App-Cabs Experience More of Mexico Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:38:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 124046882 Mexico’s Affordable Taxi Cabs Fri, 31 Aug 2018 13:00:54 +0000 Taxi cabs in Mexico are plentiful, and provide an affordable means to get around towns and cities.

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Jump into a taxi in the US, Canada, or Western Europe and the accrued fare will be several dollars or euros before the vehicle even begins to drive off.   Taxi cab rides are much more affordable here in Mexico.

The cab system is not standardized across the entire country; each state applies its own rules and regulations about how taxis are licensed and operated. So the fare you pay and, moreover, the way in which the fare is applied, is distinct depending upon where you hire a cab.

In recent years, the advent of App-Cabs has begun to transform the taxi market in Mexico, providing taxi customers with additional options.  Uber and Cabify are the two principal App-Cab companies operating in Mexico, although Uber operates in more cities and has significantly more drivers.

In a few cities, including Mexico City, most taxis are metered, and some locations operate official ‘zone charging’ systems. However, taxis operating in most villages, towns, and cities across Mexico have no meter and no official zoning system in operation. In these circumstances, the fare you pay is the fare you negotiate with the driver.  Being able to speak some Spanish will be particularly useful and help you to negotiate a better price.

Principal taxi types in Mexico

There are many different taxi types operating in Mexico and these are detailed in our Taxi Guide (see link below).  The principal taxi types operating across Mexico are:

Street cabs: Every town and city has street cabs, which can be hailed from the street or boarded at taxi cab ranks, known as Sitios in Mexico.

App-cabs: You can book cabs by smart-phone App in many principal cities across Mexico.  Uber has the biggest presence here, and Cabify also operates in several Mexican cities.  You can use these services even if your Uber or Cabify account is based (billed) outside of Mexico: fares are charged in Mexican pesos and the corresponding amount in foreign currency, e.g. dollars, euros, pounds, will be billed to your credit card.

Airport taxis: Every commercial airport in Mexico has ‘official taxi’ ranks where you can hire a cab from the airport to your local destination.  World-wide, these taxis cost considerably more than other taxis, and Mexico is no exception.  Taxi fares from airports are based on a zone charging system, and the farther you travel from the airport, the higher the fare.  Some airports, including Mexico City, allow Uber and Cabify drivers to pick-up passengers and this can offer savings in comparison to the official taxi prices.  Check your cab App for details about meeting and pick-up arrangements.

Bus station buses: Every intercity bus station in Mexico operates an ‘official’ taxi rank, signed as Taxis Autorizados, in the same way as the airports do. The fares are lower than airport taxis, but higher than street cabs.  See our comprehensive guide to Bus Travel in Mexico for more details.

Hotel taxis: Taxi cabs based at hotels are a form of taxi rank. The cabbies are tied to a particular hotel (or group of hotels) and agree to wait patiently outside until a guest requires ground transportation.  These taxis charge a fixed fee by zone or location, or charge fares on a ‘rate per kilometer’ basis or, unusually, run a meter.  Hotels without a dedicated rank outside will usually telephone one of the nearby local taxi ranks or co-operatives when guests need the service.

Mexperience Guide to Taxi Travel in Mexico

Our Guide to Taxi Travel in Mexico is comprehensive and includes typical cab fares for the different types of taxi on the road.  If you plan to travel around Mexico by road, reading the guide will give you a thorough grounding in the art and science of cab travel in Mexico.

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Taxis in Mexico Sat, 16 Sep 2017 13:33:25 +0000 You'll find a plentiful supply of affordable taxis across Mexico's cities, towns and villages

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You’ll find a plentiful supply of affordable taxis across Mexico’s cities, towns and villages

Getting around Mexico using taxis is surprisingly affordable, especially when compared to taxi fares in places like the USA and Europe. This guide explains how taxis in Mexico operate, how much different types of cabs charge, and how to make use of taxis effectively and safely here.

Taxi travel in Mexico

Getting about by taxi cab is relatively inexpensive in Mexico. Taxis are either metered, not metered; charged on a ‘per kilometer’ basis, charged by zones, or hired through an App-Taxi with services like Uber and Cabify.

