Comments on: Learn About Your Mexico Visitors Permit, FMM Experience More of Mexico Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:20:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mexperience Wed, 07 Sep 2016 15:49:03 +0000 In reply to Maria Pineda.

Hi Maria, the online FMM application procedure is quite new and you’d need to contact the INM direct to ask them to be sure, although it’s probably the Air option you need. Another option would be for you to get your FMM in person at the land border, and take that to the airport with you.

By: Maria Pineda Wed, 07 Sep 2016 04:10:40 +0000 One question: I’m a US citizen planning to travel to Guadalajara, Mexico. I have my US passport ready, but I have yet to get the required FMM. This is my question: Which one do I need, the “by land” or “by air” form? Although I am entering by land through a US/Mexico border crossing (Calexico/Mexicali), I am flying from Mexicali, BC, Mexico. I don’t want to err in this, because I don’t want to have to pay for two forms. Thank you in advance for responding.

By: Mexperience Wed, 31 Aug 2016 21:26:16 +0000 In reply to David.

Hi David,

According to immigration law, it’s not possible to extend the FMM (Visitor’s permit) beyond the number of days you were granted when you arrived and you must leave the country; it cannot be extended at a Mexican airport, nor at the local INM offices. If you over-stay on a FMM, you need to pay a fine at the (air)port you leave from; the fine is based on the number of days over-stay.

By: David Sat, 27 Aug 2016 19:43:18 +0000 I am flying back to Vancouver next week only because I want to turn around and come back to Puerto Vallarta and stay another 180 days. For a four day visit back to Canada, it’s going to cost me approximately $2,000 as I no longer have a casa there.
Today an expat from Calgary told me that I can just go to immigration at the airport and pay a fee (around 2,400 pesos) and that immigration will then give me another 180 day visitors permit.

Is this true, and will it affect the next time I want to leave Mexico and return?

By: Mexperience Sun, 07 Aug 2016 20:54:17 +0000 In reply to Darrell.

Hi Darrell,

You can register your vehicle for “multiple entries and exits”. For details about this, read the section on multiple entries and exits on our Driving in Mexico Guide, here:

By: Darrell Sun, 07 Aug 2016 20:27:19 +0000 I am in Monterrey with a foreign vehicle and FMM. I would like to travel to McAllen for a few hours. Do I need to surrender my FMM and vehicle permit?

By: Rod Mon, 01 Aug 2016 21:48:35 +0000 In reply to Mexperience.

Do NOT plan on getting your FMM at the Reynosa airport. You may well be sent back to the bridge/border depending on the agent in charge that day.

By: Mexperience Thu, 28 Jul 2016 15:32:25 +0000 In reply to Frank.

Hi Frank

No, as the article says, you only need a FMM is you intend to travel beyond the ~35km “free zone”. As Juarez is on the border and well within the free zone, there is no need to get a FMM.

By: Frank Thu, 28 Jul 2016 15:20:20 +0000 I need to go to Juarez for a 3 hour business meeting.
Do I need to get an FMM for this?

By: Mexperience Sat, 23 Jul 2016 21:28:03 +0000 In reply to Mike.

Hi Mike,
The 180 day limit is per-visit, not per year. So you can remain in Mexico for as many days as the official gave you when you entered (that will not exceed 180 days), and then you must leave the country. You can return afterwards (there is no minimum time you have to be away before you can return) and get another FMM. If you continue to leave and re-enter you are likely to have your intentions questioned when you return.

By: Mike Sat, 23 Jul 2016 00:34:46 +0000 Hi, not sure if this thread is still active, but I’ll try my question and see. Is Mexican immigration strictly enforcing the only 180 days per year requirement? We are planning to stay near Puerto Vallarta 5 months until Christmas, then fly home for the holidays then hopefully fly back to the RV with a fresh 180 days and continue south to Central America. Do you know if that’s possible. Thanks

By: Mexperience Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:49:07 +0000 In reply to Lirika Visser.

Hi Lirika
You can find details about that on this related article:
