hurricanes

Local Economy:

Tourism, Commerce, Light manufacturing including such as printing, framing, ceramics, garment-making, and the production of cleaning supplies; Horticulture (flowers) and bee-keeping; Research institutes; Language schools and centers of higher learning

Expat Penetration


Cost of Living


Travel Guide

Guide to Cuernavaca

Safety in Cuernavaca

Latest Mexico Safety Updates

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Art and education

For decades now, Cuernavaca has been a popular city for students and artists. The city is one of Mexico’s principal ‘centers of learning’, boasting more than seventeen universities (including extensions of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a provincial campus of the elite Tecnologico de Monterrey) as well as over fifty language schools. Cuernavaca is considered to be one of the best locations in Mexico to study Spanish as a foreign language.

Popular with visitors and expatriates

The city of Cuernavaca and environs is an important tourist area in Mexico, one particularly well-known for its up-scale and boutique hotels and, notably, destination spas, some of which have attained world-class status.

Cuernavaca also has one of the largest concentrations of expats living in Mexico. Again, its proximity to the capital may be credited with the reason why so many expats come to live here — especially those who rely upon commercial connections in Mexico, or who have simply fallen in love with the capital and enjoy being close to it (if not living there, proper). Due to this cluster of foreigners which have relocated to Cuernavaca over the years, the expat community is extremely well-served by a network of English-speaking doctors, real-estate agents, and service businesses.

Colonial center

Much of the city center’s colonial charm has been compromised of late lack of necessary maintenance, heavy street traffic, and urban eyesores like graffiti. None of this is is un-fixable, nor is it a reason to avoid Cuernavaca: the matter of repair and restoration will probably be addressed in due course, as Mexico City’s decaying historical center was restored when it had fallen into significant disrepair.

The lion share of colonial-era elegance and charm in Cuernavaca has always been hidden away from public view. Behind some of the tall walls are beautiful gardens and residences owned by wealthy local families, politicians and celebrities: houses and estates which host some marvelous scenes of colonial-era gardens and architecture. Notwithstanding this, some of these historical properties have been converted into fine hotels, restaurants, and spas, offering the public an insight into the botanical and architectural marvels of that bygone era.

Population and real estate

The devastating earthquake that struck Mexico City in 1985 had a profound demographic effect on various provincial cities, as people — by choice or by force — relocated to colonial cities away from the capital. The city of Cuernavaca was one that swelled in population in the months and years following the earthquake.

Housing developments proliferated, and the rural areas around the city were transformed into urban landscapes filled with houses, gated communities and commercial and retail centers. The influx of people, and the accommodation demand that they have created, has brought about a local realty market offering a wide array of real estate choices for buyers and renters.

Lifestyle services and amenities

As more people have arrived to live here, services like clinics and hospitals, supermarkets, shopping malls and leisure facilities have opened their doors to fulfill the increasing demand.

Cuernavaca also features several city-based and regional attractions which provide visitors and residents with plenty of options for entertainment and leisure activities.

The city is host to a number of annual events and festivals each year, and there is often something happening at one of the downtown plazas on most weekends.

Cuernavaca is renowned for its many fine restaurants offering Mexican and international cuisine; some of these restaurants are housed inside old colonial residences and haciendas, offering good food surrounded by attractive gardens and colonial atmosphere.

There are number of ‘green areas’ to retreat to inside the city, including the San Anton waterfall, La Borda city gardens, and Chapultepec ecological park that features springs, picnic areas and a small zoo. Within a five mile drive of Cuernavaca’s city limits you can enjoy hiking trails, horseback riding, crystal-clear springs and lagoons for swimming, boating and fresh water fishing, and camping. You’ll also find a number of excellent spas with top-class facilities and staff.

Cuernavaca is also surrounded by a number of smaller towns and villages, each offering a unique character and many offering good quality food and artisan markets and stores. Tepoztlán is one such local town, just eleven miles away, within easy reach of Cuernavaca.

Comfortable climate, modern amenities

Mexicans and foreigners are attracted to Cuernavaca’s temperate climate, but also its central location close to the capital, and a reputation for being a relaxed and laid-back provincial community that also offers modern services and amenities which support a modern, and comfortable lifestyle.