In comparison to taxi fares in the USA, Canada, and Europe, getting around by taxi in Mexico is relatively inexpensive, although it is considerably more expensive than using Mexico’s very affordable mass-transit systems including local buses, peseros (micro buses) and, where available, the Metro.

In Mexico City, it’s best not to hail cabs off the street after dark, and if you are unfamiliar with the city and don’t speak Spanish, it’s always best to always use taxis from Taxi Ranks (Sitios) or from an App-Taxi service instead of hailing a cab from the street; see the section on this guide about taxis in Mexico City for more details about this.

In other provincial cities and small towns in Mexico, taxi travel is generally regarded as safe and you can feel secure hailing cabs off the street at any time.

Meters in cabs are verified/calibrated annually as part of the taxi’s license and you can be sure that, in most cases, the fare you see metered is the correct one for your journey.

Cabs in many provincial cities do not have meters and there is no official zone charging system either. In these cases, agree the price you are willing to pay for your journey with cab driver beforehand.

Historically, taxi driving has been a male-only domain in Mexico and the overwhelming number of taxi drivers in Mexico are still men. However, more recently increasing numbers of women taxi drivers have been seen chauffeuring cabs, especially in Mexico City.

Taxi drivers in Mexico generally don’t speak English (a small few might speak a little English) so you will need to be able to speak some Spanish to get about independently by taxi cab in Mexico, or show the driver where you want to go on a paper or smartphone map. See the Taxi Travel Tips section at the end of this guide for advice about how to communicate with your cab driver if your Spanish is limited.

Taxi travel in Mexico City

Because of its size and complexity, and because of a spate of taxi-related crimes specific to Mexico City, traveling by taxi in Mexico’s capital requires some additional precautions. These precautions are exercised by most residents of the capital, and are not just relevant to foreign visitors.

Taxi-related crime in Mexico City

Taxi-related crimes in Mexico City flared up in a period around 2005-2007 causing the capital’s government to take a range of measures to deal with the issue. While taxi crime today is not as prevalent an issue as it was then, we recommend that you continue to exercise caution in the capital when hiring cabs.

Technology has, to a large extent, mitigated many of the risks by enabling travelers to quickly and easily arrange licensed cabs in the capital by phone, or through smart-phone App.

Taxi-related crimes are almost uniquely carried out in the capital and most often involve an ‘express kidnap’, whereby the passenger of a street cab (it’s rare that attacks take place with two or more passengers traveling) is held hostage for a time, and usually taken to an ATM, where the person is forced to withdraw cash. All personal belongings with any value are stolen, and the passenger is later ‘dropped-off’, usually in some nondescript neighborhood of the city.

Mexico City’s authorities are acutely aware of the poor image taxi crime creates and implemented a range of measures to tackle taxi-related crime which had a dramatic effect in reducing taxi crime in the capital.

At the beginning of 2008, the government re-licensed all of the capital’s cabs, issuing new-style plates, instigating new background checks on drivers, and issuing new forms of official ID. As a result of the programs, taxi crimes have diminished significantly, but they have not dissolved completely.

As a result of these types of crimes—and also due to technology in the form of mobile telephones and smart-phone Apps—many people are by-passing street cabs in favor of Taxi Rank cabs (known as Sitio cabs) or using App-Cabs when traveling by taxi in Mexico City. Middle-class Mexicans—and women in particular— routinely phone cabs or arrange a Uber or Cabify taxi and don’t just hail one of the street.

See also: App Cabs Get the Green Light in Mexico City

Partly as a result of the taxi crimes, many taxi drivers themselves have taken the initiative and joined taxi-cooperatives, taxi ranks (Sitios), or App-Cab firms, as the other face of taxi crime, far less reported, is that taxi drivers are sometimes attacked and robbed by uncouth ‘passengers’ they aboard from the street.

Taxi rank cabs — “Sitios” — in Mexico City

Many residents in Mexico City now eschew street cabs altogether and opt instead for a taxi from a Taxi Rank, either by walking to the nearest rank or telephoning their local cab rank. Most capital dwellers have a couple of taxi firm or rank numbers stored in their phones to call a cab when they need one.

There also exist a number of Radio Taxi firms, which cover the entire city (supposedly) and will send a cab to wherever you are—even on the street.

Taxi Rank cabs are more expensive than street cabs but continue to be relatively inexpensive in comparison to cab fares in other capital cities such New York, Los Angeles, Paris, and London.

Hotels either have a taxi rank outside the property with cabs that will charge on a meter, a fixed-fee depending on where you are going, or charge on a ‘rate per kilometer’ basis. Hotels without taxi ranks outside the property have the contact number of a taxi rank located nearby, and will telephone a cab for you if you need one.

Hailing street cabs in Mexico City

Notwithstanding the above, some residents and foreigners familiar with Mexico City and who speak Spanish, do hail cabs off the street in the capital, although it is as well to take a few sensible precautions:

You need to know Mexico City and speak Spanish: Don’t take street cabs in Mexico City if you are unfamiliar with the capital and/or don’t speak much Spanish: if you are visiting the city, get your hotel to phone a cab, use a taxi rank cab (see notes above), or use your smartphone to arrange a service like Uber or Cabify.

Flag down only properly licensed cab cars: From 2008, Mexico City’s government re-licensed all taxi cabs in the capital as part of a safety and quality campaign. All newly-licensed cabs have a distinctive white colored licence plate beginning with a capital letter and five numbers. Any street cab you flag down should show this new plate.

Ensure your taxi driver is properly licensed: Be sure, whatever taxi you get into, that the driver’s license card is visible. The license card is a white, laminated document with official stamps, a hologram and a photograph of the taxi driver on it. The card should be presented as a full-color original and not be a photocopy. The number on the license card should match the license plates.

If you are carrying any valuable equipment (e.g. laptop or expensive cameras) it’s best to get a cab from a taxi rank, use an App-Cab service, or get your hotel to phone a local taxi for you.

Dress and act sensibly, following the general Safety Guidelines as set out on the Safety guide here on Mexperience.

If you are not familiar with Mexico City and the place you are going, and/or if you don’t speak Spanish, it’s best to call to arrange a taxi via the hotel where you’re staying, phone a taxi rank (Sitio), or use your smart-phone to arrange an App-Cab service. They cost more than street cabs, but are still good value in comparison to a similar distance taxi fare in other major capital cities.

Taxi travel in provincial cities across Mexico

Traveling by taxi in Mexico’s provincial cities (which includes Guadalajara and Monterrey) is generally regarded as safe, and the need to exercise precautions in relation to the taxi-crime that has pervaded Mexico City in recent years are not necessary.

The big difference between traveling by taxi in Mexico City and Mexico’s provincial cities is that the cabs in the provinces are not as standardized and not all districts operate metered cabs, so it may be necessary to negotiate your price. Some cities operate a “zone” charging system, regulated by the local government, but in most places you visit across Mexico, what you pay in taxi fares will be what you negotiate. See ‘Types of Taxi’, below, for more details.

Taxis operating in Mexico’s provinces will have different color schemes to Mexico City and even to other cities—there is no ‘national standard’ for cab colors or styles. You may end up traveling in a brand-new car or one which is very nearly worn out completely. Check the state of the tires of a cab before you board: tires in good condition are more likely to indicate a vehicle in good condition.

Cab drivers in the provinces are even less likely to speak English, except perhaps in major tourist areas, so be sure you are armed with a few words in Spanish to help you get to your destination (also see ‘Tips for Taxi Travel in Mexico’, below).

Taxis in Mexico’s major tourist cities

In major tourist cities, taxis will usually be charged by zone. Cab drivers are more likely to speak and/or understand some English.  Taxis in the most popular beach resort towns including Cancun, Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, and Huatulco are relatively expensive in comparison to taxis in places like Mexico City, Acapulco, Manzanillo and Mazatlan and Mexico’s colonial cities.  App Cabs like Uber and Cabify might be operating in the tourist city you are visiting, offering an alternative/competition to local taxis—Open your cab App and check to see if services are available in your current location.

Types of taxi in Mexico

Independent street taxis in Mexico City

In Mexico City, these are painted in a distinctive pink and white.

Independent taxis outside of Mexico City

Outside of Mexico City, the paint color of taxis varies widely. Street cabs are the least expensive and, outside of Mexico City, they are generally regarded as safe to flag down. If you don’t speak some Spanish then you may find independent taxis a bit of a handful—some may try to overcharge you.

Sitio taxis (Taxi ranks and taxi co-operatives)

Taxi Ranks are most common in Mexico City (marked “Sitio“), although you’ll find cab ranks in all towns and cities across Mexico. Many cab drivers, especially those working in the capital, are now affiliating themselves with local taxi co-operatives, or companies that service fares from a base or rank, and pick people up when they telephone to book a ride.

There are many good taxi firms that will quote you a fare over the ‘phone for the journey you request, and tell you the details of the car type/plate that will pick you up. Most hotels are affiliated to a local taxi firm, and some even have a taxi rank outside, waiting for you to travel.

App-cab taxis

Taxi services booked using a Smartphone app are available in Mexico.  The principal service provider here is Uber, with Cabify also offering services in the capital.  You get full details about App-Cabs in Mexico here on this guide.

Airport taxis

Taxis from Mexico’s airports are some of the most expensive you will pay for. There are always at least two taxi concessions given at each airport, but prices are still high in comparison to cabs hired from non-airport locations. Charges are applied by zone, depending on where you are going.  App-Cabs (like Uber and Cabify) now pick-up passengers from Mexico City airport; for other Mexican airports, check your App when you arrive and it should advise you whether airport pickup service is available there. Buses, and Mexico City’s Metro, are alternatives, but not realistic when you have lots of baggage and just want to get to your hotel, or back home.

Hotel taxis

Some hotels have a taxi rank based outside the hotel, to board hotel guests at anytime. These may be charged at a fixed fee depending on where you are going (destinations and fares will be on display), or on a zone-based fare system, on a rate per kilometer and some may be metered.

Larger or luxury hotels sometimes have a private fleet of cabs tied to the property. These taxis are relatively expensive in comparison to regular cabs but offer comfortable, air-conditioned, vehicles, usually with drivers who speak at least some English. Most operate fixed fares to specific destinations (e.g. to the airport) or charge on a price per kilometer basis. Check locally.

Taxi fares in Mexico

Last Updated: August 2018

Note about language

If you plan to travel by taxi cab in Mexico, you will need to be able to speak some Spanish as most cab drivers speak little or no English.  (Taxis booked using an App-Cab app (e.g. Uber or Cabify) will know where you want to go via the App and so the requirement to speak Spanish in these situations is diminished.)

Taxi fares in Mexico City

All taxis in Mexico City are either metered or, for private taxis and taxis from the airport, a price per kilometer or a zoning charge is made. One kilometer (1,000 meters) is 1,093 yards, or about six-tenths of a mile.

All prices are quoted in Mexican pesos. Currency Converter

App Cab Taxi Fares in Mexico City

If you use Uber or Cabify in Mexico (see App Cab services) fares are based on these companies current rates, which fluctuate depending on local demand and supply. When you use these services, the App detects your current location, you enter the location you want to get to, and your App will present you with a fare which you can accept or refuse in the moment you intend to travel.  If your cab gets stuck in traffic, if you ask for stop-over, or change your destination en-route then the fare will change to reflect the additional time accrued or distance traveled.

See Also: App-Cab Services in Mexico

Airport taxi fares

If you take a cab from the Airport, buy an authorized taxi ticket from one of the booths in or near the terminal building – there are various companies vying for your business. Rates from airports are charged by zone and include the tip, although excessive luggage can be charged extra. (Two luggage bags per person is considered reasonable; if you are carrying more you may be asked to pay more.) From Mexico City’s Benito Juarez airport, to the center of the capital expect to pay about MX$350; for destinations to the far north, south or west of the city (the airport is in the east of the city) expect to pay up to MX$550. Taxi fares from airports have not reduced despite the fact that App-Cabs usually offer lower fares for an equivalent journey.

Private taxi fares

Private taxis are usually based at hotels (some radio cabs are also private taxi firms) and charge a rate per kilometer. Radio cabs are authorized to charge about MX$50 to start (known as the banderazo)and then about MX$5 for each 250 meters (equivalent to $20 pesos per kilometer, 1/6th of a mile) or 45 seconds of time when the taxi is stationary.

Taxis rank cab fares

Taxi rank cabs (on a street rank or outside a hotel) charge on a meter, but at a higher rate than street cabs. Taxi Rank cabs charge an initial fare of around MX$25 and then around MX$4 for each 250 meters (equivalent to $16 pesos per kilometer, 1/6th of a mile) or 45 seconds of time when the taxi is stationary. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, this time-lapse charge is applied automatically by the meter.

Lowest taxi fares in Mexico City

The lowest taxi fares (metered) are from the street cabs (see advice above about hailing cabs from the street in Mexico City) which begin the meter with a charge of about MX$12 and then around MX$2.5 for each 250 meters (equivalent to $10 pesos per kilometer, 1/6th of a mile) or 45 seconds of time when the taxi is stationary. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, this time-lapse charge is applied automatically by the meter.

Fixed fee taxi fares in Mexico City

Some taxi rank cabs agree a fixed price from point A to B, which is often very reasonable and pitched between the Taxi Rank and street cab fares. For example, a fixed fare from Xochimilco (south edge of Mexico City) to the Airport (center east) costs around MXP$275 plus a tip (optional) when you book a taxi over the phone with a local firm/co-operative. These taxis offer some of the best deals in terms of security/price. You will need to be able to speak Spanish in order to book them.

Taxi fares outside of Mexico City

Taxis operating in the towns and cities outside of Mexico City are charged:

  • by zone; or
  • are metered; or
  • are not metered.

Zone charges will depend on rates set by the local state authorities or municipalities, but will correlate to the meter charges, plus a small percentage. Add 25%-50% to the prices quoted below for Meters when you are visiting highly popular tourist centers such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos, Ixtapa and Huatulco. Taxis from Airports, wherever you are in the country, are always more expensive.

Meter charges are similar to street cabs in Mexico City who charge a fee of about MXP$12-15 when you get in plus MXP$10-15 per kilometer. It is generally regarded as safe to hail a cab off the street outside of Mexico City but you will need to speak Spanish to direct the driver. (Tip: If your Spanish is rusty, and you have a smart phone, you can show the driver where you want to go using the map application on your phone; if the driver is no familiar with the location, you can also direct them using the App.)

No meter? Agree your price! Some taxis either refuse to switch-on their meters or, especially in smaller towns and villages, will not even have a meter installed and there will be no zoning charge scheme in place. In these cases, be sure to agree your price ahead of time. Being able to speak some Spanish will give you an advantage when negotiating cab fares in Mexico, as cabbies don’t usually speak English. (Although those that do are usually keen to help and will be pleased to share a conversation in English with you.)

App-cab taxi fares in Mexico’s provinces

If you use Uber or Cabify in Mexico (see App Cab services) fares are based on these companies current rates, which fluctuate depending on local demand and supply. When you use these services, the App detects your current location, you enter the location you want to get to, and your App will present you with a fare which you can accept or refuse in the moment you intend to travel.  If your cab gets stuck in traffic, if you ask for stop-over, or change your destination en-route then the fare will change to reflect the additional time accrued or distance traveled.

See Also: App-Cab Services in Mexico

Car rental alternative

If you plan to do a lot of traveling within a local area, especially in popular beach resort areas where taxi fares are considerably higher than those in colonial towns and cities, you might consider renting a small car. Rates for car rental in Mexico are lower now than they have ever been.  See Car Rental in Mexico for our guide about renting a car.

App-cab taxi services in Mexico

Smartphones are beginning to change the way that people book cabs in cities around the world.  App-Cabs, offered through firms like Uber and Cabify offer customers the ability to book a cab using their smartphone, agree a price and time for pick-up.

Uber is expanding rapidly across Mexico and now offers services in at least 14 cities across the country, including: Mexico City, Toluca, Cuernavaca, Puebla, Querétaro, León, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Hermosillo, Tijuana, Mexicali, and Mérida.  Uber has been adding Mexican cities to its network every year.

Cabify is developing less quickly and currently operates in cities including Mexico City, Toluca, Monterrey, Puebla, Querétaro and Tijuana.

The services offers people with smartphones a way to book a cab through a mobile app for a pre-agreed price.  Fares are comparable with Sitio type cabs (see above), and sometimes trade at a premium to this when local demand increases.

Your foreign-billed app-cab account works in Mexico

If you have a Uber or Cabify account in your home country, you are able to use the same App and account to hail cabs in Mexico.  Charges are quoted and billed in Mexican pesos, and your credit card company will convert the charge into your local currency. e.g. US or Canadian dollars, British pounds, euros, etc.

