Comments on: Advice About Dealing with Mosquitoes in Mexico Experience More of Mexico Tue, 06 Aug 2024 04:34:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carlos Tue, 06 Aug 2024 04:34:54 +0000 I jump up crazy swinging everywhere. Have fun! I did after I was bitten several times! I went on a mission…killed them all!! 😁Finally!! Shut your windows at night!!]]> In reply to Shayla.

#@#! Mexican mosquito. They are fast and sneaky S.O.B’s I was up for three hours just to kill one!! Smart too! I’d go to bed and just as I started to fall into a deep sleep… I hear it near my ear ….buzzzzzzzzzzbuzzzzzz….🤬I jump up crazy swinging everywhere.

Have fun! I did after I was bitten several times! I went on a mission…killed them all!! 😁Finally!! Shut your windows at night!!

By: Carlos Tue, 06 Aug 2024 04:34:01 +0000 I jump up crazy swinging everywhere. Have fun! I did after I was bitten several times! I went on a mission…killed them all!! 😁Finally!! Shut your windows at night!!]]> #@#! Mexican mosquito. They are fast and sneaky S.O.B’s I was up for three hours just to kill one!! Smart too! I’d go to bed and just as I started to fall into a deep sleep… I hear it near my ear ….buzzzzzzzzzzbuzzzzzz….🤬I jump up crazy swinging everywhere.

Have fun! I did after I was bitten several times! I went on a mission…killed them all!! 😁Finally!! Shut your windows at night!!

By: Luchia Fri, 21 Jun 2024 05:13:41 +0000 In reply to Tracy Tugwell.

Lavender is also said to be very relaxing. Hopefully it doesn’t work because you’re so relaxed you just don’t care you got bit. ????

By: Luchia Fri, 21 Jun 2024 05:11:04 +0000 In reply to Sharon.

Some people would probably have to stay in the shower all day and all night with the bar of soap.

By: Katy Noyes Sat, 27 Apr 2024 16:16:38 +0000 Peppermint oil is a deterrent scent also

By: Shayla Tue, 26 Dec 2023 22:51:25 +0000 In reply to Tracy Tugwell.

Thank you so much for this! I’m so scared of being bit and I see so much mix talk. I’m also O+ and my husband is like a natural mosquito repellent hahaha he never gets bit… I get it all. I will definitely give the lavender a try!

By: Siena Van Brabant Thu, 29 Jun 2023 16:15:02 +0000 In reply to Tracy Tugwell.

I read a study where products were tested to see which would work the best against being bitten by mosquitos and the best product was PALMER’S Cocoa Butter Formula Daily Skin Therapy Body Lotion. Give that a try.

By: Susan Carter Tue, 09 May 2023 03:19:28 +0000 In reply to Tracy Tugwell.

Thank you! Will definitely try!

By: Richard Wagner Sun, 30 Apr 2023 01:53:58 +0000 I understand that mosquitos thrive in hot, moist and humid climates. However, when I spent a week in a pueblito in the mountains in Oaxaca, I was persecuted by mosquitos! I guess that they were mosquitos, but I did not see them. In the US, mosquitos are very obvious. One hears them at night, when one is trying to sleep, and they can be seen. They tell me that the mosquitos in Oaxaca are very small, and not easily seen. But some insect ate me alive.

By: Sharon Thu, 27 May 2021 17:54:12 +0000 I have found that washing the bitten area with soap and water works for me. It takes away the sting almost immediately.

By: Tracy Tugwell Mon, 27 Apr 2020 03:06:44 +0000 I always seem to be a special dish to mosquitos. I’ve heard O+ blood is their favorite. My first spring and summer in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora was last year and at first I was suffering. I always eat a lot, I mean A LOT, of onions and garlic, but that wasn’t getting it. I always heard the scent of lavander worked. I dislike flowery smells. I prefer spicy ones like vanilla, cinnamon and such but I tried it. It worked! I bought lavander oil and put it at my pulse points and places I often get bit. Not only did mosquitos keep their distance but flies tended to also (another bug that bugs me!). So give it a go. It worked for me and that’s saying something!