Cuernavaca is not Mexico’s most picturesque nor most quaint colonial city. But for those who want to live in an authentic Mexican city with a temperate climate, perfectly located to explore the rich history and heritage of southern colonial Mexico, offering an extensive range of modern-day services and amenities, or want to (or have to) be close to Mexico City without living in the capital proper, Cuernavaca needs to be on the short list of locations for serious consideration.

Cost of living in Cuernavaca

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of living guide

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services in Cuernavaca vary from the average.

See also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog articles:

Money, Banking & Finance

Real estate in Cuernavaca

Information about the real estate market in Cuernavaca

Real estate market in Cuernavaca

Prices of realty in Cuernavaca have risen over the last decade, although prices here remain tempered in comparison to Mexico City and also the nearby popular expat enclave of Tepoztlán. Cuernavaca’s proximity to the capital means that this is a primary ‘short list’ location for people who want to relocate away from Mexico City. Cuernavaca also remains a popular destination for foreign residents, but less so than it was in the 1960s and 1970s and the expat population here is not as concentrated as it has become in places like San Miguel Allende, Chapala/Ajijic and Puerto Vallarta.

Cuernavaca’s realty market is diverse. Most expatriates on limited budgets seek to find a comfortable casita with some outdoor living space to take advantage of the near-perfect climate here; those with higher budgets may consider a luxury condominium in a gated community that may include facilities like a gym and swimming pool; or a private residence with its own grounds and gardens. At the top-end of the market, luxury residences, estates and colonial villas (or haciendas) are also available here.

Prices for real estate in Cuernavaca have atoned with the advent of the financial credit crunch that started in 1997 and some drug-related violence which flared up in the mid 2000s and has abated since. Sale prices continue to hold for certain types of desirable properties, but discounts may be found in other sectors of the market and rents remain excellent value here.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects (usually condos).

The central historical area — and especially the edges of same — exhibits a significant number of buildings in various states of disrepair and may provide a investment for people who want to create their home by means of a colonial restoration project. Such an investment would have to be viewed as a long-term proposition and there is no guarantee that the local authorities will invest any capital in restoring the central area of the city. Contacting a local realty agent is the best way of finding out what the status of an old (ruined) building may be, and to negotiate the sale if the owner is open to offers.

Rentals market in Cuernavaca

Cuernavaca has a very buoyant and dynamic rental market. Most luxury homes are vacation rentals; rented by the week or week-end. Longer term accommodations may be sought as well, and some people who only live in Cuernavaca part-time will rent their homes out during the period of their absence. Rental properties in Cuernavaca are offered either through local realty agents or by individual property owners listing properties on the internet or local newspapers and magazines as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafés, and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some property developers rent out their units or rent out units on behalf of owners: check with local developers or a local realty agent for details and further information.  Real our guide to renting property in Mexico for information and tips about renting property here.

See also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in Cuernavaca

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Cuernavaca. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local climate in Cuernavaca

Alexander von Humboldt, a 19th Century naturalist, once described Cuernavaca as “The land of eternal spring,” and since then, this phrase has been used extensively to market the city’s temperate climate. While the climate is generally agreeable, temperatures in Cuernavaca can soar in the late spring and early summer months, and days can feel quite hot and aggressive, especially so in April and May, before the rainy season begins properly. Most of the year, the climate is warm and temperate, and air-conditioning is not needed nor recommended. For hotter days, a fan-cooling system, or access to a swimming pool, will suffice for most people.

Winter climate:

December thru February are the cools and driest months. Temperatures range from highs between 75F/23C to 80F/26C and lows of between 50F/10C and 60F/15C.

Spring climate:

Temperatures begin to rise in March, and April and May are the hottest months, due to the heat and dryness. Highs can exceed 90F/32C and lows range from 65F/18C to 75F/23C.

Summer climate:

The rains will begin to fall around late May (or early June, depending on the year). June, July, and August offer pleasantly warm days cooled down by near-daily monsoon rains, which tend to arrive late afternoon or overnight, afterwards leaving the climate cooled but dry. Highs reach 75F/23C to 85F/29C and lows dip to a range of 65F/18C to 70F/20C.

Autumn climate:

Autumn starts in September, although the rains will linger through October. Temperatures moderate and, even after the rainy season ends (which is usually by no later than the end of October), temperatures will continue to feel spring-like with highs of 75F/23C to 80F/26C and lows of between 55F/12C and 65F/18C.

Rainy ceason:

Cuernavaca’s rainy season runs from May to October, with most of the rain falling in July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months of July, August and September heavy thunderstorms may feature, too.


Cuernavaca is an inland colonial city not directly affected by hurricanes. If hurricanes land on the Pacific coast near Acapulco (less than 190 miles away by road), inclement weather may be experienced inland, including in and around Cuernavaca.

See also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical information about living in Cuernavaca

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in Cuernavaca.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around Cuernavaca

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to Cuernavaca

The post Living, Working and Retirement in Cuernavaca first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Living, Working and Retirement in San Miguel de Allende Sun, 01 Sep 2019 14:33:25 +0000 San Miguel de Allende living: guide to help you research and assess San Miguel as a location for living, working, or retirement in Mexico

The post Living, Working and Retirement in San Miguel de Allende first appeared on Mexperience.]]>
Research and assess San Miguel Allende as a location for living, working or retirement in Mexico

Living in San Miguel Allende

San Miguel de Allende is situated about 170 miles by road northwest of Mexico City. The Spanish founded the city as San Miguel El Grande and the location served as an important military and commercial center when Zacatecas was one of the world’s principal silver mining centers, although the town was renamed in 1826 to San Miguel de Allende, in honor of Ignacio Allende—one of the protagonists of Mexico’s independence movement—who was born here.

San Miguel de Allende At-a-Glance:

Location Type



139,297 (2005 Census)


6,200 feet above sea-level

Time Zone

Central Time

High/Low Temperatures

34F/1C (Nocturnal, Winter), 75F/24C (Daytime, Summer). Year-Round Average 66F/19C

Rainy Season?

San Miguel de Allende’s rainy season runs from late May to October each year, with tropical downpours happening on occasions.


San Miguel is inland and not affected by hurricanes

Local Economy:

Tourism, specialized retail commerce, art and language study, agriculture (beans, corn, wheat, alfalfa), chicken farms.

Expat Penetration

Very High*

Cost of Living


Travel Guide

Travel Guide to San Miguel

Safe in San Miguel Allende

Latest Mexico Safety Updates

*Relative to other foreign expat communities in Mexico

Ignacio Allende is one of the Mexico’s most famous historical figures who was a captain in the Spanish army and later sympathizer of the Independence Movement. Although he was captured and executed for treason, he is considered one of the founding fathers of Mexico and began the movement that led to Mexico becoming free of Spanish rule.

The city’s importance began to decline after the War of Independence and, by the turn of the 20th century, San Miguel de Allende was in real danger of becoming an abandoned ghost town. It was its Baroque-Neoclassical architecture which captured the attention of foreign artists who, in the mid 20th Century began to move here and set-up several cultural and artistic institutions in the town. Famous artists, including Siquieros, began to lend the town some notoriety, and so followed a steady stream of foreign students, artists and retirees who came to San Miguel. Today, tourism, art, culture, retail commerce, and agriculture are the mainstays of the local economy.

From its historical roots, San Miguel has been transformed from a quiet, quaint, cobble-lined town that really started to develop under the auspices of artists who adopted the town in the 1950s—to today’s explosion of popularity with so many foreign expatriates choosing to live (full-time or part-time) in Mexico that the town is one of the most densely populated expatriate areas in the entire country.

The overall feel of San Miguel remains colonial and bohemian, but the town is alive with activity and growth which continues to make this one of the most coveted places for living, working and retirement by foreign expatriates.

One of the most alluring features of San Miguel de Allende is that it has successfully managed to combine old-world charm with modern-day cosmopolitan lifestyle and amenities.

Most of the art and cultural activities which take place here are concerned with arts and learning, painting, weaving, photography and sculpture. San Miguel is also one of the most popular places for foreigners to come and learn Spanish, and so Spanish language schools have become an important part of the local economy.

The influx of expatriates and well-heeled Mexicans has not gone unnoticed by investors. The city is developing rapidly and the outskirts of the city are being developed with housing projects. Major retail brands, including Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Starbucks and others, have moved in, either to San Miguel proper or nearby Celaya. Franchises setting up in San Miguel are doing so to mixed reviews by local people, some of whom may be heard moaning about the inevitable commercialization these bring, but who probably also value the convenience they amenities offer, nonetheless. For local Mexicans, these investments bring much-needed infrastructure and jobs to what remains a semi-rural environment in the Mexican colonial heartland.