The Uber and Cabify services are particularly popular with young middle-class students, working professionals, and women.  The service has gained a lot of popularity especially as the vehicles these services offer are newer that the average street cab, and with the App it’s possible to see where your vehicle is in relation to your current location and plan accordingly.  There’s the added convenience of paying through your App-Cab account, so even if you don’t have much cash or are short of change, you can get a taxi ride.

Data charges for App Cab use in Mexico

Note that App-Cab services require your smartphone’s data connection to work. If you are visiting Mexico and roaming with your non-Mexican smartphone data fees can be expensive. Check with your plan to see if you get an allowance for data roaming in Mexico.  See the guide to Communications in Mexico for details about cell phone services here.

See Also: App-Cab Services in Mexico

Tips for taxi travel in Mexico

Here are a few tips to help you travel effectively by cab in Mexico, based on recent travel experiences:

Local language: Learn a few words and phrases in Spanish to help you communicate at least at a basic level with the driver. Besides getting to your destination quicker, building some rapport with the driver may get you a better fare in instances where the taxi is not metered.

Have a map ready: If you know little or no Spanish, take a local map with you to show the driver; if you have a smartphone and a data plan that works in Mexico, you could use a mapping app like Google Maps or Apple Maps and use this to show the driver where you want to go, or use an App Cab service like Uber or Cabify as the GPS systems will guide to driver to your destination.

Traffic congestion: In Mexico City, build-in plenty of extra time to your journey as traffic congestion can be severe in the capital, especially during the rush hours. If you are traveling to the airport or to a bus station to catch a scheduled transportation service, allow plenty of time for possible traffic congestion in the city.

Find local Taxi Ranks: If you will be visiting Mexico for a while, or plan to live here, scout around for your nearest Taxi Ranks (Sitios), ask for their phone number and call them when you need a cab. You might also sign up for a Uber or Cabify if you have a smartphone and don’t use this service already. (Note that if you have a non-Mexican Uber or Cabify account you can use it to hail cabs in Mexico in the same way as you do back home and charges will be billed to you in your home currency.) Cabs will come right to your door or hotel, and will even meet you at a predetermined places like a restaurant or a landmark, and don’t charge extra for this.

Have cash ready: Although some taxis are beginning to accept credit and debit cards, most don’t and those that do will usually add 10% to the fare to cover bank charges they pay to offer the card payment facility. Uber users pay through the app and there is no need for cash. We recommend you pay non-Uber/Cabify drivers with cash as they prefer it and it will save you money.

Giving directions: In Mexico City, some street cab drivers won’t know the place where you want to go, so you will need to be able to direct them or, if you don’t speak Spanish, have a map on your person to show them where they need to go, or use a mapping application on your smartphone. This scenario is less likely with Taxi Rank cabs and never a problem with private or airport taxis as they carry street maps / apps in the vehicle.

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Uber Cabs Expand in Mexico Wed, 13 Apr 2016 15:21:35 +0000 The booking of cabs using smartphones has been taken-up in earnest by taxi users in Mexico.

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In the summer of 2015, Mexico City approved the use of App-Cab private car services such as Uber and Cabify, and thus became the first city in Latin America to formally approve the new taxi cabs of the Internet Age.

The booking of cabs using smartphones has been taken-up in earnest by taxi users in Mexico and Uber, the leading App-Cab company operating here, has recently announced further expansion to its services, with the ‘Ubers’ now available in fourteen cities across the country.

Customers using the Uber service can now book cabs in Mexico City, Toluca, Cuernavaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Leon, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Hermosillo, Tijuana, Mexicali, and Merida.

Cabify, the principal App-Cab competitor to Uber, operates primarily in Mexico City, although its services are gradually expanding to some other Mexican cities.

The expansion of the Uber and Cabify services has not arrived without issues. Traditional cab drivers continue to feel threatened by the new services and have been staging demonstrations in cities where Uber is launched.  Uber has also been criticized by its own customers, for example, when some Uber cabbies fail to show up for booked fares; and when Mexico City recently implemented additional restrictions to car use in the capital to control air pollution, the company was chastised for allowing fare multiples to rise by up to 9x usual fare levels.