Continuing Popularity Among Visitors, Expatriates and Mexicans

San Miguel de Allende continues to be one of the country’s most important tourist centers. In part due to its location–it’s situated centrally the heartland of the colonial ‘silver’ cities– and also because the town’s charm is well supported by its excellent amenities (fine hotels, restaurants and shops) which cater well to modern visitor’s needs and desires.

Foreign expatriates continue to flock here, too. Some of the expats who arrived in the 1960’s and were left disappointed by the colossal transformation that took place have chosen to leave, but their spaces have been eagerly taken by others who hold no such nostalgia for the old and are quite content with the town in its present-day form.

Some of those moving-in are well-heeled Mexicans, who have established country homes here, often visiting at weekends, or renting out the homes to visitors when they themselves are not using the property.

Inward Investment

San Miguel de Allende, like a number of other prominent and popular Mexican towns and cities has experienced a massive surge of inward investment since the mid 1990’s. These capital inflows have created a renaissance of San Miguel’s historic center and especially the outlying areas in the mountainside which surround this picturesque town.

As San Miguel became one of THE most sought-after places to live in Mexico between 2000 and 2008, dozens of new building projects ensued and, when the most desirable areas of the historic center has been bought and/or restored, developers moved to fill the unquenching demand for homes by developing housing projects in the hills and mountains surrounding the city. See ‘real estate’ in this guide for more information.

Unesco World Heritage Site

The city’s 64 central historical blocks and its nearby sanctuary in Atotonilco were declared a UNESCO world heritage site in July 2008 in recognition of its architecture as well as its historical importance as one of the ‘birth cities’ of Mexican independence.

Downturn, But Not Out

The global economic downturn, a drop in language-study tourists (and the significant impact that has had on the arts and language study interests of the town), and the news-flow concerning Mexico’s drug-related violence have each and all served to take their toll on San Miguel’s fortunes over the last few years.

However, all the reasons foreigners came and settled here in the first instance remain. This is one of Mexico’s most beautiful places; it has a near-ideal climate, it’s relatively close to Mexico City and has excellent road transport links. The town is served by airports in Mexico City (approx 3.5 hours by car), Querétaro (90 minutes by car), and in León (90 minutes by car). Mexico’s colonial cities are extremely safe places to visit and live in, and the adverse news-flow which has, in part, caused the downturn, will itself pass, and people will, again, be turning their eyes with anticipation to San Miguel de Allende.

If you don’t mind a place that has a high density of foreign expatriates living there already, and if one of your requirements is to be in a community well-settled by other expats, then San Miguel de Allende should appear on your short-list of places to live in Mexico.

San Miguel de Allende is one of the most-written about places in Mexico. However, no amount of words can convey the almost mystic allure this place holds with the thousands of foreigners who live here, and the hundreds of thousands of foreigners and Mexicans who enjoy returning to visit this town each year. Like so many places in Mexico, you have to go and experience it to better understand—moreover to experience—just how San Miguel casts its spell.

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Cost of Living in San Miguel de Allende

The cost of living in Mexico is typically lower in Mexico than it is the USA, Canada and Western Europe, although precise costs depend upon where you live and your lifestyle choices.

Cost of Living Report

To learn more about the cost of living in Mexico, connect to the Mexico Cost of Living page on Mexperience.

Regional and geographical cost variations do exist, and this part of the guide shows you how some goods and services at Cuernavaca vary from the average.

See Also:

Banks, Banking and Credit in Mexico | Money in Mexico

Blog Articles:

Money, Banking & Finance | Mexican Economy

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Real Estate in San Miguel de Allende

Information about the real estate market in San Miguel Allende.

Real Estate Market in San Miguel de Allende

Prices of realty in San Miguel de Allende have risen considerably over the last decade. The influx brought investment to the historic center, where old ruined buildings have been lovingly restored by new owners and, as demand soared, the areas in the hills and mountainside surrounding this colonial city have been developed into homes, too.

Prices for all realty soared as copious quantities of cash poured gratuitously into the town from Mexico and abroad, and raised property prices to levels which (and as happened in so many of Mexico’s semi-rural towns) never reflected the production potential of the local economy.

San Miguel was one of Mexico’s “boom economy” stories of the 2000s and so it is now undertaking necessary period of consolidation and re-balance that will, in due course, bring about a much more mature and stable property market in the region.