Uber’s rapid expansion does demonstrate that consumers want a choice in the way they hire cabs and its expansion from one Mexican city to fourteen in the space of three years illustrates that real demand for App-Cab services exists in Mexico.

While Uber and Cabify are redefining the relationship between taxi services and their customers in Mexico’s key cities, traditional street cabs and taxi cab ranks – known in Mexico as sitios – continue to operate, and many people will have the telephone number of at least one local sitio stored in their contacts, whether they use Uber or not.

You can learn more about how to get around in Mexico by cab—including street cabs, sitios and App-Cabs—by reading our extensive Guide to Taxi Travel in Mexico, here on Mexperience.

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App-Cabs Get the Green Light in Mexico City Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:26:51 +0000 Popular "App-Cabs" like Uber and Cabify have been approved by regulators in Mexico City - paving the way for more competition and better services

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In July 2015, after months of controversy, public debates and negotiations with city authorities, Mexico City approved the use of App-Cab private car services such as Uber and Cabify, and thus became the first city in Latin America to formally approve the new taxi cabs of the Internet Age.

The appearance and rapid expansion of Uber—which is the best-known of the services—had caused significant controversy in Mexico City as elsewhere in the world. Established cab drivers in the capital and other cities blocked streets in protest and demanded that Uber be banned.

Roaming street cabs as well as those associated with a cab company or local bases—sitios as they’re known in Mexico—complained that they were placed at a significant disadvantage because they have to pay all kinds of fees such as rights to license plates, verification of taxi meters, etc. These traditional cabbies argued that Uber and others were offering a taxi service without authorization, and therefore breaking the law.

At first, city police carried out a number of operativos (police operations) against Uber drivers, impounding their cars for running a car service without a permit. The companies fought back, however, and found a great amount of support among users of social media, and even leaders of public opinion who argued that the reason the new services were so popular was that they were so efficient. If we are going to boast about our free markets, then let that show in the treatment of the innovative car services, was the main thrust of the arguments. Furthermore, they added, there was nothing stopping existing cabs from using technology to improve their services.

The advantages of App-Cabs are several:

  • The drivers all use GPS and so customers who book the service can see where their assigned cab is in relation to their present location and time themselves accordingly
  • When customers are on-board, the driver can find the least congested route to the intended destination
  • Payment is made via credit or debit card through the App’s registration system, and so there are no problems with finding change
  • If several friends who are all registered on the service are traveling together, the system can split the total cost of the fare across several accounts: this is quite popular with younger people who are on an outing together
  • Rates vary, and can get quite high during rush hour, but they are known and agreed to before a ride is booked
  • Many people, women especially, feel safer using the service where the drivers are clearly identified.

For many years Mexico City dwellers have been using their mobile phones to call radio taxis, or taxis from established sitios, for reasons of safety—and this continues to be a popular way to hire cabs locally.  A number of these services, which also charge a premium in comparison to roaming street cab rates, accept credit cards and give receipts for payment. Most people have at least one or two sitio phone numbers stored in their phones so that they can call for a cab.

With roughly 140,000 traditional cabs in Mexico City, the relatively few ‘App-Cabs’ are hardly enough to cover all of the demand in a city of 20 million. Where competition between the old and the new is greatest is at weekends outside bars, nightclubs, and other entertainment venues where car services of all kinds can and do charge especially high rates to revelers needing to get home in the early hours, or after a pop concert or show.

The regulations passed in July 2015 formalize the legality of the App-Cab services, and establish a number of requirements for the operators, including paying an annual registration fee, and a duty of 1.5% of the value of all rides—money the city says it will use to develop pedestrian services and promote the use of technology among traditional taxi services. The regulations also include a minimum market value for App-Cab vehicles, eliminating the possibility of using the cheapest autos, and, only slightly ironically, ban them from accepting payment in cash (one of the selling points of the App-Cab services is that they don’t use cash).

Overall Uber and Cabify were satisfied with the arrangements, having said from the beginning that they were prepared to contribute to city coffers.

You can find out more information about Uber and the Spanish company Cabify on their respective web sites.

See Also: Uber Cabs Expand in Mexico

The post App-Cabs Get the Green Light in Mexico City first appeared on Mexperience.]]>