Most real estate is sold through local realty agents who know the area and the surrounding region, as well as directly through the developers marketing major realty projects, either out of town or on one of the nearby golf courses.

Real estate types range from old colonial homes in the historic center (and which today command very high prices, making them affordably to only the wealthiest buyers), to more contemporary-looking homes around the center’s peripheries and outskirts, where you can also find condos and some golf-course property available on tailor made developments.

If you are looking for a restoration project, some may still be available locally. To find them, you could wander around the center, as some properties have ‘for sale’ signs posted; others do not; contacting a local realty agent is the best way of finding out what the status of an old (ruined) building may be, and to negotiate the sale if the owner is open to offers.

Rentals Market in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel has a very buoyant local property rental market. Some luxury homes here are also vacation rentals (rented full or part time as such); offered for rent by the week or over week-ends. Longer term accommodations may be sought as well, and some people who own property here but only live in San Miguel for part of the year will rent their homes out during the period of their absence. Long term rental properties in San Miguel are offered through local realty agents and by individual property owners listing properties on the internet or local newspapers and magazines, as well as signs posted at restaurants, cafes and bars near the vicinity where the rentals are situated. Some owners post a notice on the property, e.g. “Se Renta,” with a contact telephone number.  For short-term rentals, Airbnb has become the defacto go-to site for searching available homes and making bookings.

See Also:

Guide to Real Estate in Mexico | Home Maintenance | Home Security

Healthcare in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel has two general hospitals serving the local community: the public hospital is funded and managed by the state, and a privately-managed hospital which offers a range of specialized healthcare professionals and services including pediatricians and cardiologists, ophthalmologists, orthopedics, etc. as well as a unit offering cosmetic procedures.

In addition to Mexico’s state sponsored healthcare provided via the country’s national health service IMSS, good quality healthcare services offered through private clinics with US -standard healthcare services exist in Cuernavaca. The privately-run out patient clinics available locally are ideal for day-to-day ailments, sprains, broken bones and other health matters which would normally be diagnosed and treated by a General Practitioner of medicine.

See Also:

Health and Healthcare in Mexico | Travel Health in Mexico

Local Climate in San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende enjoys a yearly average temperature of 66F/19C. Winter months can be cooler and drop to 34F/1C at night; summer months may reach highs of at least 75F/24C. The area’s weather is temperate and semi-arid. Summers are warm or moderately hot with a rainy season. Winters temperatures are moderate although cooler/colder days may occur on occasions when nortes (cold fronts) push down from the north.

Winter Climate:

January through March are the coolest months. Temperatures can range from lows of around 34F/1C overnight, to between 66F/19C and 73F/23C during the day.

Spring Climate:

April through June – springtime – are warmer months in San Miguel de Allende with temperatures ranging from 42F/6C overnight to 73F/23C in the daytime.

Summer Climate:

July through September are the hottest months, with temperature ranging from 46F/8C overnight, to 75F/24C or higher in the daytime. Temperatures and humidity reach their peak in May and June.

Autumn Climate:

Temperatures moderate again starting in September and daytime temperatures begin to climb down from their summer highs. Temperatures in the autumn months range from 37F/3C overnight to 68F/20C in the daytime.

Rainy Season:

San Miguel de Allende’s rainy season runs from May to September, with most of the rain falling in July and August. Torrential afternoon rains may be experienced several days a week and, in the peak temperature months between May and August, tropical storms may feature, too.


San Miguel is inland and not affected by hurricanes. Sometimes, if a hurricane falls on the Pacific Coast, climates inland may be affected, for example, with overcast skies and slightly lower temperatures.

See Also:

Weather and Climates in Mexico

Practical Information About Living in San Miguel Allende

This section contains links to guides where you can learn more about living in San Miguel Allende.

Accessibility / Transport

Getting Around San Miguel Allende

Getting Around

Transportation choices in Mexico


Staying in contact while living in Mexico

Money and Banking

Guide to Money in Mexico | Banks & Banking in Mexico

Practical Matters

Practical Information (Travel Guide)

Auto Insurance in Mexico

How to insure your foreign-plated car in Mexico

Safety in Mexico

Latest Safety Updates

Key Attractions

Travel Guide to San Miguel Allende

The post Living, Working and Retirement in San Miguel de Allende first appeared on Mexperience.]]>